"I think I need to inform the emperor about this matter. I need to pay more attention to such a person in Liyue. Even the emperor is powerless to change Shen He's fate!"

"That makes sense. We will quickly notify the Emperor of this matter!"

Soon these immortals received the message from Morax

"The emperor asked us not to care about this matter?"

After receiving Morax's reply, these immortals were all surprised.

"It seems that the emperor already knows who the other party is, and it seems that the other party is a friend rather than an enemy, so we don't need to worry."

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was relieved in his heart.

But then he felt a little troubled. His disciple Shen He was probably attracted to that man, and he, as a master, didn't like him either. Do you know if you should help Shen He?

"What's wrong Liuyun?"

Seeing the troubled expressions on their old friends' faces, Master Li Shui Die Shan and Master Shao Yue Zhu Yang began to inquire.

Master Liu Yun Jiefeng directly told Shen Hechun what was happening in his heart. Two of my old friends

"I think 443 is a good thing. Shen He is a human being after all, and sooner or later he will return to human life. This incident is just an opportunity."

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was immediately furious:"The other party already has a wife, do you still want Shen He to be the mistress for the other party as a third party?"

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng will never allow his disciple Shen He to suffer such injustice.

Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang and Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng with a speechless expression on his face.

"We have watched Shen He grow up together. Naturally, we will not let the other party suffer any injustice, but Liuyun, don’t forget that the other party is not an ordinary person."

"The emperor specifically told us not to explore each other, let alone have any conflicts with each other."

Two cranes and one deer, just like this, you look at me and I look at you.

Suddenly Morax appeared in front of them.


Seeing Morax, the three immortals immediately greeted Morax

"There is no need to worry about that person's affairs. As for Shen He's child, you can try to get in touch with the other person. If Shen He himself doesn't object, the matter can be expedited."

Morax's words immediately made these three true monarchs look shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that Morax would say such words.

"Emperor, I don’t know which one"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, as Shen He's master, naturally wanted to find out who the other party was.

Morax hesitated and then said:"The city of Mondstadt was destroyed. The other party did it because the girl Yura Lawrence that the other party liked was targeted by the residents of Mondstadt for no reason, so the other party killed tens of thousands of targets in a rage. The Mondstadt people of Eura Lawrence destroyed the entire city of Mondstadt at the same time."

Obviously these three immortals did not expect Xiao Bai to have such a brilliant record, but Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng reacted quickly Come over:"The other party can be regarded as a passionate man if he can get angry for a girl. If the child Shen He can come down with the other party, he will definitely be happy." Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng is quite satisfied with

Xiao Bai. After all, Xiao Bai can make the entire Mondstadt an enemy for Yura, which shows that there is love and justice on the contrary.

"Just let this matter take its course, there is no need to add fuel to the flames, lest it become self-defeating in the future."

"Obey the emperor’s orders"

……(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After returning to Liyue, Xiao Bai and Youla discovered something. They didn't have a place to live, and then you looked at me and I looked at you.

Youla said speechlessly:"What should I do, or sleep in the wild?"

"I don't mind what I say, and by the way, we can have a hearty battle in the open air."

Youla looked at Xiao Bai with a black line on his head:"Can you please stop thinking about that kind of thing!"

"Who makes you so good-looking and so attractive? If you were uglier, you would see if I would be interested in you."

Yola's eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent:"That means if I'm not beautiful, you won't be interested in me, right?"

"There is no point in asking this, isn’t it certain? Would you be interested in an ugly guy?"

Yura was speechless for a moment. Who would be interested in an ugly guy, no matter how gentle the other person is? The first impression a person has of another person is often determined by the other person's appearance. Decide

"So if I become ugly, will you dislike me?"

Youla asked Xiao Bai, and her expression became a little depressed.

Looking at Youla's appearance, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and pinched Youla's nose:"What stupid words are you talking about? The first time I met you, if you were ugly, I would definitely not be interested in you, but no matter what you become now, I will always treat you the same"

"Not only you, but also other people, no matter what you become now, I will never abandon any of you."

Looking at Xiao Bai, no, Youla turned her head slightly, not wanting Xiao Bai to see the tears in her eyes. Youla didn't want to admit that she was touched, but

Xiao Bai's eyes full of emotion made Youla's heart beat rapidly.

In those eyes, Youla seemed to feel Xiao Bai's love for her, which was a hot feeling that seemed to melt herself.

Just when Xiao Bai stretched out his hand to hold Youla, a voice sounded

"Are they Mr. Xiao Bai and Miss Youla?"

Xiao Bai and Youla followed the voice and looked over.

"That's us."

Youla nodded quickly to express that she was. If she continues, this bastard Xiao Bai will start to do something again, and she may be bullied by him again. Youla's legs are still weak now, and she is afraid if she continues He couldn't even walk.

Xiao Bai glanced at the visitor with some displeasure, but didn't say much.

After seeing Youla's answer, the other party immediately said:"I am Lord Ningguang's secretary. Lord Ningguang is... You two have arranged accommodation, do you need it?"

Yola nodded decisively:"Yes!".

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