Xiao Bai waited for a long time until Theodora's blood dried up, but no one came. This made Xiao Bai know that those demons were not stupid. After realizing that neither Demon King Sirzechs nor Demon King Achuka took action. Under the circumstances, they will not take the initiative to take action.

"It seems that I thought everyone was too stupid!"

Xiao Bai originally thought that those demons would jump out. After all, the villains in the novels he read jumped out one by one like crazy people to show how awesome they were. Then he was driven crazy by the protagonist. It was a slap in the face, but I didn't expect it to be ineffective in my case. What a pity.

Looking at Theodora's distorted face, full of unwillingness at the moment of death, Xiao Bai sighed.

If someone jumped out to show off for himself at this moment, What a slap in the face - what a pity.

Just when Xiao Bai was about to leave, he suddenly noticed something.

"The old devil sect?"

Just now, Xiao Bai noticed a fleeting breath and shadow. The other party was obviously those individuals from the old Demon King Sect. Xiao Bai thought of Theodora and those people from the old Demon King Sect. It has something to do with it.

I almost forgot that this Theodora is not only bad, but also stupid and bad!

Those people from the old Demon King sect are all blood relatives of the old Demon King who was kicked down, but Theodora is the new one. Blood relatives of the Demon King.

The old Demon King sect is equivalent to the emperor in ancient times, and the new Demon King is equivalent to a rebel.

And Theodora, a successful rebel, is still mixed with those old Demon King sect. I can only say that he is The brain is really sick.

I guess Theodora's vision is very smart, and I feel that I can control everything. However, Xiao Bai really doesn't know what to say to this kind of idiot.

But although Xiao Bai feels The aura of those people from the old Demon King Sect, but those people from the old Demon King Sect did not appear. It seems that the other party is not stupid. He sighed again, obviously trying to show off, but it turned out to be so difficult, Xiao Bai sighed helplessly in his heart

"It's so hard for me."

I just wanted to find an excuse to take action, but the result was that these people were so stunned that they didn't even give an excuse. It was too much.

Xiao Bai didn't even look at Theodora's body and left directly.

After Xiao Bai left Soon, Sirzechs and Achuka appeared here.


Aqiu Ka said calmly. Although he said it was a pity, there was really no pity in his tone.

"Indeed, it would be a good thing if Xiao Bai's hands could be used to deal with those stubborn elements this time. Unfortunately, Xiao Bai was too shrewd."

Sazechs is also a little regretful. Even his sister was involved in the conspiracy, but the result was still not able to achieve the result he wanted.

"Xiao Bai has guessed this, right?"

"This is inevitable. The opponent's magical beast already represents the other party's intentions. We want to use the opponent's hands to get rid of these stubborn elements, but the appearance of that magical beast is to disguise Xiao Bai as something. We don’t even know, let’s take care of it ourselves"

"He really threw us a difficult problem. Sirzechs and Aqiu Ka sighed one after another.

They originally wanted to use Xiao Bai, but they didn't expect that instead of successfully using Xiao Bai, they were defeated by Xiao Bai.

After returning to Shitori Sona, he thought of the ugly expressions on Sirzechs and the others' faces and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. As soon as Shitori Sona opened the door, he saw Xiao Bai's Dragon King smile with a black line on his head. He asked Xiao Bai:"What happened again to make you laugh like this?""

Xiao Bai directly told Shitori Sona what he had done.

After listening, Shitori Sona instantly fell into silence. What Shitori Sona didn't want to face finally happened.

Is there anyone on the devil's side? It's so dark that Chitose Sona doesn't know anything about it, but at least he has some understanding of it. It's precisely because of this that Chitose Sona wants to break the monopoly of those nobles and establish a ranked game school.

"According to my estimation, His Majesty Sirzechs and the others will definitely not do anything more. The most likely thing is that this matter will be reduced to a major issue."

"What does this have to do with me? If they want to take advantage of me, then I will cause trouble for them. What will happen is not what I care about."

"You really are"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Shitori Cangna sighed. Shitori Cangna never expected that the final result would be like this.

Xiao Bai didn't care about the result at all, he only cared about how much trouble it would cause Sirzechs and the others.

"Speaking of the God of the Bible's paradise, they should be almost ready. I want to go and play with the God of the Bible!"

Xiao Bai found an excuse and prepared to run away.

"Were you going to play?"

Shitori Sona didn't even bother to expose Xiao Bai's thoughts. Is Xiao Bai looking for the God of the Bible to play with?

It's clear that he wants to kill the God of the Bible.

But Shitori Sona knows that besides supporting Xiao Bai now There is no other choice. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't make this world a mess!"

"Don't worry, I'm measured and won't make it difficult for you."

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, Chitori Cangna couldn't feel relieved at all. Sometimes Xiao Bai's verbal assurances were really unbelievable.

"I hope it's like what you said. Xiao

Bai held up Shitori Sona's cheek:"Don't worry, after all, I am only interested in the person of the God of the Bible. Even if the other party honestly hands over the person of the God of the Bible to me, then I No need to do anything anymore"

"I went to heaven."

Xiao Bai waved his hand and left.

When he arrived at the first level of heaven, Xiao Bai knew that the God of the Bible had discovered him.

"I said no matter what, why don’t I come out to greet you even though I’m here?"

The Daxia Dragon Bird appeared in Xiao Bai's hand and then slashed it out. In an instant, the heavens collapsed layer by layer. The God of the Bible led a group of angels in the holy light and appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

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