The expression on Raiden's face was a little ugly, because Raiden disguised his identity and went to privately inquire about the thoughts of the people of Inazuma, but the result was indeed boiling resentment.

The people of Inazuma were not at all happy about the matter of Leiden Zhen's solution to Tian Ling's practice and the determined practice. Instead, they were full of resentment.

"Why didn't the general kill all the people who followed Tian Ling and those who were determined to follow!"

"Why does all the money from the corruption of Kanding Shou go to Kan Ding Shou?"

"The Tianling Advocacy still controls the Tianling Advocacy, so will we still suffer from the oppression of the Tianling Advocacy in the future!"

"The same goes for the determination and implementation!"

I don't know how many voices are similar to this. Lei Dengzhen has not counted them carefully, but Lei Dengzhen understands that he is very dissatisfied and even hates the people who punish Dao Wife that he has implemented for the assessment and Tianling.

Leiden Zhen told 04 something to Huzhai Palace. After listening to it, Huzhai Palace responded calmly:"If Zhen you and Ying were ordinary people, Ying was killed because of Tianling's practice and determination practice. But in the end, the punishment for those people was only exile, and even the money they embezzled was not confiscated. What do you think?"

Following Huzhai Palace's inquiry, Lei Deng really understood!

The ordinary people who were saddened by the rice wife all seemed to be full of hatred for themselves because they had disappointed them and because they had not been able to give them anything. The punishment you want.

If you think about it, if you kill your sister because of the Tianling Cultivation and the Determining Cultivation, then Leiden will really tear them into pieces. Comparing his feelings, Leiden really realizes that if it were him, he would also feel sad. Resentment.

Then it seems that I have to re-judge the Tianling practice and the determination practice, but

I have already made a judgment. It is equivalent to turning over the past sins and now I have to be judged again. This has no tenable reason. What should I use to judge and how to judge?

"Excuses are easy to find, aren't they? As long as you find an excuse casually, there is no need to accuse someone!"

Huzhai Palace looked at Lei Dianzhen and smiled immediately:"And if you really want to convict him, just three unwarranted words are enough."

What Huzhai Palace said made Leiden Zhen dumbfounded. The two accusations he wanted to accuse were unfounded. Hearing these two charges, Leiden Zhen was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

There was actually such a crime. As a gentle god, Leiden Zhen never thought about it. But there is such a way to convict people

"Is this"

"Really, look at this piece of information!"

Hu Zhai Palace didn't say anything but handed a piece of information to Raiden Zhen. Raiden Zhen picked up the information and read it, and then there was disbelief in his eyes.

"This is fake, right? How could such a ridiculous thing happen?"

"If it were Xiao Bai, do you think it would be difficult? I would just think that this kind of thing is too normal when it comes to Xiao Bai."

"Even dead people like you and me can be resurrected, so destroying Mondstadt and sealing Morax is nothing."

Leiden really has to admit that what Huzhai Palace said makes sense.

"According to my analysis of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai is a very straightforward and decisive person. Xiao Bai does not like people who are soft-hearted, and Xiao Bai seems to have an unreasonable dislike for the determination and implementation of Tianling implementation, so it is your disposal. Being too kind will make Xiao Bai disgusted"

"I don’t want Inazuma to become a ruin like Mondstadt by then, so you know what I mean, right?"

What else can Leiden really say? He naturally nodded and smiled bitterly.

"Well, I know how to do it."

Although Raiden Shin is a gentle god, he is not stupid. Therefore, Raiden Shin still knows what kind of choice is most appropriate under what circumstances.


Being locked up in a pet cage, Yae Shenzi had a look of despair. Xiao Bai was too inappropriate for a human being. Even though Yae Shenzi had given in, Xiao Bai didn't care at all. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the end, Yae Shenzi straight away said,"As long as I mess up, you can't do anything to me."

With this idea in mind, Yae Shenzi lay directly in the cage and said,"Do whatever you want. I'm lying flat anyway."

"I heard that foxes like to eat mice. What do you think would happen if I threw you into a mouse nest?"

I don't care about the little fox who doesn't even raise his head from Yae Shenzi.

"Really or not, he looks like he doesn't care at all."

Seeing that Yae Shenzi actually didn't care about Xiao Bai's interest,

"I plan to go to the Steam Bird Newspaper Agency in Fontainebleau and post a photo of your bald tail to the newspaper so that everyone can see the style of Inazuma's Omiyaji. Come to think of it, you probably don't care, right?"

The originally hopeless Yae Shenzi suddenly stood up, clutching the cage with his two little paws and looking furious. Xiao Bai saw this scene of 340 Yae Shenzi with a happy expression on his face.

"By the way, I will also send you a photo of your human form, and then let the newspaper side compare it. What do you think will happen at that time?"

"It turns out that such a beautiful Omiyaji has a bald tail."

The Yae Shenzi in the cage became even more violent, as if Xiao Bai was struggling to break free from the cage.

Unfortunately, this cage was specially made by Xiao Bai, and the Yae Shenzi couldn't do anything even with all his strength. Escape from a cage

"You look very happy, you must agree with my approach, right? In that case, I will send these photos."

Xiao Bai sent those photos in front of Yae Shenzi. Yae Shenzi wanted to stop it, but the result was that he couldn't even speak and could only watch Xiao Bai send the photos. Yae

Shenzi A tear fell from the corner of his eyes.

I was so stupid. I had known that Xiao Bai was an inhumane guy. Why did I think I could control Xiao Bai? Now I am fine. Not only did I not control Xiao Bai, I also I jumped in.

After all, one person took on some of the responsibility...

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