Keqing led the Thousand Rock Army and many original gods with the eyes of God to help Morax and the immortals, but how could these Qianyan Army and the original gods be able to resurrect these demon gods and immortal opponents.

These are all demon gods and immortals who left their reputation in the demon war.

And even if these Qianyan Army and the original gods are well-trained, how can they be the opponents of demon gods and immortals.

Even some original gods with outstanding talents can only fight with immortals at most. As for demon gods, those who touch them will be injured and those who are hit will die.

Not only were they unable to share the pressure for Morax, but they also caused trouble for Morax. Therefore, the original gods and the Qianyan Army silently stayed away from the demon gods and set their sights on the immortals who became enemies after their resurrection."Nine-nine-seven"

As long as those ancestors are not allowed to hinder the emperor, then they are useful.

However, if you want to stop the immortal as a mortal, you will definitely have to fight with your life.

A lot of them died. Every time these immortals attacked, Qianyan Army would die as a result.

Morax naturally did not want to see such a thing happen. Morax asked these Qianyan Army to leave, but Qianyan Army replied:"The emperor has been guarding Liyue for more than three thousand years, so this time it will be us." Protect the emperor."

Morax felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. These people didn't have to die, but they ended up dying because of Morax's decision.

Maybe he shouldn't have helped Barbatos. If he hadn't interfered with Mondstadt's affairs, then Liyue wouldn't have had all this disaster.

It's a pity that it's too late to wake up now. It's too late.

Above the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang looked at the Qianyan Army and said to Xiao Bai:"Can you save these Qianyan Army?"

"Even if I save them now, these Qianyan Army will still return to the battlefield, so there is no need to waste that effort."

Although Ningguang looked at the Qianyan Army who continued to die generously, he felt heartbroken. These Qianyan Army were all elites, but they did not continue to speak.

These Qianyan Army died generously, how could Ningguang do it? He did that evil thing for no reason.

Just looking at those Qianyan soldiers who died generously, Ningguang always had a faint regret in his heart.

"Don't worry, at worst the Qianyan Army will have to help you resurrect these."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, Youla next to him looked at Xiao Bai with gritted teeth.

"Treat them differently, right? Treat them differently, right?"

Yura is not the kind of person who likes jealousy, but now Yura can't help it. Why should she treat her differently?

This is how she treats Ningguang, and treats her and Mond's problems. This was a different look.

Xiao Bai didn't say anything, just pointed at the soldiers of the Qianyan Army who fought regardless of life and death.

"As long as Mondstadt is half as bloody as the Qianyan Army, I would look up to Mondstadt, but is there a problem? Apart from those few members of the Knights of the West Wind, are there others?"

There is no way to refute. Except for those few people, Yura, the other members of the West Wind Knights, did not see any other members of the West Wind Knights on the battlefield. The original anger was suddenly doused by a basin of cold water. Youla La looked at Xiao Bai with a sense of confusion in her life.

"You should wake up, Yura."

Looking at the silent Youla, Xiao Bai was filled with disgust for Mondstadt.

To be honest, Xiao Bai really didn't expect that only Captain Qin and a few figures with the Eyes of God would show up in Mondstadt to stop him. Demon Dragon, none of those ordinary members of the West Wind Knights can be seen. Is it possible that all the so-called elites of the West Wind Knights were taken away for the expedition, so they behaved so badly?

Xiao Bai didn't know, no He knew the same thing but didn't want to know. Xiao Bai only knew that Mondstadt City was just mud that couldn't hold up the wall.

Yora had given so many good ideas, but in the end, Mondstadt City could not implement any of them. Being able to pick some irrelevant ones seems to have a new development for Mondstadt, but in fact it is of no use at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Shen He enters the battlefield!"

Suddenly on the screen, Shen He broke into the battlefield 0....

As a semi-immortal, Shen He's strength is undoubtedly more powerful than those of the Qianyan Army and the Original God, but no matter how powerful he is, Shen He is neither an immortal nor a demon. Being able to resist the demon for a while is already the limit.

The ice puppet formed by the ice element was torn apart by the demon god. Seeing that the demon god's attack was about to fall on Shen He, a demon beast emerged from Shen He's shadow. This demon beast blocked it on Shen He's behalf. The demon's attack.

After resisting the attack of the demon god, this monster instantly strengthened the attack and bounced it back.

The demon that had just attacked was killed by the rebounded attack.

Shen He watched as the demon beast did not attack the demon beast but instead continued to attack the other demon gods.

Above the Jade Pavilion, Xiao Bai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth as he watched Shen He lure those demon gods to attack, and then use the demon beast's attack to rebound and kill those demon gods.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai with a bit of gloating in her eyes:"It seems that your plan has completely failed."

"Do you think that's possible? Can I control the monster I created? Or do you think those demon gods are all fools and idiots?"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes, then looked at Youla and said,"Look, those demon gods are smarter than the other!"

Following Xiao Bai's words in 2.3, Yola unexpectedly saw that all the demon gods had avoided Shen He. After knowing the effect of the demon beast, how could those demon gods continue to take the bait. But even so, Shen He

's The existence also directly makes those demons have some weapons to throw away rats.

"But that's all."

After discovering the characteristics of Shen He's magical beast, although those demon gods said that because of Shen He, they were somewhat defensive, but after all, Shen He's strength was there and it was impossible to cause too much trouble. And as long as that magical beast If he doesn't attack Shen He, he won't take the initiative to move his hands.

These demon gods directly use the method of trapping to hold Shen He. If they don't attack, they just trap Shen He and solve all the problems in an instant. If they don't attack, they won't. Be bounced..

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