After Gulefiya left, the anger in Rias's eyes when she looked at Xiao Bai was no longer concealed. The ferocity in her eyes almost seemed like she wanted to eat Xiao Bai alive.

"If you have anger in your heart, don't take it out on me. I don't owe you anything!"

Xiao Bai's words immediately made Rias helpless, and she couldn't express the anger in her heart. Xiao Bai didn't offend herself. She had no reason to be angry at Xiao Bai. What's more, even Xiao Bai's She is not a girlfriend, so there is no reason to be angry at Xiao Bai.

Seeing that Rias calmed down again, she nodded with satisfaction. It was not bad, at least it was not hopeless, and she was not angry at herself. , Xiao Bai is quite satisfied with this.

"If you really have a"two-four-seven" fire in your heart, then you can get angry at the devil, at those demon nobles who used you, even your brother. After all, they used you, but I didn't I don't owe you anything"

"The reason why you are like this nowIncompetent and furious, that's because you know you can't take one breath!"

Rias's eyes held a trace of resentment, but in the end she had to admit that Xiao Bai's words were right. It was precisely because Rias knew that she was helpless that she was used this time, even just because she was being used. Not even an apology.

That's why Larias Gremory is so angry.

"So now that you know what's going on next time, don't cause trouble to me. It's the demon nobles who have a grudge against you, not me. Rias breathed out:"I am not willing to be used like this, so I want you to help me, at least teach those people a lesson!"

Xiao Bai neither agreed nor rejected Rias's request:"If you want me to help you, you must at least have a reason. I can't just help you without any reason.""

"As a boyfriend, I think it’s enough."

"This is enough, but you forgot one thing. I have no reason to help you. I don't want to become your boyfriend just for this reason."

"And I don’t want to have to help you deal with the Risel Phoenix matter because of this matter, so don’t think about it. I don’t have that much free time to help you with this matter."

Rias was trembling with anger. She was already like this, suggesting that Xiao Bai was still indifferent. This man deserved to die.

Xiao Bai spread his hands, but he was not taking the initiative anyway.

Just when the two of them were pulling each other like this. At the same time, Himejima Akeno on the side said to Xiao Bai:"You are obviously a pervert, but as a result, you are not even willing to open your mouth even if the meat is brought to your mouth."

When Akeno Himejima arrived, Xiao Bai explained:"Because there are bones in this piece of meat, it is very difficult to chew, so I would rather not eat it."

Rias and Akeno Himejima were speechless for a moment. Who knows, family members? This man is like a dog, and he actually wants them to chew up the meat and feed it into his mouth.

"Since you are not willing to help as your boyfriend, then I can always ask for your help as a friend."

Rias finally compromised. It would be useless to be stubborn with Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai would not spoil her, so Rias finally compromised. Since Xiao

Bai didn't want to be with her boyfriend. If you want to help yourself with your identity, then you can ask Xiao Bai for help as a friend.

"It's not like I can't help if I'm a friend."

Xiao Bai glanced at Rias and said, and then a monster emerged from Xiao Bai's shadow.

"This monster has the strength of a dragon god. He took this monster to the underworld and killed all the demon nobles."

Looking at the big black wolf wagging its tail next to Xiao Bai, the expressions of Rias and Himejima Akeno were a little uncontrollable for a moment.

This big black wolf has the dragon god level. Strength?

Akeno Himejima and Rias are not the kind of rookies who knew nothing before. Naturally, they know that the strength of Dragon God level is still higher than that of the transcendent.

In other words, this wolf is stronger than his brother. He is still strong, this is outrageous..........

However, what made Rias feel even more speechless was that Xiao Bai actually asked her to take this group of people to the underworld for a killing spree.

But not to mention that Rias thinks Xiao Bai's method is quite good. If possible, Rias really wants to directly start a grass-cutting unparalleled mode as Xiao Bai said.

It's a pity that Rias's reason tells Rias that she can't do this

"Why should you treat yourself badly in life? Isn't it good to enjoy grudges and grudges? Whoever offends you will kill the other person. Why should you wrong yourself and compromise for the sake of the so-called overall situation?"

"Why don't they think about the overall situation when they are using you? Since they don't care, why should you care? Don't you think so?"

Rias' face was extremely tangled.

Every word Xiao Bai said was on Rias's heart. Why should she put the overall situation first? Why should they be able to persuade her with peace of mind after using her? The overall situation is the most important thing. Why don't they think about the overall situation when they are using themselves?

Looking at Rias, Xiao Bai continued to confuse:"Take this wolf and go and kill all the demon nobles who have bewitched you. After that, you You will find that your thoughts are clearer, and you will find that you don't need to wrong yourself, let alone put the overall situation of dog 5.4 first."

Rias was in a daze and almost believed what Xiao Bai said. But fortunately, at this moment Rias suddenly woke up and looked at Xiao Bai with a trace of vigilance.

"I was almost bewitched by you!

Xiao Bai shrugged:"Bewitched?" If you don't have such thoughts in your heart, nothing I say will have any impact on you. In fact, you have already understood in your heart that you have already become intolerable to those demon nobles. You want to eliminate these cancers. , and my words are just a trigger."

Rias stared at Xiao Bai with Lily's eyes:"You actually just want to use me to get rid of those demon nobles who hinder Sona's ideas for Sona, am I right?"

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