Nasida looked at Xiao Bai and the Daci Tree King with confusion in their eyes. Why were they like this? It was clear that the Daci Tree King was resurrected and that she didn't need to let Xiao Bai succeed, but why?

Looking at the Great Ci Tree King being held in Xiao Bai's arms, Nasida's eyes were filled with confusion.

What mistake did I make to deserve such a punishment? Why is it so?

A look of confusion appeared during the transformation. Nasida looked at the Great Ci Tree King with a trace of doubt in her eyes, why the Great Ci Tree King looked like this.

As the party involved, King Daci Shu wanted to protect Nasida from Xiao Bai's murderous hands, but at this moment, embarrassment was unavoidable.

"You still don’t understand, Naxida, my goal from the very beginning was not you but King Daci Tree. I just told King Daci Tree about the deal between you and me. King Daci Tree chose to sacrifice himself for you. It’s really great!"

Nascida was so angry that she was trembling all over. Why would there be such a beast? She looked at the Daci Tree King with deep guilt in her eyes. If it weren't for herself, the Daci Tree King wouldn't have to encounter such a thing. Xiao How dare this beast Bai do this?

"Nasida, all this is my own wish, so you don't need to feel any guilt. And if it weren't for you, I would be completely dead by now, so you don't need to feel guilty. Instead, I should thank you."

Seeing the guilty look on Naxida's face, the Daci Tree King made peace for Naxida.

Xiao Bai walked to the side of the Daci Tree King and hugged the Daci Tree King:"Don't you think I and the Daci Tree King are a good match? ?"

"If you act like this, what are you going to do with Janelu? Are you going to abandon Nelu?"

For Xiao Bai, a beast, Naxi Da is now shaking with anger. If it weren't for her inferior strength to Xiao Bai, Naxi Da would have wanted to press Xiao Bai's head into the toilet and let Xiao Bai's brain be washed away by the water in the toilet.

"If you want to say that, I will be angry. What do I plan to do with Nilu? How could I abandon Nilu? Of course Nilu is also my wing."

Looking at Xiao Bai, Nasida's eyes revealed a look of disgust. This guy is indeed a beast.

"Okay, so I have settled the matter here. Finally, I plan to leave. King Daci Tree, you leave with me. As for Nasida, you can do whatever you want. I will leave Sumeru with King Daci Tree and Nilu."

"No, I won’t let you take away King Daci Shu!"

Nasida looked at Xiao Bai with firm eyes, as if I will never let you take the Daci Tree King with you.

"This matter is not yours to decide!"

For Nasida Shining to reject him, Xiao Bai only thought it was funny and stopped him with just those answers. It was simply a dream.

"Nasida, you don’t want Sumeru to become a ruin, right?"

Xiao Bai threatened Naxida, and the expression on Naxida's face changed, with anger in her eyes.

On the other hand, King Daci Shu gently comforted Naxida:"Don't let your emotions affect your judgment, Naxida. , even if I am resurrected, you are the god of Xumi now, and you are responsible for the people of Xumi, so you must be calm and do not let others' words affect your judgment."

Looking at the Great Ci Tree King in front of her, Nacida's eyes were full of nostalgia. The person in front of her was her mother in a sense. They had just met and were about to be separated again. How could Nacida accept this kind of thing?

"The short separation is for a better encounter. Don’t worry, Nasida, we will definitely meet again in the future!"

After hearing what King Daci Tree said, Nasida looked at King Daci Tree reluctantly.

"I understand, King Daci Shu, that the separation now is for a better encounter. I will look forward to the day when I will meet you again!"

Looking at Naxida and Daci Shu Wang Xiao Bai who were saying goodbye, they glanced at each other. If they don't have their consent, they still want to meet again? What a waste of a reunion!

But Xiao Bai obviously won't tell them this. Let them wait and see, and when the expectation turns to despair, Xiao Bai will help them gain favor in one fell swoop!

To be honest, Xiao Bai is a little looking forward to it, so he puts Yura, Kamisato Ayaka, and Nilu away. What kind of scene will it be like when we let them dance together?

Which one will be more beautiful: the ritual dance, the egret dance, or the flower god dance?

Xiao Bai has some expectations. (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now it seems that there is still some trouble on Nilu’s side. Nilu still doesn’t know Xiao Bai’s true situation. If Xiao Bai wants to take Nilu away, I still need to talk to Nilu. Lu explained the situation.

Xiao Bai had already anticipated what would happen next!

Nilu would definitely be angry with Xiao Bai because of this incident, and she might even break off relations with Xiao Bai because of this incident.

But Xiao Bai did not Don't worry, Nilu is his own now. Xiao Bai believes that he can turn Nilu into his own shape. If once is not enough, then twice, and if two times are not enough, then three times. 837 Sooner or later, Xiao Bai will be able to turn Nilu into her own shape. Lu's whole body was filled up, making Nilu change into her own shape.

Unsurprisingly, when Xiao Bai told Nilu about this, Nilu was very angry.

"How could you be like this!"

Nilu was very surprised and angry about the fact that she was deceived, but in the end, with Xiao Bai's injection, Nilu finally forgave Xiao Bai. After all, in a sense, Xiao Bai did save him. Xumi.

So even if she was angry, she still forgave Xiao Bai in the end.

But after knowing that Xiao Bai wanted to take her away, Nilu chose to refuse, saying that she would not leave Xumi. This Xiao Bai could spoil Ni Show it?

Of course not!

"Miss Nelu, you don’t want your country to go to war because of you, right?

Looking at Xiao Bai, Nilu was a little angry:"What exactly do you want!""

"Not so good, as long as you promise to leave with me, then I guarantee that nothing will happen to Xumi again. If you are determined not to leave with me, then I will have to use some small tricks!"

"For example, fools invade Xumi, and another example is"

"Okay, you don’t need to say anything, I’m leaving!".

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