Facing Xiao Bai, Captain Qin showed an angry look on his face. Why did Xiao Bai refuse to let Mond go?

"Just like you crush an insect to death, do you care about the feeling of the insect you crush to death?"

Xiao Bai's words aroused public outrage, and everyone in Mondstadt showed angry looks.

But will Xiao Bai care about their anger? Obviously Xiao Bai doesn't care at all. No matter how angry they are, what can they do? Like?

It was easy for Xiao Bai to kill them.

Humiliation Everyone in Mondstadt felt the humiliation, but they had no choice but to do anything. They could only pray for Xiao Bai's noble hand to let them go.

"But don't worry, I'm not here to crush you to death this time."

Hearing that Xiao Bai was not here to cause trouble for them, the expressions on the faces of Mondstad's people looked better.

"So why are you here this time?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Captain Qin asked.

"Let me make a bet with you."

Looking at the smile on Xiao Bai's face, Captain Qin had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Let's first hear about the bet. If you win the bet, I can resurrect all the people who died before."

"So what if we lose?"

If they win the bet, they can resurrect all the dead people, but if they lose, they will have to kill all the remaining people, right?"

"If you lose, then I will take this rabbit away."

Xiao Bai pointed at Amber, and Amber looked at Xiao Bai with a surprised look on his face and pointed at himself.

"That's right, it's you, the rabbit. If you lose, I will take a rabbit with me."

"I reject!"

Captain Qin rejected Xiao Bai's proposal.

"I wouldn't pay anyone else to go!"

"I'm not negotiating with you, understand?"

Xiao Bai had a sarcastic smile on his face. Seeing this sarcastic smile on Xiao Bai's face, Commander Qin was deeply hurt in his heart.

"Bet however you want!"

Diluc stood up and looked at Xiao Bai and asked coldly. If he couldn't defeat Xiao Bai, Diluc would have killed Xiao Bai now.

"It's very simple. We just need to tell these people in Mondstadt that as long as they hand over Amber, they can resurrect their dead relatives and friends, and even rebuild the ruined Mondstadt."

"If more of them agree, then I win; if more of them disagree, then I lose."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, the expressions of all the Mende people changed instantly.

The people present knew very well that they were destined to lose. They knew better than anyone else what the situation was in Monde.

"You shouldn't even believe that you can win, no, no, no!"

Listening to Xiao Bai's words, the people present clenched their fists one after another. Angry emotions were rippling in their hearts.

But more of it was sadness.

They knew very well what the outcome would be after this. Those Mondstadt people Will betray Amber without hesitation

"We won’t make this bet with you! Lisa said to Xiao Bai

"I've said it before, it's not your decision to make this bet or not. To be precise, you don't have the right to choose."

"Now that I have informed the people in Mondstadt about this matter, the next step is to see how these individuals in Mondstadt make their choices!"

In an instant, each of these people's faces turned ugly. They looked at Xiao Bai with anger in their eyes.

Amber's face became a little pale but she still said with a strong smile:"Actually, this look is nothing. , just sacrificing me alone is nothing."

Looking at Amber, a group of people couldn't help but clenched their fists. The anger in their hearts made them look at Xiao Bai all the time!

"So now you can leave. There will be a vote under the Wind God Statue, and they will vote on the result. Is it worth sacrificing this rabbit and letting others return to their previous lives?"

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you want to win."

Xiao Bai laughed, and then disappeared in front of these people.

As Xiao Bai disappeared, everyone present fell silent.

"It doesn’t matter to everyone, in fact, I can be alone, and the other party may not necessarily say what they will do to me."

Not only did they not comfort Amber, the client, but Amber, as the client, actually smiled and comforted them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But under that smile, recently... What bitter tears are hidden

"And this time alone we may not lose."

Although he said this to encourage others, in fact, both Amber and other people in the car knew that they had no chance of winning this bet.


Captain Qin yelled out angrily. Even with Commander Qin's upbringing and upbringing, Commander Qin at this moment just wants to kill people.

Barbatos suddenly said:"What do you think Xiao Bai is looking for Amber? What's the purpose?"

Everyone in Mondstadt was stunned for a moment and then fell into silence.

They seemed to have never considered what purpose Xiao Bai had in finding Amber.

"What is impossible is that Xiao Bai falls in love with Amber."

Barbatos glanced at Amber and said

"Lord Barbatos, what do you mean you can't always fall in love with me? Am I so bad?"

Amber shouted to Barbatos unconvinced.

"this one"

After taking a look at Amber's 0.6 figure, Barbatos shook his head regretfully:"I think you should know this in your mind."

Amber: I'm so fucking murderous, I killed this cuckold in front of me.

"Could it be Youla? Youla was alone outside with no one to talk to, so Xiao Bai wanted to take Amber away and send her to be with Youla."

In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up:"That's right, it must be true, everyone thinks the same way."

Everyone subconsciously avoided the option of Xiao Bai wanting to play with Amber's body.

Xiao Bai can't be so superficial, and just like Barbatos said, Lisa is sexier than Amber, and serious Which one of Captain Qin is more beautiful than Amber?

But Xiao Bai chose Amber, so there is only one answer...

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