Yura taught Shen He as if she were her own child.

Shen He is still very good at his common sense, so he studied seriously when Yula taught him. Now Shen He is not the Shen He who tied up his emotions with a red rope, but has completely changed his original self. Shen He of destiny.

Xiao Bai was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, Ningguang heard that an immortal disciple had arrived and immediately said that all the expenses in Liyue would be paid for by the richest woman in Liyue.

Xiao Bai even had a malicious thought in his heart. If he bought the entire Liyue at this time, would Ningguang be able to pay the money?

But in the end, Xiao Bai didn't do this. This was a bit too bullying, and it seemed that Xiao Bai couldn't afford it."Five Two Three"

Ning Guang is playing a tug-of-war with Xiao Bai to see who will be unable to bear it and look for each other first. This can be regarded as adding a slightly interesting game to Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai If you don't mind, Pei Ningguang will play more.

Neither Xiao Bai nor Youla mentioned helping Shen He find his father, but Shen He came up with such an idea.

Xiao Bai and Youla looked at each other and finally did not speak to stop them.

According to Shen He's childhood memories, everyone quickly found Shen He's home. Later, Shen He learned about his father's last suicide attempt, and left a last word saying that he regretted and should not use Shen He. As a sacrifice to resurrect his wife or something like that.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai with eyes full of hope. Xiao Bai had never said before that Shen He's father left such a letter.

So Youla now doubts whether Xiao Bai is deceiving her.

However, Xiao Bai felt that he was wronged because this letter was simply forged by Xiao Bai himself.

The truth can sometimes be cruel, so it is better to bury the so-called truth and then copy another truth, turning this truth into a touching finale.

Life is too bitter, it would be a good thing if it could be a little sweeter.

Tick ​​tock!

A teardrop slipped down the cheek and landed on the piece of paper.


Shen He expressed his gratitude to Xiao Bai.

Shen He didn't know that this letter was actually not left by his father at all, but it was not important!

Xiao Bai quietly told Youla the truth and knew that After finding out that the letter was forged, Zaila looked at Xiao Bai and said,"You really do your best to please girls. I think Shen He's affection for you is gradually rising now.""

"I just did what I wanted to do, and I didn’t think too much about other things. Besides, so what if it was true."

It doesn't matter whether Shen He's favorability towards him has increased rapidly or not.

What Xiao Bai did was not to please Shen He, but just because he wanted to do it, so Xiao Bai He did that.

As for what Xiao Bai said in return, would he care?

He laughed so hard that he didn't care at all.

Then he took Shen He back to Liyue to find out.

But he didn't expect that he would meet him after he came back. condensed light

"Did you come to your door so quickly?"

Xiao Bai started teasing after seeing Ning Guang. Whoever came to the door first between Xiao Bai and Ning Guang was obviously at a disadvantage and was on the weaker side. Unexpectedly,

Ning Guang came to the door directly.

Ningguang really looked at Shen He behind Xiao Bai, and then said with a slightly sour tone:"With such a thing like this, it's no wonder you don't want to come to Qunyu Pavilion to find me."

"You are wrong."

Xiao Bai raised his index finger and shook it at Ningguang. Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai and smiled:"In that case, I will listen to your excuse."

There was a smile on the corner of Ningguang's mouth. In the confrontation just now, Ningguang was undoubtedly the dominant one, and then he used words to successfully convince Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai told Ningguang about Shen He's life experience, and then Ningguang really looked at Xiao Bai:"Nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, but I always feel that this matter is a bit strange. Isn't Shen He's arrival a bit too coincidental?"

"And why did the immortal ask Shen He to follow you?"

Ningguang's question made Lang Xiaobai laugh. After that, Xiao Bai looked at Ningguang:"I dare say that this matter has nothing to do with Moraxu. It was even Morax who took the initiative to let Shen He. Come to me, using the honey trap......"

Ning Guang's eyes suddenly lit up. Beauty Trap concluded that this was a bit interesting, and not only did he have such an idea, but even the emperor had such an idea.

But yes, after all, only those idiots in Mondstadt would choose to push Xiao Bai's fighting power to the outside.

"how about you?"

"I? I'm not easily dealt with."

Looking at Ningguang in front of him, Xiao Bai said casually, while Ningguang stared at Xiao Bai as if he wanted to see through Xiao Bai.

But it was a pity that Ningguang couldn't tell whether Xiao Bai was telling the truth after looking at him for a long time. Still a lie

"So, since I am the loser this time, can you please allow me to make a request?"

Ningguang luckily changed the topic.

"Interesting, let’s talk about the request." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I want to ask you to go somewhere with me. Xiao

Bai looked at Ning Guang with a strange expression:"You probably want me to take you to your childhood home, right?""


Ningguang answered affirmatively, not because Xiao Bai guessed that he was shy or embarrassed 1.4

"Today I put off all the rest of my work, so I have a whole day today. I want to tell you all about my life. I don’t know if you are willing!"

In response to Ningguang's request, Xiao Bai naturally would not refuse and nodded in agreement.

Then Ningguang took Xiao Bai to his childhood home.

Looking at the crumbling but unexpectedly strong house, Xiao Bai felt that No one was making a fuss about this. Ningguang would definitely not let this room collapse, and it must have been reinforced over the years.

Then Ningguang took Xiao Bai into the room.

The items inside looked like It's been a few years.

Then Ningguang started to talk about what happened when he was a child.

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