"Is Morax ready to surrender?"

Looking at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng in front of him, Xiao Bai asked teasingly, but Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng felt angry and looked at Xiao Bai a little annoyed.

"Don't be angry. Morax provoked me first. I have done my duty since coming to Liyue, but Morax interfered in the affairs between me and Mond. After that, I just asked Morax to give Reason and apology, but it is a pity that Morax lacks sincerity. In this case, it is obvious that we cannot coexist with Morax."

Xiao Bai's plain words made Master Liuyun Jiefeng fall into silence. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Master Liuyun Jiefeng asked Xiao Bai:"Is it true that you can't turn a fight into jade?"

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun asked Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai shook his head and rejected Liu Yun Jiufeng Zhenjun's question. This matter - there is no discussion at all!

"Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will perish!"

"If the emperor is willing to give up Liyue, can this matter end here?"

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng asked Xiao Bai again. Xiao Bai looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and shook his head:"I am not that big-hearted. Giving Morax a chance is already my maximum tolerance. Since Morax is unwilling to accept my kindness, so there will be no possibility of repairing the relationship between Morax and I. After finishing speaking ,

Xiao Bai looked at Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:"For Shen He's sake, I won't do anything to you. As long as you stay in the cave, I guarantee you won't have any trouble.""

"I am a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!!

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was immediately angry. What did Xiao Bai mean by this sentence? Could it be that she, Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun, was just greedy for life and afraid of death?

"Of course that's not the case. I just don't want you to die, Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng. After all, Shen He is your disciple, and it's not me who wants to attack Liyue now, but the one on Sky Island. Even if If I don’t take action now, the one on Sky Island will not allow Liyue to continue to exist."

"Sky Island dropped a Cold Sky Nail before. I think you all must have noticed it. If I hadn't taken action, do you think Liyue would still exist at this moment?"

Although Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was a little dissatisfied, he also understood that even if the emperor personally took action, he would not be able to prevent the Nail of Hantian from falling. By then, Liyue and all the living creatures on the land of Liyue would die.

From this point of view, Xiao Bai can be regarded as saving Liyue.

But the reason why Liyue caused such disaster is entirely because of the demon gods that Xiao Bai resurrected!

If Xiao Bai hadn't resurrected those demon gods Sky Island will not stop its sights on Liyue.

Unfortunately, it is useless to say anything now. Once Xiao Bai leaves Liyue, Sky Island will inevitably wipe out Liyue directly, and everything will be settled by then.!

Now Liyue is completely tied to Xiao Bai. If Xiao Bai leaves, Liyue will be in doom.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng looked at Xiao Bai:"Is there really no room for relaxation?"

"I gave Morax a chance but Morax himself didn't want it. If that's the case, I won't give Morax any more chances."

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun heard Xiao Bai say this and stopped talking:"In that case, please help me take care of Shen He."

"Don't worry, I will never let anything happen to Shen He."

"In this case, I feel relieved."

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun stopped talking, flapped his wings and chose to leave directly. Since Xiao Bai has no intention of letting go of Emperor Yan Wang at all, then continuing to talk will only bring humiliation to himself. Let’s not talk anymore.

Xiao Bai glanced at the direction Liu Yun Jiefeng left and laughed.

"Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is Tuogu."

Obviously Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun had already fought with those demon gods with the idea of ​​​​death together. During the demon god war, I don't know how many immortals died in the demon god war.

Although they said they survived, But this does not mean that they are the strongest, but because they are the luckiest, so they survived!

Xiao Bai suddenly found a hand grabbing his hand, and that hand grabbed his hand for 10 minutes With great force.

Xiao Bai turned his head and saw Shen He looking at the direction where Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun was leaving with worried eyes.

"This is your master's choice. You can live but Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng chose to die generously. We should respect Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's wishes."

Hearing these words, Youla on the side rolled her eyes directly:"To put it simply, you want Shen He to watch his master die without doing anything? Shen

He looked at Xiao Bai, and then let go of Xiao Bai's hand:"I'm going to help the master!" Xiao

Bai raised his eyebrows:"Do you want you to stay here instead of helping her?""

Shen He looked at Xiao Bai with his rainbow eyes and then shook his head.

"I don't know, but I want to go."

After saying that, Shen He jumped directly from the word Qun Yu Pavilion. Xiao Bai's eyelids twitched when he saw it. This girl is a real tiger.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai:"Aren't you going to stop Shen He?"

"For what reason should I stop him? The relationship between Shen He and I is not like you and me."

Xiao Bai and Youla have a close relationship, so Xiao Bai can make decisions on behalf of Youla, but the relationship between Shen He and Xiao Bai is not as close as that between Youla and Xiao Bai.

"Haha, a person like you actually cares about such a thing, so do you want to watch Shen He die?"

"I left a magical beast in Shen He's shadow. This magical beast will protect Shen He's safety when necessary!"

Listening to what Xiao Bai said, Youla felt particularly mocked.

"You have absolutely no respect for my opinion"

"You are slandering, you are slandering, why do I have no respect? Just tell me, did I ask you to leave Mondstadt? Even if you did not leave Mondstadt, I would not take action immediately, but I'm not scolding you for being a drunkard. I may not necessarily take action against Mond. I can only say that Mond is willing to die on his own terms."

Xiao Bai said angrily. Xiao Bai didn't want to target Mond in the beginning. If he wanted to blame, he could only blame the drunk man. It was the other party who humiliated Youla in front of Xiao Bai that made Xiao Bai angry. Of..

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