Xiao Bai felt that it was too difficult for him. He just wanted to take these lovely girls away, but in the end he couldn't get what he wanted. And it didn't matter if he couldn't get what he wanted. He even let these girls The child is full of hatred towards himself

"Do you think it's possible that by taking you away, I'm actually saving Xumi?"

Looking at Nilu and Daci Tree King who were still angry, Xiao Bai said tentatively.

Sure enough, this sentence made Daci Tree King and Nilu look towards Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai said Waving his hands, a picture appeared in the void:"Did you see it? This piece floating on the sea of ​​imaginary numbers is Teyvat. Do you feel that Teyvat may be destroyed at any time?"

Looking at Tivat floating on the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, Nilu and the Great Ci Tree King nodded subconsciously, because Tivat looked really dangerous and could be destroyed at any time.

"If I am the only one who can save Teyvat, I will take you away at this time. You please me and make me happy. Then if Teyvat is in danger later, Sumeru will be destroyed by then. If you ask me to help you, I will definitely agree, right? But you guys are making me unhappy one by one, and then I will just watch Sumiru being destroyed.

Nilu was a little suspicious of Xiao Bai:"You shouldn't be lying to me again, right?""

Before being deceived by Xiao Bai, Nilu is now very wary of Xiao Bai!

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? How can I still lie to you? I have not fulfilled any of the things I promised you before. I saved the little Lucky Grass King. I also saved the people of Xumi. Save What on earth have I done to make you dissatisfied with your appearance, to make you say that I lied to you~!"

Nilu and the Daci Tree King immediately had no way to refute. Although they knew that Xiao Bai's previous deception was true, all the things that Xiao Bai promised were fulfilled by Nilu's request. Xiao Bai also did everything without any discount..

But Xiao Bai’s method is really shameful!

"You didn't tell me before that you already have a wife! Nilu asked Xiao Bai angrily, but Xiao Bai did ask back:"Then did you ask me if I have a wife?""


It's true that Nilu didn't ask, but who's a serious person who has a wife and cheats on girls?

This guy Xiao Bai is simply a beast.

Although Nilu and King Daci Shu knew very well that Xiao Bai was a liar, it was what Xiao Bai did but they couldn't refute it.

"So although I may hide some things from you, I will never deceive you!"

"If Teyvat is destroyed one day, and if the people of Sumeru cannot be saved, then it will all be your fault!"

The Daci Tree King and Nilu knew very well that Xiao Bai was using this kind of words to make them do something, but

"Do you think this can make us compromise? Then I want to tell you, you succeeded, we compromised!"

The Great Ci Tree King said helplessly.

If one day the residents really encounter destruction, no, the entire Teyvat encounters the crisis of destroying the world, then I can't do what is natural according to my situation. I can only pray to Xiao Bai..

Even if they knew that this was what Xiao Bai expected, King Daci Shu and Nilu could only hold their noses and admit it. After all, as long as they could not watch the destruction of the people of Teyvat Sumeru, then The only thing they can do is let Xiao Bai get what he wants.

Nilu and Daci Shuwang sighed helplessly. Although they really didn't want Xiao Bai to be satisfied, the current situation could only be compromised for the sake of the people of Xumi.


After setting foot on Daozhu's land, Daci Shuwang and Ninglu were a little unbelievable for a moment because high-rise buildings were being built everywhere on Daozhu's land.

Even Xiao Bai was a little shocked. Ke Qing's mobility made Xiao Bai say that he was completely confused. Xiao Bai did give Ke Qing some books and books on architecture.

But what I didn't expect was that Keqing actually came out of Tihuat Castle directly.

Even the road in Inazuma has been turned into concrete road. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Really worthy of being Keqing."

Xiao Bai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

However, King Daci Tree did look at these high-rise buildings with shock in his eyes.

"..Has Rice Wife actually developed to this extent?"

Xiao Bai did not tell King Daci Shu that it was not Dao Wife who had developed to this level, but that he had allowed Dao Wife to develop to this level in advance.

"How about I told you to come to Dao Wife? I am right. Now that you are here at Dao Wife, you can have a good exchange and study."

"Are you sure you want us to communicate and learn these technologies instead of satisfying some of your weird quirks?"

The Daci Tree King knows some things about Xiao Bai through the World Tree, so the Daci Tree King knows what Xiao Bai is going to do.

When he thinks of that kind of scene, the Daci Tree King is almost ashamed and angry.

What are you looking at? Nilu didn’t even know that King Daci Shu had no intention of telling Nilu about this.

At least he had to prevent this child from feeling the same shame and anger as him before it happened.

(Zhao) King Daci Shu felt a little ashamed in his eyes. It was Xiao Bai's fault that he failed to protect this child.

Even though he was as gentle as the Great Merciful Tree King, he still had a trace of resentment when he looked at Xiao Bai, a beast.

Xiao Bai didn't care about this. Now Xiao Bai just wants to be an ancestor. Xiao Bai doesn't want to care about other things. Xiao Bai just wants to do something that makes him happy.

Without violating your own moral bottom line as much as possible.

Arriving at the shrine, Xiao Bai looked confused when he saw the empty look on his face. Where have all the people gone?

Could it be that you went to the castle tower?

Xiao Bai opened any door and came to the back of the castle tower.

"Sure enough, they are all here, what are you doing?"

Xiao Bai came over with Daci Shuwang and Nilu, looked at the group of people with sad faces in the castle tower and asked...

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