"Social practice?"

After hearing what Kamisato Ayaka said, Raikage's expression frowned slightly. It seemed that because the power was handed over to the society, Tenryo, and the designation, they turned Inazuma into this mess. Still dissatisfied

"Although She Fengxing had some small tricks behind his back, colluding with the rebels in order to preserve family interests, it was not considered a betrayal of Dao's wife. He was just using the rebels to drag Tian Ling Fengxing down."

Xiao Bai spoke on the side and looked at Kamisato Ayaka with a cry:"Is it true that She Mingxing has colluded with the rebels?"

Kamisato Ayaka was silent. Although these things were said to be done by Kamisato Ayaka's elder brother, Kamisato Ayaka, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't refute. After all, his brother and he were both from the Kamisato family. People, and Kamisato Ayaka is also the beneficiary of what he did for the benefit of the family. It is natural and cannot be argued with.

"Everything is my own decision, please punish me alone and spare the rest of the family in God."

Lei Movie nodded:"In that case, then you will be exiled to"

Before Lei Qianqian finished speaking, Lei Dianzhen slapped Lei Qianqian directly on the back of the head. Lei Qianqian, who consciously held his head and squatted in defense, looked at his sister resentfully.

"Are you stupid? Surely you are an idiot? Can't you hear such an obvious lie? You stupid fool with strong limbs and simple mind!"

Ye Shenzi stood on the side and ridiculed him crazily.

"In terms of loyalty, Ayaka Kamisato is one of the few loyal people in Inazuma nowadays. She did not participate in the betrayal. Although she enjoyed the benefits brought by the Kamisato family, she did not personally participate in it. Among the things in the Kamisato family."

Lei Qianqing held his head and looked at Kamisato Ayaka with some complaints:"If that's the case, why do you still say that? What are you doing?

Even after Lei Qingqiu said this, Raiden Zhen couldn't bear it anymore. This stupid sister of his own was going to make Raiden Zhen mad to death.

"Thunder movie, Lei movie, I know you have no brains, but I really didn’t expect that you really didn’t use your brain at all, and you also learned to be lazy. You made a general of thunder and lightning and then dealt with the rice wife for you outside. It's a kind of thing, hiding in the pure land of one's heart and being lazy."

Lei Dian Zhen's face was so dark. If there weren't so many people present, Lei Dian Zhen would definitely let Lei Qianqian know what Wuxiang Slippers are.

"By the way, let me tell you one more thing. The Tianling Advocacy and the Appointment Advocacy also colluded with the Fools of Zhidong, and even used Rice Wife to conduct evil eye experiments. The use of this kind of thing will consume a lot of human vitality. It won't take long for people to die from this. The fools deliberately provoked the war just to facilitate their experiments."

"Tianling's pursuit is to use war to expand his influence, and the determination of pursuit is to make money through war."

"The three major principles of Daozhu are full of loyalty!"

Xiao Bai was watching the excitement and continued to make a fuss. Shenli Ayaka looked at Xiao Bai with a somewhat complaining look. You just said what you want to do, and she also joined in.

"I'm not wrong. The three major principles of Daozu's determination and implementation colluded with Zhidong to manipulate prices to line their own pockets, which has led to the current situation of Daozu's people being destitute and starving everywhere."

"Tianling followed the same path and colluded with the fools, experimented on the Dao Wife people and took the benefits of the fools to coax General Leiden to issue the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order. The Eye Hunting Order used this to make the entire Dao Wife people lose their divine eyes and become helpless. They resisted Tianling's implementation and the lock-down order made it impossible for them to escape. They could only sit and wait for death. These two policies directly caused the entire Daowife people to boil."

"As for the Society's pursuit, under the joint attack of Tianling's implementation and the assessment's implementation, they had to collude with the rebels to resist the Tianling's implementation and assessment's risks. Although this situation protected the interests of the Society's implementation, it also indirectly weakened it. In addition to the strength of Daozhu, the longer the rebels and Tianling fought, the more people died, and the weaker Daozhu's national power became."

Xiao Bai finished speaking and watched Lei's movie:"Being a rice wife is really miserable. Not only is it possible to starve to death, but also there is a possibility of being captured and used as an experimental subject, or else being raped by God. Even if they escape, they may be regarded as the target of the Eye Hunting Order and take away the Eye of God, and then repeat the above three processes."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he said something that made the entire Dao Wife senior management break their guard:"I would rather be a Liyue dog than a Dao Wife wife."

Lei Dian's face turned dark instantly, it was so dark and dark, and then he grabbed Lei Qianqian's hand:"Let's go into the house with me!"

"Sister, I was wrong, I was really wrong, don’t hit me!"

Leiden Movie reminded me of the fear of being dominated by his sister.

However, Xiao Bai on the side said to Leidenzhen:"Don't make Leiden Movie any more, you have to blame Yae Shenzi."

Yale Shenzi: I'm so damn good, you, this bitch, framed me, right?

Xiao Bai seems to be smiling but not smiling. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It’s normal for Raikage to be favored because he has no brains. You can’t blame Raikage, but Yae Kamiko has the ability to really watch Inazuma become like this. Do you think it is more hateful for Raikage or Yae Kamiko?"

Ye Shenzi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"I have no grudges against you. Why do you want to embarrass me like this?"

Ye Shenzi looked at Xiao Bai and asked with his eyes, but Xiao Bai turned his head away from Yae Shenzi. At this moment, Lei Qian suddenly seemed to have a brain:"Yes, what I wanted at the beginning was I asked this fox to help me manage Rice Wife, but this fox refused to say anything, so I had no choice but to create a puppet general and let the general manage Rice Wife."

Ye Shenzi couldn't look at the thunder movie with confidence. Is this still his stupid god?

That stupid god of his own actually has a brain?

This is so unreasonable!

Yae Shenzi roared in his heart, but at this time Yae Shenzi has already understood that he is finished, Barbie, and Yae Shenzi, who is immortal in the thunder movie, does not know that he is determined to not be able to escape.

"Dog man!"

The Eight-Level God Son looked at Xiao Bai. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, he wouldn't have suffered such a disaster! I will remember this grudge, and I will have to suffer from you in the future!

The Eight-Level God Son looked at Xiao Bai with resentment in his heart. ,.

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