When Shitori Sona said that he was acting like this, Xiao Bai decisively shook his head and denied:"You are slandering me. You can slander me again!"

Shitori Sona chuckled and said nothing, but that look in his eyes clearly said something about you. No explanation is needed at all.

Seeing that the explanation was unclear, Xiao Bai didn't bother to explain. If you misunderstood, just misunderstand. Anyway, as long as Xiao Bai believes that he did not do that kind of thing, even if he is accused by thousands of people, as long as he believes that he is innocent..

With the speechless expression on Shitori Sona's face, she knew that Xiao Bai had no resistance to Bai Mao, but Shitori Sona didn't expect that Xiao Bai would not let go of even Gulefiya.

Xiao Bai has a moral bottom line in his heart, but if Gurefia and Sirzechs divorce, then Xiao Bai's moral bottom line will be gone, and Xiao Bai's moral bottom line can even be flexibly changed.

On the other side of the underworld, Sirzechs has confirmed that the monster created by Rias has the power of a dragon god. Even if Sirzechs uses all his trump cards, it is not a match for this monster at all. , and even Sirzechs knew very well that if Rias hadn't stopped this monster several times, he would probably be dead by now.

Sirzechs was already certain that if he didn't attack Rias, it would be basically impossible to defeat Rias. He could only get past this Dragon God-level monster and attack Rias directly.

But there is a consequence of doing this. Sirzechs cannot guarantee that Rias can keep herself safe under his destructive magic.

"Rias, if you don't stop, then I won't hold back anymore. A trace of anger flashed in Rias's eyes:"

Brother, you can defeat this dragon god-level monster, what are you talking about?""

After Rias said that, she ignored Sirzechs.

Sirzechs stopped talking and directly targeted Rias. Even if Rias is her sister, if Rias If he threatens the demon clan, then Sirzechs will also kill him.

Rias felt the killing intent emanating from Sirzechs. The expression on her face was a little ugly, but the same feeling was also ignited in her heart. Anger.

For the sake of these people who used her, her brother actually wanted to kill her. Rias had nowhere to vent the anger in her heart. It hurt. It hurt too much. She saw this scene in the Kuoh Academy Student Union. , Xiao Bai's mouth curved slightly, Sirzechs really didn't let him down at all.

So now, what will you do, Rias?

A trace of confusion flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes Just having fun.

Suddenly the magic circle in the student union lit up, and the next moment Gurefia appeared in the student union.

Shitori Sona looked at Gurefia who appeared in the student union, and a light flashed in her eyes. Immediately, I understood what the appearance of Gurefia here at this time meant. The appearance of Gurefia here at this time meant that Gurefia had already made a decision.

"Sir Xiao Bai, can you please take action to stop the battle between Sirzechs and Rias!"

Gurefia asked Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai didn't answer with a half-smile. He looked at Rias and Sirzechs in the light curtain in front of him.

"Sirzechs is ready to kill Rias, or Sirzechs has already taken action with the idea of ​​killing Rias. Do you think Sirzechs will succeed?"

Gurefia's body trembled slightly, and then she said to Xiao Bai:"Your Excellency Xiao Bai, please stop the battle between Rias and Sirzechs. I am willing to serve you."

(caed) Shitori Sona looked at Xiao Bai from the side, her eyes seemed to be saying: I knew you were doing it just for Gurefia.

"I reject!"

Xiao Bai spread his hands and rejected Gulefiya's request.

"You seem to think that I am doing this because I am interested in you, but I can clearly tell you that is not the case. In fact, I prefer to see a winner between Sirzechs and Rias.."

Gurefia's face showed a look of prayer as she looked at Shitori Sona, hoping that Shitori Sona could say something for herself and live up to Gurefia's expectations. Shitori Sona pulled Xiaobai's hand.

"That's about right. Wouldn't you feel bad if Rias was really injured, or worse, had an accident?"

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona speechlessly.

"Do you think I would make such a mistake? From the beginning, there was no such choice as Rias's failure."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The expressions of Gurefia and Shitori Sona changed instantly. Is Xiao Bai planning to use Rias's hand to get rid of Sirzechs?

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in taking action. The details depend on Rias. If Rias doesn't want to kill Sirzechs, then nothing will happen, but if Rias wants to kill someone, then Sirzechs Si is dead"

"To put it bluntly, it still depends on Rias's own choice. I handed this monster to Rias, so it is Rias's business how to deal with it in the future."

Shitori Sona and Gurefia both didn't believe what Xiao Bai said, but they had to believe it.

Gurefiya gritted her teeth and bowed slightly:"Please forgive me for being rude!"

The magic circle lit up again and Gulefiya disappeared. Shitori Cang looked at Xiao Bai with doubt on his face:"What on earth do you mean!"

"what do you mean!"

"Do you really want to take this opportunity to make Gurefia a widow?"

Xiao Bai: I was wronged!

Xiao Bai was wronged, but Xiao Bai didn't say anything

"That's enough, Rias will hate you later."

Xiao Bai spread his hands:"If I say that I really don't have such thoughts and you don't believe what I can do, I will just let Rias kill those demon nobles, and nothing else will matter. In my calculation."

Zhizhi Cang didn't believe a word of what Xiao Bai said.

As a former great emperor, Xiao Bai's thoughts could be guessed by ordinary people, so Zhi Cang had strong doubts. Xiao Bai There must be a conspiracy that he doesn't know about.

At least Chitori Cangna is willing to believe that the current situation is all calculated by Xiao Bai.

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