A sound of footsteps was heard, and finally an elegant figure appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai turned his head and took a look and then sneered:"You should thank me for your tattered body and you can still survive until now. If it weren't for me, you would have died long ago."

Lisa ignored it and looked at Xiao Bai and Amber and said,"Sure enough, you are here, or you will definitely appear here where Amber appears."

Xiao Bai did not let Lisa say such words deliberately. In his mind, he looked at Lisa instead:"Then what do you want to do? It's very difficult for you to stop me even though you know my purpose. After all, it's not me who is dealing with you this time, but those you are protecting." People from Mondstadt."

Lisa said expressionlessly:"It doesn't matter, to me these people look the same!"

Xiao Bai applauded after hearing this sentence:"She is indeed a witch, but what she said is Who believes what

Lisa said?" Xiao Bai had no idea whether what Lisa said was true or false, but it didn't matter to Xiao Bai whether it was true or false.

Xiao Bai doesn't care if Lisa thinks this way

"So what is the purpose of your presence here now?"

Looking at Lisa in front of him, Xiao Bai asked casually

"Of course, this is to prevent this rabbit from being abducted by you!"

"Haha, can you stop those Mondstadt people from voting?"

"Can't stop it!"

"Since you can't stop me, why do you think you can stop me from kidnapping this rabbit?"

Looking at Lisa in front of him like a clown, Xiao Bai was curious about why Lisa thought she could stop herself from taking Amber away?

"I can't stop it, but someone can definitely stop you!"

"Do you want to say Yula? You can't stop me, even if I'm here today, I can't stop me from taking Amber away, okay?."

Facing Lisa's words, Xiao Bai laughed unscrupulously, mocking!

"Indeed, there is no way around this situation, but there is one thing you seem to have forgotten."

Xiao Bai glanced at Lisa in confusion, not understanding what Lisa meant.

"Amber can choose not to be taken away by you, or you can choose to take Amber's body."

Amber stared at Lisa.

Xiao Bai's smile gradually faded, and he issued a warning to Lisa in front of him.

"No one dares to blame me"

"I'd like to give it a try."

There was a flash of lightning in Lisa's eyes, but the next moment Lisa suddenly shed a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth.

"I'm curious who gave you the courage to challenge me, or do you think that relying on the power of the witches in your body will allow you to challenge me?"

Xiao Bai felt a little funny. Where did the witch in front of him get the courage to challenge himself, relying on the power in his body that came from a corner of the world?

"It's natural that I'll kill you as the price for provoking me, right?"

Looking at why Xiao Bai's palm in front of him appeared a group of dark light, as if it was trying to suck everything in.

Seeing this scene, Amber's face suddenly turned pale with shock:" Stop, don't hurt Lisa!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In this matter, the other party made a move on me first, and now I'm just fighting back!"

I don't have the habit of showing mercy to my enemies. Listening to the cold words coming from Xiao Bai's mouth, Amber didn't know what to say at this moment. It was indeed Lisa who took the lead in this matter, but the problem is Lisa only had this idea, but Xiao Bai didn't know what was going on and got injured.

"I think Lisa was probably just joking. Amber had an awkward smile on her face, but Xiao Bai looked at Amber and asked meaningfully:"Then do you have to wait until he kills me?""

Amber was speechless for a moment. This natural thing cannot be said like this, but the one who is injured now is Lisa, and if Xiao Bai continues to beat Lisa, Lisa will be dead. Of course

Amber can't Maybe she watched something happen to Lisa, so Amber had to stop Xiao Bai.

"I can promise you not to kill her, but you have to promise me one thing!"

After Amber heard what Xiao Bai said, although she didn't quite understand what Xiao Bai wanted to do, she still nodded to at least ensure that Lisa wouldn't have any accidents.

Xiao Bai glanced at Lisa and then said lightly:" `~Congratulations, you survived again, but I am very curious about how long you can live like this."

With an indifferent expression, Lisa didn't reply and just looked at Xiao Bai with indifferent eyes.

"This time, you actually came to die on purpose, right? You wanted me to kill you!"

Lisa's expression changed slightly. Amber looked at Lisa incomprehensibly and couldn't understand why Lisa did this.

"Because she knows that I will make a fuss about her in the next moment. In order not to cause trouble to Qin, a best friend, he is now looking for me to die."

"This is such a touching friendship between besties. Should I praise you and appreciate you?"

Xiao Bai asked with amusement as he looked at Lisa in front of him. Lisa's expression was a little ugly.

"It seems like you didn’t expect that I would see through it."

((Money) Lisa was silent, Xiao Bai just looked at Amber:"Then Amber, go and inform your leader Qin to ask her to come over, if you don't want her good best friend to die."

An Bo. Amber and Lisa's expressions changed one after another. Both Amber and Lisa could tell that Xiao Bai was planning to cause trouble.

Lisa even shouted to Amber:"Don't go!"

"If you don't go, this witch will die."

"Are you sure you don't care? Do you want to watch this witch die?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Amber looked at Lisa and couldn't help gritting her teeth. Then she went to find Captain Qin without any hesitation. Even if Lisa called Amber, Amber ignored her..

Lisa’s face was livid.

"You can take advantage of this period to commit suicide."

Xiao Bai said with a smile, it looks like a devil's pool.

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