Xiao Bai and Himejima Akeno walked out of the student union. Himejima Akeno looked at Xiao Bai beside him, exuding the aura of hormones all the time.

But Xiao Bai seemed to have not seen it. Himejima Akeno was a little unwilling to accept this. He was not ugly either, but why was Xiao Bai completely indifferent to him.

The two of them walked forward in silence like this, and finally Himejima Akeno couldn't bear it anymore.

He directly pushed Xiao Bai to the wall, and then Himejima Akeno looked at Xiao Bai:"Do you hate me so much?"

It is absolutely impossible to actively pursue a girl like Himejima Akeno. If you take the initiative, the other party won't care. On the contrary, if you leave her alone, she will take the initiative to come to you.

Of course, there is a premise for all this, that is, Himejima Akeno must be interested in you. Xiao Bai doesn't know why Himejima Akeno is interested in him. Xiao Bai most likely thinks that it is because Himejima Akeno has been Xiao before. Shiro's mental oppression triggered the M attribute in Akeno Himejima's heart.

"I don’t hate it, I just don’t like being treated like a moving stick for self-comfort."

"I'm not, I didn't! Himejima

Akeno looked at Xiao Bai and retorted, but Xiao Bai didn't pay attention.

"Okay, isn't Rias looking for me? Let's go quickly, lest Rias wait too long and bother me and Sona every day."

Himejima Akeno's face was full of unwillingness, and she clenched her fists at Xiao Bai's attitude.

Himejima Akeno couldn't understand why he was like this. He really didn't interest Xiao Bai at all. Is it?

Although the reason why Himejima Akeno is acting like this now is because of the pleasure Xiao Bai gave Himejima Akeno in a desperate situation, but

Later, Wu Yan and Himejima Akeno came to the Supernatural Research Department.

After arriving at the Supernatural Research Department, Xiao Bai discovered that there was another person besides Rias in the Supernatural Research Department.



Looking at Gulefia, Xiao Bai clicked his tongue. Xiao Bai had very low resistance to the maid, white hair, and Ju Ru. Unfortunately, the other party was already a wife. The morality in his heart prevented Xiao Bai from being right. He had never had sex with him. Conflicted housewives do something

"What's your expression?"

Rias looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little pity. Ms. Gurefia really poked my XP, but it's a pity that she is already married."

Rias's face turned dark instantly. She was still here, but Xiao Bai, a bitch, actually said such things to her sister-in-law.

And was she worse than her sister-in-law?

She stared at Xiao Bai and Li Yashen. Yasi really wants to do something to Xiao Bai now. The best thing is to beat this bitch to death. Knowing that she is feeling uncomfortable now, this bitch is actually in love with her sister-in-law.

Gulefia Indeed, he looked at Xiao Bai with a plain face:"Your Excellency, you are so complimentary, Miss Rias is much more beautiful than me!"

Xiao Bai glanced at Rias without saying anything, and then sat directly on the sofa next to him and said:"Then just tell me, why do you come to me? I don't think you will come to Rias. of.

Rias couldn't help but said:"Why do you say that like this?""

Seeing that Rias actually dared to be arrogant, Xiao Bai couldn't help but turn his head away. His eyes looked like he was looking at a fool.

"No, no, no, is it possible that you really think you have the right to let the other party come to you?"

Gurefia interrupted Rias, and then spoke to Xiao Bai:"This time I came to ask about the heaven."

Although Rias said that she was still a little unwilling, she did not continue to speak. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It seems like it spread pretty quickly, and all you demons already know about it.

Rias was confused:"What exactly is going on?""

"The God of Nervousness was resurrected not long ago, and just yesterday Mr. Xiao Bai went to heaven to kill the God of the Bible and also killed a large number of angels."

Rias's eyes flashed with shock, and her eyes were full of disbelief. Xiao Bai single-handedly went to heaven to kill not only the God of the Bible, but also a large number of angels. Rias felt that it was really It's so crazy.

If this sentence hadn't come from Gulefia's mouth, Rias would have even wondered if someone was playing tricks on her. After all, this matter was beyond Rias' imagination..The

God of the Bible was killed, and he was still in heaven

"Don't think there's anything strange about it. You will die if you are killed. The same goes for the God of the Bible. The only difference is the difficulty."

Gurefia ignored Xiao Bai's teasing and looked at Xiao Bai:"I want to know if you need help on this side. The devil will do its best to help you."

"Do you think I might need your help? Or do you think that in the name of helping me, you can make me regard you demons as allies?"

"Go back and tell Sirzechs not to think of me as a fool. All their tricks are leftover from my tricks."

The methods used by Sirzechs and others are all the results of Xiao Bai's tricks. These individuals used them one by one on Xiao Bai.

Gurefia still had a plain face:"We just hope that Able to become friends with you"

"The devil is not qualified to be my friend, and can only surrender and be destroyed. The angels have decided to be my lackeys. The next angels will conquer various myths, and by then all the beliefs in this world will be under the name of God."

Gurefia's face changed slightly and she already heard what Xiao Bai meant. The devil will either surrender or be destroyed.

"There is no third way to choose. Don't expect me not to take action against the devil for Sona's sake. Sona can't stop this."

Gurefia's expression was a little solemn, but then she still said to Xiao Bai:"I will convey your request to His Majesty Lucifer."

Xiao Bai nodded noncommittally, and Gulefiya stood up and bowed slightly to the fireman.

"So please forgive me for taking my leave now. I will ask Ms. Rias to inform you of any decisions the devil has in the future."

With a flash of light from the magic circle, Gurefia disappeared into the Supernatural Research Department.

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