Rias was not stupid enough to see through what Xiao Bai's true purpose was.

Xiao Bai obviously intends to use his own hands to eliminate unnecessary troubles for Shitori Sona. Those demon nobles have been blocking Shitori Sona from establishing a ranked game school.

Now that Xiao Bai is letting himself go on a killing spree, isn't this just to clear the way for Shitori Sona?

No matter how stupid Rias is, she can still see that there is something wrong.

Xiao Bai didn't care that his purpose was discovered by Rias, but looked at Rias in a calm tone and said:"You will agree, right?"

"Not only can he breathe a sigh of relief for himself, but he can even take this opportunity to forcefully terminate his engagement with Russell Phoenix.

Rias suddenly looked at Xiao Bai:"Tell me what my expression would be like if I rejected you at this moment.""

Xiao Bai can't figure out the reason for Liya's refusal at all.

"Refuse, I can’t think of the reason for your refusal!"

"I just want to see if you can really watch me marry someone else!"

Rias is directly forcing the palace. Rias is using this method to force Xiao Bai to make a choice. Rias is very unconvinced. Is there such a big gap between herself and Shitori Sona?

So Rias wanted to use this method to make Xiao Bai make a choice.

However, Xiao Bai looked at Rias and asked with a smile:"Then, guess whether Risel Phoenix still dares to marry you?"

Rias was stunned, and the expression on her face became a little tangled. According to Rias' understanding, it is most likely impossible.

"It seems that you yourself understand that it's impossible, so I don't need to make a choice at all."

Rias is almost going crazy. Xiao Bai, a bastard, has already arranged everything in the world properly. She

He is so angry!

Seeing that Rias was about to become a puffer fish with anger, Xiao Bai couldn't help but said:"So it's up to you whether you want to seize this opportunity or not. This is the first time for everyone. Why? You have to worry about the so-called overall situation and have wronged yourself."

Himejima Akeno also advised Rias:"Do what you want to do, after all, they don't care about your feelings, so why should you care? The so-called overall situation."

Although Rias's reason told Rias that she should not listen to Xiao Bai's words, Rias's sensibility was telling Rias to focus on the tmd game and go to the tmd to be quiet.

You all must die!!!

Rias looked at the dragon god level monster and asked directly:"Then what should I do to control this monster!"

If this monster really has the strength of the dragon god level, then Rias said that in the underworld Those so-called demon nobles just wash my neck and wait for death.

"It's very simple. Now you can face this monster and do anything."

Rias followed Xiao Bai's words and began to try to control a magical beast. As a result, she found that she could really control this magical beast.

"So have fun and hope I can hear the good news soon."

Rias snorted coldly and was extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai's words made Rias very unhappy. She was taken advantage of by Xiao Bai and she still wanted Xiao Bai to see the joke. This hatred of Lias Live.

Xiao Bai said goodbye and left, and Rias took the Warcraft to the underworld. Today, Rias is going to go on a killing spree. Damn it, your mother’s overall situation is the most important thing. Oh, I’m so tired!


Sirzechs also fell into silence after listening to Gurefia's words. Sirzechs could not help but ignore what Xiao Bai said.

To put it more unpleasantly, even if Xiao Bai asks Sirzechs to divorce Gurefia, and then sends Gurefia to Xiao Bai's bed, Sirzechs can only agree, for the continuation of the demon clan..

Suddenly, Sirzechs received a piece of news, and his expression suddenly changed. Sirzechs was in disbelief:"Rias is actually killing those demon nobles?"

How could he still not understand his sister? When did Rias have such strength? Even if she entered the threshold of the Demon King with the help of Xiao Bai, it is completely impossible to do such a thing unless

Sirzechs thought of the only possibility, that is, the person behind this incident was Xiao Bai.

Sirzechs' face became extremely ugly.

Gulefiya was also in disbelief, and then she also guessed the truth of the matter. I am afraid that this matter was caused by Xiao Bai.

But what can we do if we know it? Can we change it if we know it?

Now Rias is slaughtering those demon nobles. Even Sirzechs can stop it, but does Sirzechs dare?

What if Rias disowns her relatives when the time comes?Well, this is unlikely.

Rias can be easily dealt with, but if Xiao Bai, who is behind Rias, is offended, the underworld will not be as simple as killing some demon nobles.

There were 030 emotions ranging from frustration to anger. In the end, Sirzechs understood that he had to make a choice.

Grafia looked at Sirzechs and said,"Are you going to stop Rias?"

Sirzechs did not answer this question. Now Sirzechs was actually very hesitant and confused in his heart.

"Maybe I shouldn't have thought about this matter from the beginning and turned it into a small matter. I ignored Rias's own feelings. It was precisely because of this reason that this matter happened now."

How could his sister Sirzechs not understand? Sirzechs also realized that it was his way of minimizing big things this time that made Rias angry, which led to Rias being taken advantage of by Xiao Bai. , otherwise his sister would never do such a thing according to her character. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) What

Sirzechs is thinking now is why Xiao Bai would do such a thing. This one What good does it do for Xiao Bai to act like this?

Is Xiao Bai using this method to express his dissatisfaction with himself?

Or is it?

Sirzechs glanced at Gurefia and had an idea in his mind.

But now is not the time to think about this. What Sirzechs has to do now is to stop Rias from continuing to kill..

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