With a flip of his hand, everyone in Teyvat was frightened, even the Nail of Cold Heaven, which was feared by the seven rulers in the world, was caught in Xiao Bai's hand.

The huge Han Tian Nail turned into a normal-sized nail in Xiao Bai's hand. Looking at this nail, Xiao Bai raised his head and looked towards Sky Island.

At this moment, the maintainer of heavenly principles on Sky Island also widened his eyes in disbelief.

"how so!"

Obviously, the maintainer of heavenly principles cannot understand why the Cold Sky Nail that he lowered was easily caught by Xiao Bai. This is completely incomprehensible.

But no matter what, it is of course the reason why this world is experiencing such changes. If the culprit becomes the main culprit, then it is impossible for the defenders of heavenly principles to let Xiao Bai go!

The defenders of heavenly principles must get rid of Xiao Bai, otherwise

Looking at the many demon gods that had been resurrected, the keeper of the heavenly principle knew that he could no longer allow things to develop. If he allowed things to develop, it might not only be the demon gods of Liyue who were resurrected, but also the entire demon god. The Demon God of Teyvat! 823"What was that just now? Why did I feel for a moment that the whole of Liyue would be destroyed?"

Ningguang's face still had a trace of paleness, obviously he was frightened by that thing just now.

The same Youla also had a solemn face and her eyes were full of horror at the thing just now.

Because Yula found that she recognized what that thing was.

There is something similar to that nail on the top of the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

According to the final record of the Lawrence family, it was that thing that caused Longji Snow Mountain to become like that, and it almost happened again just now.

If that nail falls in Liyue Port, then I am afraid that Liyue Port will become like Longji Snow Mountain.

Everyone in Liyue Port was afraid that they would die without a burial place, but Xiao Bai saved the entire Liyue Port.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai in front of her with a complicated look in her eyes.

There is no doubt that the other party saved Liyue, but why the other party is unwilling to help him change Mondstadt? Sure enough, it is because Ningguang, a woman, is more beautiful than me.

As if she thought of something, Youla looked at Xiao Bai in front of her, her eyes filled with resentment.

Sensing Youla's resentful gaze, Xiao Bai was a little confused by the look. What happened to Youla? Why did she suddenly become angry again?

She didn't seem to have done anything, so why did Youla suddenly act as if she had done something heinous?

Xiao Bai said that he was completely confused

"Did I say I did something wrong?"

When Youla heard Xiao Bai's question, she smiled coldly:"How could you have done something wrong?"

Xiao Bai looked at Youla with a speechless face:"Forget it, you can be angry if you want, I'm too lazy to care!"

Xiao Bai said that he couldn't control it. Now Xiao Bai's main goal is still on Sky Island.

"Do you think I should kill Sky Island and seize the throne of Tianli?"

Ningguang and Youla were suddenly excited and looked at Xiao Bai with expressions of disbelief.

"Otherwise, forget it."

"Forget it, even if I don't take action, don't you think the one on Sky Island won't take action? To tell you the truth, as long as I am not in Liyue, the other party will immediately drop another nail. Guess what kind of situation this nail can cause?"

De Youla said at the same time:"Dragon's Back Snow Mountain became what it is because of this nail."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So if there is no (aefa) Xiao Bai, there is a high probability that he will be cold.

Suddenly, Ningguang's body trembled suddenly, and it was obvious that Ningguang I didn't expect this nail to be so powerful

"So there are only two outcomes now. One outcome is that I overthrow the gods on Sky Island, and then Liyue survives this crisis. The other outcome is simpler and I just let go of Sky Island. He would not let Liyue go. If a nail were dropped at that time, the entire Sky Island would turn into a snow country.

When Ning Guang heard these words, there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Those resurrected demon gods have obviously attracted the attention of the sky, so in order to solve the problem, they will inevitably destroy the entire Liyue directly."

"Don’t think I’m being alarmist!"

"There have been several countries in Teyvat that have been destroyed by Sky Island so far, so Sky Island will definitely not mind one more."

Ningguang understood one thing after hearing what Xiao Bai said. I'm afraid that he really has no choice but to go to the dark side.

"Just like what you think, you no longer have a choice over me!"

"Everything is your plan. Resurrecting those demon gods is not only to deal with the emperor, but also to attract the attention of Sky Island. Am I right?"

"I think the emperor and the others are under great pressure at this moment. I guess the emperor and the immortals are also very worried about the Nail of Cold Sky at this moment."

"You really figured everything out clearly."

Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with a complicated look in his eyes. Ningguang thought that Xiao Bai had been plotting from the beginning, completely cutting himself off from Liyue bit by bit. On one side Youla snorted and said:"This guy Xiao Bai is just a scumbag. Not only does he want our people, he also wants our hearts, and he also plots against everyone else around us."."

Xiao Bai spread his hands on one side:"You are obviously talking nonsense and slandering me. You are slandering me. If I say that I don't have such thoughts at all, you won't believe it, right, but I have to tell you. What you are saying is that I really don’t think about it like this. I would never plot against my own people."

Ningguang doesn't know whether what Xiao Bai said is true or not, but Ningguang knows one thing. Now he has no choice at all. He can only walk from one road to the other.

"what do you want me to do? Then I will overthrow Sky Island with you?"

On the contrary, there was an embarrassed look on his face.

"Otherwise, you and Yura will cheer me on from the side?"

Ningguang, Youla:

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