"Shameless person!"

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and was so angry that he was trembling. This shameless guy actually peeked at his master and apprentice bathing. It was so shameless.

"I wasn't peeping, I watched it openly! Even

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but burst into tears when faced with Xiao Bai's shameless words:"Shameless, really shameless, I have never seen such a shameless person!" Shen

He just looked at Xiao Bai, and then picked up the gun:"Marry me, or kill you. If I can't kill you, I will commit suicide!" Shen

He said the terrible words with an expressionless face, and Xiao Bai immediately said:"No problem, I will marry you!""

Shen He immediately put down the gun when he heard Xiao Bai promised to marry him. Then Shen He saw his master next to him:"Master, you also want to marry Xiao Bai! Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said:"

What nonsense are you talking about? How could I marry such a shameless person?""

"Master, you taught me before that if my body is seen by a man, I must either kill him or marry him. So, master, are you planning to kill Xiao Bai?"

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng: If I can kill you, do you still need to remind me? You traitor!

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was a little angry. He looked at his stupid disciple and then said helplessly:"You are talking nonsense. What, I’m teaching you that you have to marry yourself. I won’t marry such a person even if I die."

After Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun finished speaking, he glared at his apprentice Shen He. This apprentice fell into the trap by himself and actually wants to trap the master with him. It's simply abominable. There's also Xiao Bai. That shameless person actually targeted himself, which was shameless and despicable.

Xiao Bai looked on and said nothing. Regarding Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Xiao Bai said that it would be best if he could succeed, but if he couldn't succeed, then Forget it.

After Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun finished speaking, he transformed into a crane and left with a pair of wings flapping his wings. If he continued to stay here, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun felt that he might be pissed off by his stupid apprentice.

It is really disgusting for an outsider to actually help Xiao Bai.

After Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun left, Xiao Bai asked behind him:"Why did Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun call you back this time?"

"The master said that he missed me after not seeing him for a while, so he asked me to come back and reminisce about old times. He also asked me if I was still in the habit of living in Liyue.

Xiao Bai nodded and then looked at Shen He:"Then go back with me!""

Xiao Bai calculated the time and it was time to go back. I have some time to go out. I can't play outside and forget about the inside of the house. The colorful flags are fluttering outside and the red flags inside the house must not fall.

He took him back to Lili Yuegang, and then Xiao Bai took Youla, Daci Shuwang and Nilu to return to their own world.

As for Raiden Zhen, Lei Momo and Fox Zhai Palace, they worked hard to build Daozhai on Daozhu's side. My wife, so I won’t go back with Xiao Bai this time.

On the contrary, Xiang Ling and Hu Tao are willing to go with Xiao Bai. Hu Tao actually wants to open a Xiangshengtang branch in Xiao Bai’s world. Even Qin, Lisa and Amber wanted to go there and have a look.

Xiao Bai led a group of people through the arbitrary gate and returned to his own world. The others just looked around curiously.

"Where is this place?"

"My world, stop looking around and come with me!"

Xiao Bai opened the random door in the basement and took people back to the ground.

"I don’t know what other people are doing now?"

Yura thought of other people she had met before.

"I don’t know. I just came back and I don’t know what they have been doing recently. If you are interested, please give me a call and ask!"

I took out my mobile phone and made a call. The call was quickly connected.

"Xiao Bai, are you back?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm back, but you're not at home. Where have you gone?"

"We went hunting. Not long after you left, many special creatures appeared in our world. According to research, we found that these creatures are very similar to puffer whales. They are like the food creatures you mentioned, so we looked for them. These creatures pass the time.."

"Where are you now? Let me go and see!"

Soon, the other end of the phone reported an address, and Xiao Bai took out the random door and took the others there. When he walked out of the random door, Xiao Bai immediately saw Xiaolin Gentian chasing the big python with a single horn!

Looking at Kobayashi Ryuden's look, it's like he's gone crazy!

"Leave that crazy woman alone."

Xiao Bai said to the others with a dark face, and then introduced them to each other, and then asked about the situation in this world.

Only then did Xiao Bai know that after he left for the DXD world, this world Some strange creatures began to appear in the world one after another.

For example, the python with a single horn that Kobayashi Rgentian is chasing now, and some other creatures, and these strange creatures all contain Special cells similar to puffer whales and rainbow fruits.

Xiao Bai immediately realized that these were gourmet cells, the creatures transformed by gourmet cells, so they turned those creatures into gourmet creatures.

But for Xiao Bai, this was a big deal It's a good thing. The world where the food is captured will worry about the birth of some other powerful food creatures, but in Xiao Bai's world, Xiao Bai will not allow this to happen.

And with this food cell, Xiao Bai doesn't even need to 2.9 Find a way to go to the captive world of food

"I'm very lucky. I originally thought that I needed to find a captive world of gourmet food so that you can have gourmet cells. Now that gourmet cells have appeared in our world, this can be developed slowly. When gourmet cells With the increase in food creatures, this world might become a world of food, just like food prisoners."

"If you have the ability, you can speed up artificial cultivation!"

"How about you build an ecological garden?"

Yukishita Yukino made a suggestion to Xiao Bai. Since he is confident and capable, he should simply create an ecological garden!

"It’s not impossible. I’ll consider finding a place to build an ecological park later."

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