591 Yae Shenzi: Don’t come over. Faced with Yae Shenzi’s gaze, which looked like someone who killed his father, Xiao Bai not only didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, but he even had to tease Yae Shenzi.

"Your tail is bald!"

Suddenly, Yae Shenzi was furious:"You go to hell!"

Looking at the Eight-Level God Son firing up, Xiao Bai shouted directly:"Thunder and Lightning, the Eight-Level God Son has hit someone!""

The next moment, a slipper flew over and knocked Yae Shenzi away.

"I am your rice wife’s benefactor, do you understand? Your rice wife's benefactor, if it weren't for me, you rice wives would be dead on the spot, so why don't you say thank you, Mr. Bai?"

Thank you so much!

" Yae Shenzi gritted his teeth. If it hadn't been for Xiao Bai,"543" Yae Shenzi wouldn't have had his tail hair shaved off!

"Do you think I can keep your tail bald like this? I can even do things like resurrection, so it’s normal that your tail hair never grows back, right?"

A look of horror suddenly appeared in Yae Shenzi's eyes. What kind of devil could come up with such a vicious punishment?

Raiden Zhen walked in, looked at Yae Shenzi and said,"What do you want to do?"

Facing Raiden Zhen's face as cold as frost, the Eightfold Divine Son smiled coquettishly.

"I didn't think about anything, I just saw that Xiao Bai's clothes were dirty and wanted to help Xiao Bai wash them."

Yae Shenzi looked at Raiden Zhen with a flattering smile on his face, while Xiao Bai was arrogant:"I still like your unruly look just now, otherwise you can recover."

Ye Shenzi stared at Xiao Bai fiercely. I will remember this hatred only for you. Xiao Bai, right? Just wait for me. Sooner or later, you will not be able to reap the benefits.

Xiao Bai looked at Yae Shenzi's expression and said Lei Dengzhen said:"Is the Eightfold God Son threatening me? Lei

Dengzhen looked at the child and sighed helplessly, turned his head, and then cooperated with Xiao Bai to teach Yae Shenzi a lesson.

Yae Shenzi had a hopeless expression on his face.

Xiao Bai looked at Yae Shenzi and suddenly showed a look on his face. With a bad smile, he clapped his hands and snapped his fingers, Yae Shenzi turned into a little fox, but this little fox's tail hair was completely gone, and the bare tail was as ugly as possible..

Xiao Bai felt that it was not direct enough and took out his camera to take various pictures.

Yae Shenzi resisted with hair all over his body, but was easily suppressed by Xiao Bai.

Lei Deng was really unbearable. He looked at Xiao Bai and said,"This look is a bit too much." Got it"

"People who have died because of Yae Kamiko's inaction over the years will think that I am doing well as I am."

After Leidenzhen heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yae Shenzi, who was completely unable to refute.

Xiao Bai did not continue to catch the Yae Shenzi, but looked at Raidenzhen and asked:"Now he should be the leader of the general. Are the enforcement and designation matters almost done?"

"Tianling Fengxing and Dingding Fengxing have been dealt with, but it is still difficult to restore Daoqi's people's livelihood, and Daoqi is short of various supplies.

Xiao Bai looked at Lei Dianzhen and then asked:"How do you deal with the implementation of Tianling and the determination?""

"The heads of the two families were exiled, and those with corruption records were all dismissed from their posts."

Xiao Bai looked at Lei Dianzhen with an expression like"Are you serious?"

Lei Dianzhen looked at Xiao Bai with some confusion:"What's wrong?"

"I just want to know if you are serious!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why do you ask this!"

"Do you even know what the law is? What Kanding Fengsheng and Tianling Fengsheng do is even if they kill everyone in their family, they can only say that death is not a pity, but what about you?"

Xiao Bai originally thought that the Lei Movie Shadow in the plot was already a fool, but he didn't expect that the Thunder Movie Shadow would actually join the Thunder Movie Movie. There was no killing at all, just an exile.


Lei Dingzhen looked at Xiao Bai and didn't know what he should say.

"Do you think this look is worthy of those dead rice wife people?"

Thunderbolt really can't defend himself. Raiden is really a gentle god, so Raiden really has never had the idea of ​​killing anyone in his heart."....

Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai shook his head

"Do you know how many people have died because of Tianling’s practice? Do you know how many people starve to death because of the implementation of the regulations? Do you know how many molas have been corrupted by the emperor? Are those corrupt mooras confiscated from the side of the government?"

Looking at the real appearance of Thunder and Lightning, Xiao Bai still didn't know that Thunder and Lightning really didn't do anything. Xiao Bai just thought it was a little funny but had no intention of meddling in his own business. Whatever he did, Dao's wife and Doesn't matter much

"If you know what you should do now, then do it. If you don't know what you should do now, then go and listen to what ordinary people want."

Xiao Bai is not going to teach Raiden Zhen what he should do by himself. Xiao Bai is not the god of rice wives and is very troublesome. Xiao Bai hates trouble.

Leiden Zhen is thoughtful and maybe he should really listen to Xiao Bai and find out.

"Understood, I will go and understand the thoughts of the people of Inazuma."

After Lei Dengzhen finished speaking, he looked at the Yae Shenzi on the side and said to Xiao Bai:"The Son of God will be left to you. If you have time, teach the Son of God well, so that the Son of God will not act recklessly again.".2"Leave this kind of matter to me. I am very experienced in dealing with such naughty children."

Next to him, Yae Shenzi, who was caught in Xiao Bai's hand, was struggling.

He kept begging Raiden to take him away, but Raiden seemed to be intermittently blind and didn't notice and turned around to leave.

Xiao Bai mentioned the fox Yae Shenzi, and saw the Yae Shenzi baring his teeth and trying to bite him with a smile on his face.

However, a smile seemed like a devil in Yae Kamiko's eyes

"Then count your sins in detail, Yae Kamiko."

Looking at the expression on Xiao Bai's face, Yao Shenzi is so weak and helpless at this moment.

If Yao Shenzi was still in human form at this moment, he would definitely shout: Don't come over!.

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