Relying on the Dragon God-level monsters, Rias liquidated all the demon nobles who had offended her one by one.

When Sirzechs arrived, Rias was using the magic of destruction to destroy a pure-blooded demon bit by bit.

When Sirzechs arrived, the pure-blood demon noble saw a glimmer of hope and cast a look at Sirzechs for help. However, it was obvious that Rias gave him hope but made him despair, and he was instantly destroyed. The power completely destroyed the pure-blooded demon and then looked at Sirzechs:"You're here, brother!"

Sirzechs looked at Rias and said:"I need to apologize to you for what happened before, Rias. , but everything is for the continuation of the devil, the existence of the group is higher than one's own existence!"

Rias was not surprised at all by Sirzechs's answer.

"I have nothing to say about this, nor am I dissatisfied. You have your own approach, and I also have my own thoughts."

Sirzechs looked slightly solemn after hearing what Rias said. Rias's words meant that there was no room for reversal of the matter, and Rias would not give up!

"Rias, you have already killed so many demon nobles. Let's stop here. If you continue to kill, it will cause turmoil in the demon society. The overall situation is more important!"

The corner of Rias' mouth twitched slightly after hearing that the overall situation was the most important thing.

What Rias doesn't want to hear the most now is the so-called overall situation. For the so-called overall situation, she will have to wrong herself?

Is this the first time for everyone ? Why should a demon have to aggrieve himself? Rias today just wants to tell Sirzechs that the overall situation of the bullshit is more important, so they all need to die.

"Brother, if you want to stop me, then defeat me, otherwise I will kill all those who plot against me, leaving no one behind~'! Sirzechs

' eyes instantly became sharp and he looked at Rias and said,"Rias, even if it is my sister, I will not let go of anyone who wants to undermine the stability of the demon world.""

Rias looked at her brother who was also unyielding:"Come on then. I also want to see how strong you are. Rias was also unyielding and did not hesitate at all because of her brother's strength. Worry.

With the dragon god-level monster given by Xiao Bai, even his brother is definitely no match for him. Today, Rias just wants to breathe a sigh of relief.

The monster instantly emerged from the shadow under Rias' feet, and then looked at Sirzechs in front of him and let out a whimper.

Sirzechs instantly felt like a light on his back. This monster made Sirzechs feel the feeling of death.

"This is the dragon god-level monster that Xiao Bai gave me. With this monster, brother, you cannot be my opponent, so brother, do you want to continue to stand in front of me? Sirzechs did not answer Rias's question but instead asked:"Will Xiao Bai take action?""

"he? I don't know, but you can give it a try! Sirzechs looked at Rias silently and said,"In that case, let me see your growth!""

Sirzechs instantly entered the destruction mode, and his whole person turned into the incarnation of the destruction magic.

After seeing Sirzechs' destruction mode, Rias realized how much control she had over the destruction magic. It's ridiculous.

But although Sirzechs' destruction mode is terrifying, Rias doesn't think she will lose at all at this time. You must know that Rias now controls a dragon god-level monster.

Facing the dragon Rias, a god-level monster, doesn't think her brother can defeat this monster.

Sirzechs is indeed no match for this dragon-god monster, but Sirzechs doesn't necessarily have to defeat this dragon-god monster. Sirzechs It would be enough for X to defeat Rias.

In the Kuoh Academy Student Union, Xiao Bai was holding Shitori Sona and watching the battle between Rias and Sirzechs through a light screen.

"Sirzechs may have set his target on Rias. He can't defeat your monster, but he only needs to defeat Rias."

Shitori Sona and Xiao Bai were watching the battle between Rias and Sirzechs. Shitori Sona was a little speechless that Xiao Bai actually asked Rias to do this.

Yas has already gone to the underworld to go on a killing spree. At this time, there is no point in Shitori Sona trying to stop her.

On the contrary, the relationship between herself and Rias will be cracked by stopping Rias. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If not, then Rias can vent her anger. As for the consequences, it is naturally Xiao Bai’s responsibility. Xiao Bai’s fault is Xiao Bai’s instigation of Liya. It was so natural that Xiao Bai had to take responsibility.

"Rias didn't offend you either, why would you go to such extent?"

"But these pure-blooded demons have offended you, haven't they? I know exactly how these so-called pure-blooded demons slandered you before!"

"Just for this kind of thing? Shitori

Cangna looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment, but Xiao Bai stabbed Shitori Cangna's forehead with his finger:"You are mine, do you understand?" If I don’t give you face, I don’t give me face. If I don’t give me face, I will die!"

Shitori Sona shook his head and said nothing more. Although he knew that Xiao Bai was quibbling, it was no longer important.

Rias's action has become an ironclad fact, and the subsequent turmoil in the demon society is almost over. is predictable, even

(Yes) Whether Demon King Sirzechs can survive depends on Xiao Bai's mood. If Xiao Bai wants to take this opportunity to kill Demon King Sirzechs as well, then Sirzechs will definitely Finished

"Who do you think will win in the end between Rias and Sirzechs?"

Shitori Cangna asked Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai looked at Cangna and smiled meaningfully:"It depends on who is cruel enough in the end! Shitori

Sona suddenly seemed to understand something:"Demon Lord Sirzechs doesn't seem to have offended you, right? Are you targeting him like this?""

Chitori Cang looked at Sirzechs with a strange expression. Demon King Sirzechs should not have offended Xiao Bai. Why did Xiao Bai have to target Sirzechs like this? Moreover, Sirzechs is Rias's brother..Suddenly the expression on Shitori Sona's face became strange:"Is it because of Gurefia?".

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