Seeing the God of the Bible, Xiao Bai, appearing in front of him, he said with a smile on his face:"I specially left time for you to prepare, but it seems that you are not prepared at all."

The God of the Bible seems to have not made many preparations or even made any changes.

Xiao Bai would have no difficulty at all if he wanted to kill the other party, so Xiao Bai looked at the God of the Bible and wondered if this old guy was waiting to die?

But looking at the reaction of the God of the Bible, it was obvious that the other party was not waiting for death.

Instead, they are exploring Xiao Bai's origin and identity, but the God of Time Bible's investigation of Xiao Bai is only limited to the connection between Xiao Bai and the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

Then there is some"970" connection between Xiao Bai and the devil, and the rest cannot be found out at all.

The God of the Bible had experienced Xiao Bai's strength and knew very well that he was no match for Xiao Bai, so the God of the Bible tried every means to find out, hoping to find out where Xiao Bai came from.

But in the end, the God of the Bible did not find out the origin of Xiao Bai at all. On the contrary, the God of the Bible did not make any response to Xiao Bai because he spent time inquiring about Xiao Bai's identity, so that now Xiao Bai had no way to deal with the appearance of the God of the Bible. Of course, the short time was also a reason.

If there really was a fight, the God of the Bible knew very well that there was a high probability that he would not be Xiao Bai’s opponent.

"The same goes for handing over the person of God, or for me to kill you and then take the person of God myself."

Xiao Bai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and made a condition to the God of the Bible straightforwardly. If the other party agrees, it would be best if Xiao Bai doesn't do anything. If the other party doesn't agree, then Xiao Bai can only say that he is sorry. The world is up and down. No chickens or dogs were spared.

Feeling the killing intent coming from Xiao Bai, the God of the Bible was a little hard to make a choice. The

God of the Bible knew very well how important the person of God he possessed was, and it could even be said that the God of the Bible today could With such strength, the person of God takes most of the credit.

The God of the Bible is reluctant to hand over the person of God.

Not to mention that the person of God is the threshold to the multiverse, even for the current God of the Bible Even the single universe has not yet been reached, but this does not mean that the God of the Bible does not know the importance of God's personality.

Xiao Bai showed a trace of ridicule on his face when he saw the God of the Bible, and his head almost moved. He actually looked reluctant to leave. In this case, there was no need for Xiao Bai to talk nonsense. He picked up the Daxia Dragon Bird in his hand, and then slashed out with a knife, which instantly made the world without light.

Countless angels fell under Xiao Bai's knife. They turned into stumps and broken arms, and the ground was suddenly covered with the flesh and blood of these angels.

There were also those feathers that fell from their wings.

"By the way, can these wings be used as chicken wings for barbecue?"

Xiao Bai looked at the angel's wings and had this idea, then he raised a fire and directly grabbed an angel and tore off the wings on the other's back.

As a result, the other's wings left the body. Then it turned into light and disappeared!

"I thought I could grill some angel wings."

Xiao Bai's words were undoubtedly like a slap on the face of a group of angels. If these angels had not been able to defeat Xiao Bai, they would have crushed Xiao Bai to death.

Xiao Bai smiled. , looking at these angels, their eyes were full of cold expressions.

The God of the Bible, this old guy, was greedy for power and chose to fight to the death, so there was no need for Xiao Bai to talk nonsense with the other party. If the other party wanted to die, he would fulfill it. The opponent is.

Xiao Bai intends to kill all of these angels without leaving a trace. His domineering energy once again wraps around the Great Xia Dragon Bird in Xiao Bai's hand. Then Xiao Bai swings out the blade in his hand unceremoniously. A blast. The unrivaled sword pressure instantly slashed out from the dragon bird in the building. All the angels it passed were covered with chicken feathers.

Xiao Bai laughed loudly, looking at the eyes of those angels, they were so hateful. I wish I could cut Xiao Bai into pieces with a thousand knives.

"I just like how you look like you want to kill me but you can do nothing about me.........."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The looks of these angels are really funny. Xiao Bai likes the look of these angels who want to kill him but are helpless.

Xiao Bai previously gave these angels the opportunity to change their families, but unfortunately these angels did not respond at all.

If these angels knew better, Xiao Bai would at least be merciful, but they didn't cherish the opportunity Xiao Bai gave them, so these angels died without mercy.

The God of the Bible was not dead, but he was almost dead. Xiao Bai cut off one of the legs and one hand of the God of the Bible.

At this time, the God of the Bible was still dying. Xiao Bai looked at the God of the Bible and said,"You can't do it, little dog!"

Xiao Bai's ridicule made the God of the Bible even more ugly.

After Xiao Bai said these words, the God of the Bible seemed to have made some decision. The God of the Bible looked at Xiao Bai:"Even if I die, I will not let you get the status of God!"

"Yoyoyo, do you still have any means of resistance now? If so, please feel free to use it. I'd like to see what else you can do."

Xiao Bai has a smile on his face, but his life is full of ridicule. The God of the Bible is like a dog. He has become a disabled person and is not honest.

Xiao Bai would like to take a look at the 2.8 God of the Bible. Is there really any other way?

A ferocious look appeared on the God of Nervous's face. The next moment, Xiao Bai knew what the God of the Bible was going to do. The

God of the Bible actually wanted to detonate the system and make the system self-destruct. To achieve Xiao Bai's goal is not cheap. To be honest, Xiao Bai really didn't expect the God of the Bible to be so stupid. He was so stupid that Xiao Bai almost laughed, okay? The other party thought that he could threaten Xiao Bai with just this look, and then Or could Xiao Bai return empty-handed just like this?

"Do you think I came here alone?"

The next moment, the God of the Bible suddenly let out a scream. The God of the Bible never thought that the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus would actually steal the house.

The system was forcibly taken away by Orpheus.

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