At the Grand Bazaar Theatre, Xiao Bai looked at Nilu with deep admiration in his eyes. Xiao Bai was even thinking about whether he should imitate the protagonists of those rice wives. Give Nilu one and you wouldn’t want the theater to close down. Yes, Xiao Bai felt that if he threatened like this, he would probably succeed 80% of the time.

Even if the other party rejects Xiao Bai, there are other ways to make Nilu submit obediently.

But in the end, Xiao Bai restrained himself.

The few integrity in his heart prevented Xiao Bai from doing such a thing.

Just when Xiao Bai was struggling with how he was going to get Nilu into his pocket, Nilu took the lead to come over and say hello to Xiao Bai. It was obvious to Nilu, who came to watch her dance every day. is also very familiar.

Even when the theater is not in operation, the other party will come here to watch her practice, which makes Nilu think that the other party is her fan.

So Nilu called 06 and went to say hello to Xiao Bai:"Hello!"

She said hello to Xiao Bai all the way.

Xiao BaikanThe elk that appeared in front of him was silent for a moment and then said:"This is fate, otherwise, why would you appear in front of me!"


"I tried my best to restrain myself from kidnapping you, but in the end you showed up so bravely in front of me. What does this mean? What does it mean that fate wants you to stay with me? So congratulations to you, Miss Nilu, you were kidnapped by me"


Miss Nilu is so spartan, who will tell him what is going on? Who will tell Miss Nilu what is going on?"

"Gentleman, please don't make such a joke."

Nilu looked at Xiao Bai and thought Xiao Bai was joking with her, but the next moment Xiao Bai said to Nilu:"I am not joking with you, but threatening you very seriously."

"You haven't seen the Grass God, right? Do you want to know what your Grass God is like? Want to know why your grass god never shows up?"

After hearing this, Nilu's face suddenly showed an expression of disbelief.

"Do you know the situation of the little grass god?"

"Of course, I can even take you to see with your own eyes what your little grass god is like."

"Really sir? So please, I want to meet the little grass god!"

"But there has to be a reward, right? After all, it’s normal for me to receive some reward for taking you to do such a dangerous thing, right? Nilu looked at Xiao Bai with some doubts, but still asked:"I don't know what kind of reward you want, sir!""

"I'll take you to see the Little Grass God, and you let me kiss you. Of course, in order to avoid you thinking I'm lying, I'll take you to see the Little Grass God now, and then you'll pay me after you see the Little Grass God!"

"Can I change the remuneration? Nilu blushed and asked Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai shook his head decisively:"Taking you to see the Little Grass God is a very dangerous thing. If the Great Sage knows about it, he will definitely not let me go. So I will take you to see the Little Grass God only if you have to pay accordingly."

"And the corresponding reward for this is Miss Nilu. I like you, Miss Nilu, so I am willing to take such a risk for you. Therefore, except for this reward, he wants nothing else!"

Hearing this sentence, a blush suddenly appeared on Nilu's face and she looked at Xiao Bai in front of her:"I understand, I agree to your reward as long as you can take me to see the Little Grass God, then I promise you!"

"Then it’s a deal!"

Looking at Nilu in front of him, Xiao Bai showed a smile on his face. I can't deceive a mere little girl like you?"

"Then please come with me, and I will take you to see the little grass god now."

After saying that, Xiao Bai led all the way to Jingshan Palace. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the little girl who was locked up, Nilu asked in disbelief:"Is this one the"

"Yes, this is the little grass god"

"You are Miss Nelu, but who are you."

Little Jixiang Nasida opened her eyes and then looked at Nilu and Xiao Bai. However, after recognizing Nilu, Little Jixiang Grass King felt a little happy.

"Why is Little Lucky Grass King imprisoned here? What on earth are those sages in the Order Academy doing? How dare they do this!"

"There is nothing that the sages of the Order Academy dare not do. The Little Lucky Grass King is now being imprisoned here like this. You can see it with your own eyes."

Nilu had an incredible look in her eyes.

"Okay, then now is not the time to talk about such things. Let's leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave if someone discovers us."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he pulled Nilu to leave, but Nilu was not willing to leave just now, but wanted to save the little Lucky Grass King.

"This prop was left by the Great Ci Tree King. You can't solve it, so Nilu, please leave quickly and don't take risks for me!"

597 Nacida looked at Nilu and said, Nacida was a little happy that Nilu wanted to save herself, but Nacida was not willing to put Nilu in danger, so the best result was to let Nilu and Xiao Bai Leave quickly.

After Nacida's repeated persuasion, Nilu left but assured Nacida:"Little Lucky Grass King, I will definitely save you."

After he finished speaking, he was pulled away by Xiao Bai."

Xiao Bai quickly took Nilu away and then looked at Nilu and said,"You really took too many risks just now. You shouldn't take such risks!"

Nilu! Only then did he realize that he was not alone but with Xiao Bai, and a contented look appeared on his face:"I'm really sorry!"

"Well, Miss Nilu, I have met the Little Lucky Grass King on your behalf, so are you able to fulfill your promise?"

Suddenly, Nilu's face showed a shy look. Xiao Bai was not polite and put his hand around Nilu's slender waist, and then kissed her directly.

Nilu closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling but did not push Xiao away. Bai.

I don’t know how long it took, but Nilu was out of breath. Xiao Bai then let go of her.

"What a beauty!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xiao Bai said this.

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