With a dark face, Youla stared at Xiao Bai and gritted her teeth. Xiao Bai didn't remind herself of what could have been a major issue, which directly led to such a series of problems in Mondstadt.

"I think you should find the reason from yourself. Ningguang can bring it up and wants Liyue, why don't you bring it up.

Youla said with a dark face:"You mean to say I'm stupid?""

"How could I say you are stupid? You are my little cutie who is very smart. The most you can say is that you are not very smart."

Yura:"I'll beat you to death! Unable to bear it ,

Youla drew out her sword and struck it at Xiao Bai. She grabbed Youla's sword and then Xiao Bai looked at Ningguang:"Have you really decided?""

"I have decided. Xiao

Bai nodded:"Since this is the case, then I will give Liyue to you!""

"Then I'll give Morax another gift!"

Xiao Bai raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, was always the same as before. I was in the bottom of the sea. I was suppressed at the bottom of the sea and couldn't do anything except eat, drink and sleep every day.

However, today, Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, suddenly I feel the seal disappear

"Can I come out?"

First I was stunned for a moment, and then I was ecstatic.

"Morax, I have come out, you must die today!!!"

Suddenly, there were huge waves on the sea. Morax, who was fighting with the Dragon King Ruoduo, noticed that the expression on the face of the whirlpool demon Oser froze slightly after he broke the seal.

However, the expression on Morax's face became even more intense the next moment. It's really ugly, because it's not just Oser, the whirlpool demon god, but also those demon gods who died in Liyue.

At this time, Liyue can be said to be a chaotic dance of demons, and Morax, no matter how powerful he is, can't suddenly Faced with so many enemies.

At this moment, Morax also realized how unwise it was for him to offend Xiao Bai, but it was too late to say anything at this moment.

The immortals at this time also looked at Morax


A group of immortals followed Morax in the north and south, so they naturally knew how powerful these demon gods were. It was precisely because of this that even if Morax faced the cooperation of these demon gods, there was no chance of surviving.

However, that's not all. What makes these immortals even more unbearable is that the immortals who died and the King of Dust were finally resurrected, but they were resurrected as enemies.

Now these former friends have raised their butcher's knives, even these steadfast immortals are filled with pain in their hearts.

At this time, even the stone-hearted Emperor Morax's hand holding the gun could not help but tremble slightly.

Above the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang couldn't help but look at Xiao Bai when he saw what Xiao Bai had done:"Is there something too much? These immortals also used to protect Liyue.""

When Xiao Bai heard what Ning Guang said, he just looked at Ning Guang:"You can't stand firm if you are not ruthless. If you want to be the Empress of Liyue, you can't be so soft-hearted. How will you deal with those who oppose your claim to the emperor?" them?"

"When you decided to become the Empress of Liyue, you were destined not to be merciful."

"And what I am doing now is just to help you clear the obstacles and reduce the blood that needs to be shed. Of course, I will punish Morax by the way."

"I think your real thoughts are towards Morax."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Youla snorted and said, Xiao Bai didn't care and looked at Yan Fei in the video.

"I heard that you are friends with that lawyer Yan Fei?"

Ulala had a long face and was unwilling to answer Xiao Bai's question.

On the contrary, she didn't care and continued:"If you don't answer, then I can only let him die first."

"Son of a bitch!"

Youla was so angry that she kicked Xiao Bai on the calf.

"Are you saying that you are not good at being honest? If you insist on forcing me to threaten you, you probably won’t do it on purpose. Does this look make you feel happy? I didn't expect Youla to be such a woman. It looks like we can have more fun. Youla don't want Mondstadt to be destroyed, right?"

Listening to what Xiao Bai said, Youra's fair and tender face suddenly turned red with anger.

This bastard in front of her actually...

"Go to hell!"

In embarrassment, Youla once again raised her sword and struck it at Xiao Bai. Ning Guang was speechless on the side, looking at Morax and the other immortals on the screen and sighing softly.

Ningguang doesn't want this to happen, but Ningguang knows very well that he can't stop Xiao Bai.

The only thing he can do is to let Xiao Bai involve Liyue. Ningguang has no resentment towards the Rock King Morax in his heart. There is also a trace of incomprehension.

Is it really a wise choice to involve Liyue for Mondstadt?

Ningguang has no way to blame the Rock King Emperor who has protected Liyue for more than 3,000 years, but Ningguang also Will use his own methods to protect Liyue.

If Xiao Bai wins this conflict between Xiao Bai and Yan Wang Dijun, then the most likely thing is that something will happen to Yan Wang Dijun Morax. As for Xiao Bai in Liyue There is no need to worry at all.

As for if Xiao Bai loses, then he will be the only one who gets into trouble. This business is guaranteed to make a profit (Zhao Nuo's). It's a pity that there is no if, if there is, Ning Guang would rather not do such a business deal.

With a bitter smile, Ning Guang then silently watched the Emperor Yan on the screen being beaten by those demon gods. However, what Ning Guang did not expect was that Qian Yan's army was there. Under the leadership of Keqing and accompanying many owners of the Eye of God, they actually advanced towards the battlefield.

Ningguang's eyes showed helplessness, and even if Ningguang wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

He closed his eyes, and Ningguang spit out a long breath. He breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was just some individuals.

At this time, on the Sky Island, the maintainer of Tianli cast his gaze on Liyue.

The nail of Hantian that followed was thrown down by the maintainer of Tianli.!

Once this nail falls on Liyue, Liyue will be completely doomed.

Xiao Bai will naturally not let this happen.

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