"Do you want to make another deal?"

Looking at Nilu in front of him, Xiao Bai asked Nilu

"Wha, what deal?"

"I'll help you save the little Lucky Grass King Nasida! Nilu glared for a moment, and then Nilu looked at Xiao Bai in front of her:"Really?""

"Of course, I don’t have to lie to you, right? I have a way to save the little Lucky Grass King."

Suddenly Nilu looked at Xiao Bai excitedly:"Please tell me how to save the little Lucky Grass King!"

"So this deal is that I help you save the little Lucky Grass King, and in return I hope to have you!"

Nilu obviously understood what Xiao Bai meant, and her face suddenly turned red. She looked at Xiao Bai's flushed expression in front of her.

"Well, isn't this a little too fast? We can get to know each other first!"

"No, no, no, I don’t think this is too fast at all. I want to have you, I want you to completely transform into my shape and dye your body with my own color, so Nilu, you have to agree to this deal. ?"

Facing Xiao Bai's blazing gaze, Nilu felt her whole body burning hot. However, facing Xiao Bai's blazing gaze, Nilu still nodded:"Okay, if you can save the little Lucky Grass King. , then I am willing."

After saying this, Nilu's face turned red. Xiao Bai just hugged Nilu and kissed her again, without resisting Xiao Bai.

"Tell me first what exactly I need to do to save the little Grass God!"

"We want this and so and so and so and so"

After listening to this, Nilu immediately looked at Xiao Bai with a little more money on her face:"Is there something bad about this look?"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with the little grass god, he will definitely be saved!"

After hearing this sentence, Nilu nodded and chose to believe what Xiao Bai said. Anyway, if Xiao Bai took her to meet the Little Lucky Grass King, there should be no problem, and the other party likes her so much. He will definitely work hard to save the little Lucky Grass King, so there is no problem that he should trust the other party.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xiao Bai, with a thick smile on his face, the girl in front of him has now fallen into Don't even think about running away now that you have it in your own hands.

The next step is to rescue the little Lucky Grass King. After rescuing the Little Lucky Grass King, Nilu will become Xiao Bai's property.

As for how to do it It is not a problem for Xiao Bai to rescue the little Lucky Grass King. Xiao Bai only needs to perform a scene to easily bring out the Little Lucky Grass King. Don't ask why, if Xiao Bai Even the little Lucky Grass King couldn't save him, so he might as well just find a rope and hang himself from the southeast branch.

But Xiao Bai wouldn't do that.

Soon Nilu went to Sai Nuo according to Xiao Bai's plan, and then put this piece After telling Sai Nuo about the matter, Xiao Bai believed that Sai Nuo would not just watch the little Lucky Grass King being imprisoned and remain indifferent. It was not beyond Xiao Bai's expectation that Sai Nuo would rush in directly after knowing about the Little Lucky Grass King. He went to Jingshan Palace and was beaten into a scumbag.

Now the great sage is surrounded by a doctor who is the second in the fools.

The other party still needs the little auspicious grass king to do research, so how can he let people save the little auspicious grass king? Left, so if there was no accident, then there must be an accident!

If Xiao Bai hadn't helped behind the scenes, Saino would have been beaten to death.

However, Xiao Bai's help also made the executive officer of Fools become aware of it. Xiao Bai exists, but now the other party does not dare to expose this matter, and can only secretly explore what Xiao Bai wants to do.

Xiao Bai does not coddle the other party, and the doctor who fools everyone wants to run away. Even if he pulls his pussy back,

Xiao Bai needs the doctor to help him create some lace between himself and Nilu. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How could he let the other party easily? Leave Xumi.

What do you mean by saying this is cheating?

I just cheated. Anyway, I will slowly confess to Nilu after she has deceived her.

Grand Bazaar Theater.

Looking at the seriously injured Sano, Nilu's There was a look of worry in his eyes

"What should we do now? Even Sano was seriously injured. Can we still save the little Lucky Grass King?.?"

"Of course there is no problem. Believe me, I will definitely bring out the Little Lucky Grass King for your sake."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Nilu's eyes showed emotion, but then Nilu shook her head:"No, I can't let you do such a dangerous thing."

"For you, I am willing to do anything."

The inexperienced Nilu was directly deceived by Xiao Bai, which came from her favorable impression of Xiao Bai.

Even Xiao Bai felt that as long as he was coaxing, it wouldn't be long before Nilu would be tricked into sleeping with him.

Xiao Bai's conscience condemned him for three seconds, and it was only three seconds. After three seconds, Xiao Bai continued to think about how to continue. Nilu was tricked into going to bed.

What do you mean by conscience, you don’t feel guilty?

Why should you feel guilty? You have already repented. Since you have repented, you don’t need to feel guilty.

Xiao Bai said directly to Nilu:"I I need to go see the Little Lucky Grass King again. If I want to save the Little Lucky Grass King, I have to have God take action. I have some connections with Ina Wife and I can use certain conditions in exchange for Ina Wife's Thunder God to take action."

Nilu stared at Xiao Bai and was a little shocked. She didn't seem to have thought that Xiao Bai had a relationship with Dao Wife and Thor when he came in.

"Isn't this a good look? After all, it's Inazuma's (Nuo Ma Zhao) God of Thunder. Well, this is our Sumeru business.

Nilu hesitated and asked. After all, the family scandal should not be made public. It was Xumi's scandal. If the god who sold the rice wife took action, wouldn't it be a family scandal that should be made public?

This is a last resort to save the people of Xumi:"You don't know what those fools are doing here!"

"They then use the brains of the people of Sumeru to create new gods. Do you know the consequences of overuse of the brain? Turning into an idiot, the Void Terminal can control the brains of people in Xumi. This is why adults in Xumi can't dream!"

Xiao Bai was as alarmist as possible, and Nilu and Saino were horrified when they heard this.

"If it is a little later, it is very likely that the entire Sumeru will become a kingdom of death, and all the Sumeru people will die!"

"Are you still taking care of your family's shame and making it public now?".

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