"Istaru, the ruler of time?"

Xiao Bai showed a meaningful smile in Qianfeng Temple, and then disappeared.

The other party was hiding from him, and Xiao Bai didn't bother to look for it. Xiao Bai just wanted to see if the other party could hide from him until he had the ability. Come out.

In the temporary residence of the Knights of the West Wind, everyone in the Knights of the West Wind is paying attention to the voting under the Statue of the Wind God.

They dare not interfere with the voting results, and can only influence those in Mondstadt as much as possible. I hope they can choose to refuse.

But unfortunately, according to statistics from the Knights of the West Wind, 90% of people choose to sacrifice Amber to make themselves happy, even in the face of the Knights of the West Wind. However, the people in Mondstadt were convinced that the Knights of the West Wind should have sacrificed for them. He closed his eyes with some pain and despair. Although Captain Qin had already expected such a result, when this result When it really appeared, Captain Qin 04 was undoubtedly in pain.

A big smile appeared on Amber's face:"It doesn't matter, the other party won't do anything to me anyway, and I believe Youla won't let it happen either." The other person hurt me, so if it can help others, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter what you mean, they know whether you have been protecting them and fighting for them, how can they do this."

Captain Qin shouted angrily, but facing Commander Qin's anger, Amber fell silent and looked at the situation in front of him:"Otherwise, what can I do, I want to make a fuss?"

Captain Qin suddenly repeated as if a hand was strangling his throat. Amber looked at Captain Qin and spoke again:"It doesn't matter, there is no need to be angry about this kind of thing, there is no need to be angry anymore."

There is nothing greater than grief. At this moment, although Amber is not completely giving up on Mondstadt, she no longer has any hope.

If the results are really what she thought when they come out, In that case, Amber will completely give up on Mondstadt

"I'm afraid Xiao Bai's purpose is exactly this, to make us completely give up on Mondstadt."

Lisa on the side said lightly, with a trace of lightning flashing on her fingertips. Lisa understood Xiao Bai's purpose, but what could Lisa do if she understood it. What

Xiao Bai used this time was not a conspiracy, but It’s an upright conspiracy. I’ll tell you clearly that I’m going to use this method to make you give up on the Mondstadt people. I’ll tell you clearly that I’m going to use this method to drive a wedge between you and the Mondstadt people.

Unless Mondstadt’s People can vote against it, otherwise Xiao Bai's plan is destined to succeed.

Even if Lisa and the others knew that this matter was Xiao Bai's conspiracy, wouldn't they resent the people of Mondstadt? It's simply impossible , Resentment is a sure thing!

"Why can't Xiao Bai let Mond go?"

Captain Qin's voice was full of exhaustion and powerlessness.

However, Lisa said to Commander Qin calmly:"The people you should blame for this matter are the residents of Mondstadt. They are the ones who caused this. s consequence"

"If the people of Mondstadt were not ungrateful, this would not have happened at all!"

"That's enough, don't say any more!"

Covering her ears, Amber shouted out, and the best ran out directly. Everyone fell silent when they saw this scene.

Captain Qin slumped down on the chair weakly, and the rest of the people also Everyone fell silent.

After running out of the temporary residence of the Knights of the West Wind, Amber didn't know where she ran. Then she huddled under a tree, hugged her legs, and buried her head in her legs.

"Oops, look what I found, a lost little rabbit."

Hearing this voice, Amber suddenly raised her head, and then saw a hateful face.

"Judging from your appearance, you shouldn't be blaming me. Do you think this happened because of me? No, no, no one is so naive!"

"Aren't the people from Mondstadt obviously the ones who should be resented? You should resent them for being ungrateful. As long as they are not ungrateful, you will be the one making the bet this time. Everyone will be resurrected by then. Isn't this bet good enough for you?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"To be honest, the people of Mondstadt are not ungrateful, so if you want to blame them, it shouldn't be them. Why did it become me."

Amber's expression fell silent, knowing that Xiao Bai was right, but Amber felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Because Amber fought desperately for Mondstadt, Amber didn't ask for anything in return, but she couldn't accept being betrayed like this. Being betrayed. What does it feel like to be betrayed by someone you desperately protect?

The pain of betrayal

"Now you know why I hate people in Mondstadt, and now you can understand how Yura feels. He has been working hard for Mondstadt, but those people in Mondstadt not only slandered Yura behind his back, but also insulted Yura in person. La"

"To tell you the truth, you are the first but you are definitely not the last. If the Mondstadt sacrifices you this time, then next time 717 will not be Captain Qin, and next time will it be Captain Qin? other people?"

Amber's body trembled slightly, and fear began to spread.

How could this happen? How could it be like this?

Amber couldn't imagine what kind of future it would be if it stayed like this.

"It's all Mondstadt's choice"

"Please stop targeting Mondstadt, okay?"

"Why did I target them? Do you think I targeted the Mondstadt people? I just gave the choice. In the end, it is they who make the choice."

She closed her eyes in pain. Amber knew that Xiao Bai was right. It was precisely because of this look that Amber was in pain.

"I just can’t understand why you still care so much about Mondstadt when the city is in such a state of ruin? You are like this, Yora is like this, what has Mondstadt given you?"

"Silly girl, recognize the reality. Mondstadt can't give you anything. Rare will only hurt you. It uses its so-called freedom to hurt you. Listen to what they say. It's their freedom to make any choice. , the Knights of the West Wind have no right to interfere, haha, what a ridiculous reason, but it is also true, after all, they are not the citizens who were betrayed."

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