After breakfast, Xiao Bai thought he could see Ning Guang, but he didn't expect that Ning Guang didn't show up at all, which made Xiao Bai a little surprised.

But then Xiao Bai understood that this was a tug-of-war between Ningguang and himself.

Looking at Youla Xiaobai coming out of the room opposite, she said regretfully:"It's a pity that we actually opened two rooms."

"What a pity, two rooms are better, so that you, a guy like you, won’t always think about some unpleasant things!"

Youla looked at Xiao Bai with a speechless face. This guy is becoming more and more like a foolish king now.

It should not be said that he is a tyrant and a foolish king.

Faced with Youla's resentful eyes, Xiao Bai just smiled.

"Then let's have breakfast. Where do you want to go after breakfast?"

"Go find Shen He!"

After hearing what Xiao Bai said about Shen He's life experience yesterday, I had the idea of ​​​​helping Shen He.

But yesterday was too late, so Youla didn't bother, but now that it's the second day, Yura had the idea of ​​​​helping Shen He-

"The other party may not need it, and if I really wanted to help the other party, I would have helped him yesterday. The fate of the other party has been changed by me. Although he is not rich and powerful, he is no different from ordinary people."

"At least help Shen He find his scumbag father and ask that scumbag father if he has any regrets."

Looking at Youla in front of him, Xiao Bai shook his head:"It's better not to worry too much about some things."

"I don't want Shen He to spend his whole life full of regrets.

Xiao Bai, who knew the result, naturally didn't want Shen He to look for Shen He's father. But Youla did look at Xiao Bai and said,"This is just your wishful thinking. How do you know Shen He doesn't want to look for him!""

"Because I know the answer, because I know the result is not a good result, got it?"

"After Shen He's incident happened, Shen He's father committed suicide not long after."

Yura suddenly fell silent.

"So it’s better not to pursue this matter any further, whether it’s for you or others."

"Since you said so, forget it."

Youla also knew that if she continued, she would probably only touch some things in Shen He's heart that she didn't want to recall.

So Youla did not continue to hold on to this matter, while Xiao Bai looked at Yora:"We have powerful power. Maybe we can change many things, but there are also many things that we cannot change."

"There are many regrets in a person's life. What we can do is to minimize the regrets we encounter now. As for the regrets in the past, they are not something we can change now."

Even Xiao Bai's current single-universe level strength still can't change some things that have happened.

When Xiao Bai reaches the multi-universe level, he might be able to redeem the past regrets. As for that now, don't even think about it..

While Xiao Bai and Youla were talking, a person walked into the place where Xiao Bai and the others were staying. This person was naturally Shen He. Shen He, who had been ordered by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, went down the mountain to look for Xiao Bai, according to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's order, he only needs to find Xiao Bai and follow Xiao Bai. As for what needs to be done, there are no questions at all. The only thing to do is Follow Xiao Bai.

But this time Shen He did not escape Xiao Bai's detection like before. This time Shen He had just entered the range and was already noticed by Xiao Bai. Watching the appearance With Shen He in front of him, Xiao Bai shrugged and then said to Shen He:"Then you and Youla should be together first."

Yura looked at Xiao Bai with a speechless face. Xiao Bai actually blamed all the things of teaching Shen He on himself. This grudge was recorded.

Although Shen He was confused, he also understood that at the same time, Shen He I also felt the kindness from Yura, so even if I was arranged to follow Yura Shinkaku, I didn’t refuse.


Zhongli, who was drinking tea in the teahouse, was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that a casual matchmaking was successful."

Originally it was just casual, but I didn't expect that it would actually turn out to be true.

"That's not right. We can't say it's done. What we can say now is that we have taken the first step. The next step can only be seen by Shen He and Xiao Bai."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip. Zhongli was now like a retired old man.

If he could win over Xiao Bai, it would be a good thing for him and Liyue.

I just feel that Barbatos from Mondstadt City has some Poor, Xiao Bai and Youra were originally a couple, but in the end, the group of mentally retarded people in Mondstadt forcefully forced Xiao Bai and Youra to oppose each other?

Xiao Bai was so forced that he destroyed the city of Mondstadt.

Sure enough, That guy Barbatos is so confused that he has lost his mind. Otherwise, how could he do such a stupid thing? Well, it may also be wear and tear.

But these are not important. Uncle Zhongli Zhong now treats himself This kind of retirement-like life is very satisfying. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wait until the plan starts

Suddenly, the corner of Zhongli Zhong's mouth twitched slightly. The original plan seemed to be unusable. After all, Zhongli used the Heart of God to trade with the Fools, but now the Heart of God was directly taken away by Xiao Bai.

Good guy, how can we deal with this?

If this plan cannot be carried out, wouldn't he be able to retire?

Instantly, Zhongli Zhongda also felt that his current life was not very satisfactory. Otherwise, we have to find a way to get the Heart of God back from Xiao Bai, and then use the Heart of God to make a deal with the fools? Zhongli Uncle Zhong couldn't help but have such an idea in his mind.

But this idea was quickly extinguished. Uncle Zhongli didn't want this to happen. The lessons learned from Mondstadt City were there.

This Uncle Zhong is not stupid and will not make the same mistake as Mondstadt.

Since I can't show up, it's better to let the fools go and give the fools some lessons..

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