"No matter what, I hope you can exercise restraint, okay? At least don't engage in massacres. Not all Mondstadt people are idiots and trash!"

What Youla can pray for now is that Xiao Bai won't commit any massacre.

As for some blind guys, if they are killed, Youla said that she has nothing to do about it. Anyone who is stupid can save them. No.

Amber looked at Xiao Bai even more painfully. Compared to Youla who still had some trust in Xiao Bai, Amber really had no trust in Xiao Bai at all and was completely suspicious.

Before. Xiao Bai has killed tens of thousands of people in Mondstadt without changing his expression. Who can withstand this look?

If the other party gets mad and decides to slaughter the entire population of Mondstadt, So, will anyone come out to stop it then?

With such an idea, Amber felt that she should do something. Even though Amber had been completely disappointed and given up on the people of Mondstadt, Amber still had a kind heart. It was unbearable for Xiao Bai to cause massacres.

So Amber decided to find a way to save other people.

At least he had to save it again and try to save those people in Mondstadt. If he couldn't save it, Amber would be worthy of his conscience.

"I want to know how you plan to treat those people in Mondstadt in the future!"

"This sentence is a bit interesting, how to deal with those people in Mondstadt City.

Xiao Baishui pinched his chin, looked at Amber in front of him, and said with a malicious smile:"You think, how about I drag all the people in Mondstadt out to mine, and mine until they die?" If they die, they will be buried directly in the mine. By the way, all those beautiful girls will be sold out!"

Amber's eyes widened instantly.

Youra's eyelids twitched as well. What kind of beast could come up with such a method? Youra couldn't think of anyone else except Xiao Bai.

"At least the people in Mondstadt are still alive, right? If it had been anyone else, they would have been dead long ago. I wouldn't even give them a chance to mine with those black farm tools.."

"I was careless back then. I should have let those black farm tools dig mines. We didn’t even have to give them food. Just let them eat their own excrement. If they really couldn’t hold on, they could eat people. High output with zero investment!"

Yora and Amber couldn't help but feel terrified when they heard Xiao Bai's soliloquy. What kind of beast is Xiao Bai talking? Such words are not human at all. It should be wrong. It should be impossible for carbon-based creatures to say. It's only right to say something like this, but this guy Xiao Bai actually said it like this

"I will never allow you to do such a thing!"

Amber stood up and looked at Xiao Bai, as if he would fight Xiao Bai if Xiao Bai dared to do this.

However, Xiao Bai stretched out his finger to make a pistol gesture and shot Amber. Action!

Youla stood in front of Amber in an instant:"If you dare to hurt Amber, I will kill you!""

Looking at Youla's appearance, Xiao Bai couldn't help but cover his chest, as if my heart aches.

"I'm so sad that you don't believe me. Do you really think that I would do such an outrageous thing?"

"It is precisely because of my understanding of you that I believe that you can definitely do such a thing, because you are such a scumbag!"

Xiao Bai always felt that he was offended.

"You actually talked about me like this, I'm angry, you're the kind of person who can't be coaxed, I'm going to run away from home!"

"Do you think I will stop you? You are simply dreaming!"

Yura smiled coldly and looked at Xiao Bai in front of her. Her look was as if she was saying that no matter how you are, it has nothing to do with her.

"I am sad. Since this is the case, I have no choice but to take those people from Mondstadt City to mine. Anyway, I hate them very much. Let all the people from Mondstadt City die in the mine. The big deal is when I immigrate some people to Mondstadt, then they will become the new Mondstadt people when they enter Mondstadt."

The pitiful expression on Xiao Bai's face made Youla feel terrified. Why could someone say such dangerous words so calmly?

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have doubted you!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Youla finally compromised. Faced with Xiao Bai's threat, Youla felt that if she didn't compromise, there was a high chance that Xiao Bai, this crazy critic, would really succeed. Would do something like that.

So Youla had to stop Xiao Bai to prevent Xiao Bai from actually doing something like that. It would be bad.

Although Youla faced Xiao Bai's scolding in her heart scolding

"`~By the way, I’d like to remind you, if you have any questions, go to the Wind God Barbatos. The other party is currently discussing some things about Mondstadt with Morax. If you dare to go there now, maybe you can still say it. Listen to some."

After saying that, Xiao Bai took advantage of Youla and Amber's daze and ran away.

By the time the two people reacted, Xiao Bai had already disappeared, and the expressions of Youla and Amber changed:"This bastard Xiao Bai wouldn't really do that kind of thing!"

Thinking about what might happen soon, Youla and Amber couldn't help but look a little unsightly.

"Or else we. (Li Zhao Zhao)"

"I went to find Barbatos, the god of wind. This drunkard actually gave the city of Mondstadt to Xiao Bai. If the other party doesn't give me an answer that satisfies me, don't blame me for slapping him with my big mouth!"

There was a trace of fire in Yula's eyes.

Seeing Yula's look, Amber's mouth twitched slightly and she did not refute, because Amber was also very angry in her heart. How could Barbatos do this? In a way, Mondstadt once entrusted it to Xiao Bai. Don't you know that Xiao Bai is a guy who doesn't regard the people of Mondstadt as human beings at all?

"Let's go find Barbatos. If Barbatos doesn't give an explanation today, there will be no Fengshen from now on."

Yura's whole person is about to turn black, and she even said that if Barbatos can't explain clearly, Mondstadt will not be like the Wind God from now on.

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