The Great Ci Tree King fell into silence after hearing Xiao Bai's words. If you want to get back the Heart of God, you still need to pay a price, and this price is likely to be something that the Great Ci Tree King feels that he cannot afford, but the Heart of God is related to the price that must be paid. Mi's development

"Whatever you want me to do, just give me the heart of God."

The red-faced Daci Shu King is obviously ready for everything.

"Who do you think I am? I, Xiao Bai, am upright!"

"Then I can wear straight characters!"

The Daci Tree King's face was red but extremely determined. As long as he can get some of the Heart of God, the price is not worth mentioning.

A straight life?

Looking at the Daci Tree King in front of him, Xiao Bai was also frightened by the determination of the Daci Tree King. , but then Xiao Bai said righteously:"Since you asked like this, I have no choice but to satisfy your idea!"

After successfully writing many correct characters on the body of King Dazhi Tree, Xiao Bai handed the heart of God to King Daci Tree. At the request of King Daci Tree, Xiao Bai helped to write this heart of God. Sent Xumi back.

After doing all this, Xiao Bai ran to Liyue.

Looking at Youla, Amber, Captain Qin and Lisa who were working in Liyue Wanmin Hall, Xiao Bailian The expression on his face gradually became weird

"So can you tell me what you are doing?"

Looking at Captain Qin and Lisa, who were wearing waiter's clothes, Xiao Bai's face was full of weirdness:"We are working part-time, let's experience what ordinary people feel like!"

Youla answered Xiao Bai's question expressionlessly, but Xiao Bai looked at Youla with an expression like"I believe it." In fact, I believe you.

"Welcome back, master!"

Xiang Ling suddenly smiled when she saw Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai nodded and then said to Xiang Ling:"The main reason for coming back this time is to see if you have made progress, so now I will use all your strength. Take it all out and make a dish that satisfies me!"

"Yes, master!"

Xiang Ling's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and then she used all her skills to prepare a table of sumptuous dishes.

It has to be said that Xiang Ling's culinary talent is the only one Xiao Bai has ever seen in his life, even if he is only better than Xiang Ling. After being so strong, Xiangling already had the strength of a super chef in just a short time.

"Well done Xiang Ling, your talent astonishes me, so I will hand over the next half of the recipes to you, so keep up the good work!"

Xiao Bai took out the other half of the cookbook and handed it to Xiang Ling.

Looking at the cookbook that Xiao Bai took out, Xiang Ling's eyes showed surprise.

"I will carry forward Master's recipes well, Master, don't worry! Xiao

Bai looked at Youla who was drooling on the side and asked with a smile,"Do you want to eat?" If you want to eat, you have to say it. If you don't say it, how will I know that you want to eat it, right? So if you want to eat it, just say it and tell me if you really want to eat it!"

Knowing that Xiao Bai was making fun of herself, Youra still walked over naturally and picked up the chopsticks.

"This is not like you at all, Yula. I thought you needed to be tsundere at least, but what about your tsundere?"

Youla ignored Xiao Bai and started eating on her own. At the same time, she also greeted the others on the side:"Ignore Xiao Bai, let's eat together!"

"Is there something wrong with this look?"

Captain Qin was a little embarrassed, but Lisa on the side did say:"Thank you for the hospitality."

Then he pulled Captain Qin to sit on the dining table.

Amber was also pulled by Youla and sat on the dining table together.

"Damn it, you didn’t even call me when you were eating. Hu

Tao came in cursing from outside, then looked at Xiao Bai, and then sat down unceremoniously. Xiao Bai rolled his eyes:"If I didn't inform you, do you think you can appear here now?" But other people don’t have time, so there’s nothing they can do!"

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Shen He? Where is Shen He?

Xiao Bai looked at Youla:"Shen He was dragged back to the mountain by her master, but she should be back soon. After all, several days have passed. I don't know how to call Shen He back." What on earth is going on!"

Ask for flowers 0

"Then you can eat, I'll go find Shen He!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he ran away directly. Staying here would only embarrass some individuals.

After all, for Lisa and the group leader, Xiao Bai was obviously not a friend.

The other party had a grudge against him. So Xiao Bai didn't stay here.

Watching Xiao Bai leave, Lisa looked at Youla and smiled softly:"This guy is quite considerate. I know that if he continues to stay, he will probably make us It continued to be embarrassing so I chose to leave"

"What is Xiao Bai doing back this time?"

Amber asked looking at the other people.

"Who knows, anyway, as long as that guy doesn't cause any trouble for us, we'll be fine with the rest."

Xiao Bai on the mountain came to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's cave, but he didn't see Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng or Shen He. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Where are the weirdos?"

The helpless Xiao Bai could only start searching on the mountain, and then

Looking at the two figures in the pond not far away, Xiao Bai fell into thinking. If he went out and said that it was all a misunderstanding, would the other party believe it?

You probably wouldn’t believe it, but you would think that Xiao Bai was peeking. In that case, there was nothing more to say, so Xiao Bai decided to watch it openly!

The two people in the pool were Shen He and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who Xiao Bai was looking for!

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is very satisfied with Shen He's changes. Shen He used to be like a piece of ice, but now it's different. Shen He now is more like a living person.

"Shen He, you have changed quite a bit this time after taking a trip to the world of mortals. This change is quite good!"

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said, looking at Shen He in front of him. Shen He was about to answer when he suddenly seemed to feel something and looked in a certain direction.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also looked in the direction of Shen He. After that, he was furious!

"How dare you peek at me bathing!"

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was immediately angry when he saw a man looking at this place.

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