Youla and Amber came to the Hall of Rebirth angrily.

Seeing Wendy who was drinking with Zhong Li:"Barbatos, if you don't give me an explanation today, then today next year will be your death anniversary!"

He grabbed Barbatos' collar and looked at Barbatos A flash of anger flashed in Toss's eyes.

Barbatos saw the angry Yora with a flattering smile on her face and said:"Now Mondstadt has reached the point of life and death. It is absolutely impossible for Mondstadt to transform if it continues to be in our hands, so we can only place our hopes on it." To Xiao Bai, only in Xiao Bai's hands can Mondstadt be reborn."

"So do you know what the outcome will be for Mondstadt in the hands of Xiao Bai? Do you know what Xiao Bai wants to do with the people who come to Mondstadt?"

"I don’t know, but I’m not worried about this. As long as you still care about Mondstadt, there is no way that Xiao Bai will do anything to destroy Mondstadt, at least before the people of Mondstadt completely anger Xiao Bai. , Xiao Bai will not do anything to Mond."

Yura was silent. Although she was a little unconvinced, she had to admit that Barbatos, a cuckold, had some truth in what he said.

Even if it was for her own sake, as long as Mondt was not too desperate, Xiao Bai She won't do anything too cruel, provided that she doesn't have anything to do with Mond.

She was tricked by Xiao Bai. At this moment, Yula didn't realize that she was tricked by Xiao Bai. She quickly Yura, who had entered the red temperature state, punched Barbatos directly in the eye socket.

"This punch hit you so blindly that you handed Mond to a guy like Xiao Bai.

After saying that, he punched Barbatos on the other side of the eye:"This punch will make you unable to recognize people. Can you trust someone like Xiao Bai?""

After saying that, Yula pulled Amber and turned around to leave. Barbatos looked confused.

Looking at the confused Barbatos, Zhongli chuckled.

"Such a day will happen to you too! Barbatos looked at Zhongli with a wry smile and said,"Old man, please stop laughing at me. It's too difficult for me!""

Yura, who quickly left with Amber, was flushed. She was really embarrassed and ashamed. Yura never thought that she would have such a shameful day.

"Did the two punches you just gave Barbatos have some..."

Thinking of the two fists Barbatos received, Amber felt a little hurt for Barbatos.

"If it weren't for Barbatos, how could Mond fall into Xiao Bai's hands, so is there any problem with the two fists Barbatos received?"

Yola snorted coldly and asked Amber.

Amber smiled and said nothing, but then Amber asked with some worry:"Xiao Bai really won't do anything dangerous, right?"

Remembering what Xiao Bai said before about letting people go mining, and then he didn't give them food and let the miners kill each other and then eat each other. Thinking of this scene, Amber couldn't help but tremble all over. As a human being, why could Xiao Bai come up with such a cruel and terrifying idea?

"It’s hard to say this kind of thing!"

Youra is completely unsure whether Xiao Bai will do such a terrible thing. Based on Youra's understanding of Xiao Bai, this guy Xiao Bai can do anything.

So Youra is really not sure. Will Xiao Bai do that kind of thing?

A bitter smile appeared on Amber's face.

This is really a disaster. What on earth do you want to do, Lord Barbatos!

Amber really can't understand why. Barbatos wanted to hand over Mondstadt to Xiaobai, even if it was to anyone else (aedg), it would be better than handing over the ability to Xiaobai, but Barbatos made the worst choice. Now, I have entrusted Mondstadt to Xiao Bai, which is simply incomprehensible.

Thinking of this, Amber even wants to go back and kick Barbatos hard.

Can she do something serious?

In fact, she has already left Li. Xiao Bai, who has arrived in Mondstadt from Yuerun, is looking at Captain Qin and Lisa. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So have you made your choice? Do you want to save your best friend, Jean Gunhild?"

"Yes, please save Lisa. I will leave Mondstadt and never come back."

"Very good, then you will save me a lot of trouble by making this choice."

A white light appeared in Xiao Bai's hand, and then the white light fell on Lisa's body. Lisa's original tattered body began to repair instantly.

This made Lisa, who was already suffering from illness, Suddenly it seemed as if she had been reborn.

However, if she had a choice, Lisa would rather not have such a healthy body. Lisa knew exactly what she had paid for this body.

Looking at Lisa, Qin He asked with concern:"Are you okay?

Facing Qin's inquiry, Lisa shook her head:"I'm fine!""

After hearing what Lisa said, Qin's face finally showed a smile.

Then Qin looked at Xiao Bai:"I will keep my promise and leave Mondstadt now and never come back again."

"Then let me tell you one more thing. Don’t be too surprised after hearing this."

Qin looked at Xiao Bai and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. Could it be that

"Barbatos handed Mondstadt to me!"

The roar was like a thunderbolt from the blue!

Qin was completely confused. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How about it, are you surprised or surprised?"

There seemed to be a volcano brewing in my heart until finally Qin completely exploded:"This is impossible, how could Lord Barbatos do such a thing, how could Lord Barbatos hand over Mondstadt? for you"

"However, the fact is that Barbatos handed over Mondstadt to me. You know I don’t need to lie to you. Now Barbatos is drinking with Morax in Liyue. If you don’t believe it, you can ask it yourself!"

Anymenmen appeared in front of Xiao Bai and Qin.

"If you don't believe it, you can cross the portal and ask Barbatos."

Without any hesitation, Qin crossed over directly. Lisa looked at Xiao Bai:"Your purpose has succeeded!"

"Oh, you know what I want to do?".

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