After confirming that Teyvat was destined to be destroyed, both Yola and Ningguang fell into silence. They had to believe the things confirmed by the maintainer of heavenly principles.

"Speaking of which, the reason why Teyvat is so fragile has a lot to do with the abyss. If it weren't for the abyss, Teyvat would probably be able to survive for a while longer."

Ningguang and Youla instantly directed all their grievances towards the Abyss Religion. The Abyss Religion must die.

"In fact, you don’t need to care too much, as long as the people you care about are not dead, other people you don’t know are not worthy of your sympathy."

"Even if they don't know each other, they are in the same world after all. It is inevitable to feel sad when the rabbit dies and the fox grieves."

Ningguang sighed. After all, we all belong to the same world. He knows that this world will definitely go to destruction and the people in this world will definitely die. Even if Ningguang is rational, he can't help but feel a little sad.

"I just can't understand your feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit or a fox.

Youla was silent for a moment and looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Anyone with a little sympathy will feel this way, right?""

"Sorry, I really don’t have this. I only care about the people around me. What does the life and death of other people have to do with me?"

It's so funny that Youla actually expressed sympathy to Xiao Bai. If Youla knew that the number of people who died in Xiao Bai's hands, indirectly or directly, exceeded hundreds of millions, I don't know what Youla would say. 020 Love.

If Xiao Bai had compassion, he would not engage in genocide and massacre.

If Youra knew what Xiao Bai did in the past, she would be very frightened.

"Since the Abyss is the main culprit that destroys this world, then we should focus our energy on dealing with the Abyss and find a way to eliminate the Abyss Cult, but the premise is to not harm Teyvat as much as possible."

Although Ning Guang is also very disgusted with the Abyss Cult, judging from the way Xiao Bai does things, there is a high probability that the entire Teyvat will be implicated, which is not a good thing.

Xiao Bai suddenly waved his hand, A picture appeared on the screen in the air.

The weapon in Morax's hand had been broken, and the immortals were also scarred. Shen He could only watch from the side but was helpless.

Xiao Bai appeared on the battlefield and fought. With a snap of his fingers, those demons instantly stopped attacking.

"Now I give you two choices, you all die, or you and that little dwarf both die, and all future immortals live in seclusion in the mountains and forests and never appear again."

Before Morak (aefc) Si opened his mouth, the scarred immortals had already spoken:"Emperor, we will never live in an ignoble way."

Morax did not respond to what those immortals said, but looked at Xiao Bai:"I can die to apologize, but"

Before Morax had finished speaking, Xiao Bai stopped Morax and interrupted what Morax was about to say!

"Hush, you don't have the right to bargain with me now. The reason why you don't continue to cause killings is just because I don't want to kill. It's also for the sake of Ningguang and Shen He, and also for these thousands of people. Yan Jun’s spirit of generously dying moved me, so don’t bargain with me. Morax said nothing and sighed:"I am not qualified to make a choice for Mandrill, but if you want my life, I can promise you!""

"Not even the emperor!"

A group of immortals looked at Morax, the Rock King, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They obviously couldn't accept the fact that Morax was just waiting to die.

"Emperor, please let us follow you to the end even if we are going to die. Please let us fight to the end even if we are going to die!"

"no need!"


Morax looked at Xiao Bai:"Then please do it!"

Xiao Bai looked at Morax, pinched his chin and then snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Morax was enveloped in light. Then with a snap, a round, spiraling flat dragon stone statue fell to the ground.

That's right, it's the kind of Holy Lord

"Rather than killing you, it would be more interesting to look like this"

"Then Morax will be taken away by you. As for"

Xiao Bai looked at General Jinpeng

"Choose one for yourself, which one you want to die in!"

Mandrill looked at the figure that appeared in front of him and directly took the weapon and prepared to commit suicide.

"Without my permission, you can't do it even if you want to die."

"Or are you planning to fight with them? Obviously there is no conflict between you and me, and I have relieved you of your karma, but why do you want to go against me?"

"I owe that one my life"

"But you also owe me your life, don't you? In order to owe Barbatos a life, you used the life I gave you to go against me?"

"Don't worry, your brothers and sisters will remember that they killed you, and they will be in pain for the rest of their lives. This is the punishment I give you!"

Killing is the lowest level for Xiao Bai. What Xiao Bai wants to do is to kill people and punish their hearts. Only by killing people and punishing their hearts can Xiao Bai get what he wants. After hearing what

Xiao Bai said, Mandrill's face instantly changed. changed

"Don't move around casually!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai glanced at Mandrill lightly.

"Then I will give you a choice, you die or they die, you bear the pain of killing them, or they bear the pain of killing you."

Mandrill showed anger, but Mandrill quickly understood that he had to make a choice, otherwise the choice Xiao Bai made would inevitably be more difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Mandrill stared hard. Xiao Bai was not in a hurry. Xiao Bai enjoyed the feeling of the prey struggling.

To be reasonable, Xiao Bai was very kind to Mandrill at the beginning, but in the end, the other party actually caused trouble for him. In this case, Xiao Bai was not polite.

Xiao Bai's favorite thing to do is to kill people and punish people.

"Damn it, someone like you actually"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun now felt that he had seen the wrong person!

"Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng, Morax and Mandrill owe me this matter, not my unreasonable trouble. You must understand this clearly!"

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun snorted and ignored him. Xiao Bai shrugged and said nothing more.

As for Mandrill, he already picked up his weapon and shot away his four brothers and sisters one by one.

"Then live in this hell on earth. Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to die!".

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