Looking at the nails taken out by Xiao Bai, Ningguang and Youla felt chilled all over for an instant.

Xiao Bai took the nail and threw it out casually, and the nail disappeared in an instant!

"What did you do, where did you throw the nail?"

When she saw Xiao Bai actually throwing the nail out, Yola was immediately furious. Who knows if Xiao Bai, a bastard, would throw the nail into Mondstadt.

What if he threw the nail into Mondstadt? Finished on the spot?

"you guess!"

Xiao Bai's expression made Youla couldn't help it. Could it be that this bastard really threw away the nail and went to Mondstadt?

Youla was about to cry at this moment, condensing to the side. Looking at Xiao Bai:"Hurry up and tell us what is going on."

"I just let this nail go to the right place!"

"Can you stop pretending to be serious and just tell us where you threw this nail?"


For some reason, an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of Ningguang and Youla, and then this premonition soon came true.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, the entire following Teyvat began to tremble violently.

"Do you really want to destroy the entire world of Teyvat?"

Looking at Xiao Bai Ningguang in disbelief

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. Since Teyvat rejects me, there is no need for him to exist. But don’t worry, I said I will give Liyue to you. When the time comes, Jiang Liyue’s land will be Just go."

For Xiao Bai, moving mountains and reclaiming seas is not too simple.

When the time comes, it will be a trivial matter to move the entire Liyue to his own world.

Ning Guang's expression instantly became complicated.

The one on the side Yola's expression suddenly changed:"What about Mond?"

Xiao Bai turned to look at Youla:"Mond is none of my business."

Yura's fist hardened instantly:"Why do you treat me differently? Is it because what you don't get is the best?"

Yura felt aggrieved!

"Don't slander me, you know how much I hate those Mondstadt guys, and isn't the reason why I hate Mondstadt precisely because of you? When the time comes, we can take away the land of Mondstadt as much as possible!"


Youla felt that she should not have the eye of the ice god now but the eye of the fire god. Now Youla felt like she was about to burn, and Xiao Bai was so angry that she died.

Xiao Bai shook his head and looked at Youla in front of him and said:"As long as you don't mention the people in Mondstadt to me, everything else will be easy to talk about. If it's just a few people like Amber, I can take them away with them. But those people from Mondstadt who have scolded you, let them die!"

Yura was originally furious. After hearing what Xiao Bai said, her anger disappeared instantly. Her eyes suddenly turned red and she looked at Xiao Bai. Want to cry

"At most, I can spare the lives of those people from Mondstadt who have not insulted you, and I will just take them away from Mondstadt when the time comes.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai:"Then we can take those people away now!""

"Take it away, you have to take it away, but not now"

"What do you mean?"

"The guy from Sky Island is here."

Following Xiao Bai's words, the next moment De Youla and Ning Guang saw a crack appear in the sky, and then the maintainer of the law of heaven came out.

"Outsider, you passed!"

The keeper of heavenly principles looked at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai just smiled and looked at the keeper of heavenly principles as if he were looking at a clown.

"Have I passed? So what if I pass? Come and hit me if you can!"

Xiao Bai's words directly caused the maintainer of heavenly principles to enter a state of red rage. Xiao Bai's words aroused hatred a little too much. The maintainer of heavenly principles now wanted to kill Xiao Bai.

However, Xiao Bai did not do anything. I don’t care.

No matter how much the maintainer of the natural law wants to kill himself, can the maintainer of the natural law really still be able to do it?

To put it bluntly, the strength of the maintainer of the natural law is far inferior to that of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai Bai was originally worried about the strength of this Heavenly Law maintainer, but now after seeing the strength of this Heavenly Law Maintainer, Xiao Bai had only one thought, I am too cautious, I can totally be more arrogant. The most that the

Heavenly Law Maintainer can do is A planet-level combat power, but a star-level strength is completely insufficient for Xiao Bai to take seriously.

"But yes, if we want to talk about the level of power, it is obvious that Star Iron is higher, and Teyvat will be the same if he is strangled to death."

"`~Give you two choices. The first choice is that I will slap you to death, and the second choice is to follow my orders from now on."

The maintainer of heavenly law was enraged, and the maintainer of heavenly law took action. The maintainer of heavenly law played GG.

"Okay, that's settled, I have the final say on the questions from now on."

Suppressing the Heavenly Law Maintainer under the Wuzhishan with a direct slap, Xiao Bai said to Youla and Ningguang.

Youla and Ningguang were confused in their lives.

Is it solved like this?

Tangtang Is the maintainer of the law of heaven so shameless?

Looking at the maintainer of the law of heaven who was pressed under the mountain with only one head and one hand exposed, Yula's expression was a little strange.

666, except for 6, Yula no longer knew what to do. What should I say?

Is this a tribute to Sun Wukong?

There is also Journey to the West in Xiao Bai's world, so (Li Qianhao) Yula has also read Journey to the West and is no stranger to Wuzhishan. Maintainer of Heavenly Principles Now, isn't it just like Sun Houhou?

Being suppressed under the Five Fingers Mountain?

She mourned for a second in her heart for the keeper of the heavenly principles, and then Yula began to think about what might happen after Xiao Bai becomes the new keeper of the heavenly principles. Change.

But he quickly interrupted this thought.

"Since you have overturned the laws of heaven and Teyvat is yours, there is no need for you to continue destroying Teyvat."

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of you, Youra begged Xiao Bai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It depends on the situation. Even if I don't care, the world will be destroyed sooner or later. If you don't believe me, ask this guy yourself."

Xiao Bai pointed at the maintainer of heavenly law who was suppressed by him under Wuzhi Mountain and said.

Tivat is destined to be destroyed?

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