Xiao Bai agreed to the establishment of a food ecological park after thinking about it for a moment. This matter was beneficial and harmless to Xiao Bai.

"However, if you want to build a food ecological park, it must be big. If it is small, you will not be able to build a food ecological park at all. Do you have any suggestions?"

The final group of people thought about it and came up with a suitable place, which is Heizhou. The black farm tools in Heizhou have been almost wiped out. The land there is very wide and most of them are plains..

So Xiao Bai planned to build the food ecological park there.

However, it is not an easy task to establish a food ecological park, and Xiao Bai could not stay in this world for a long time. But then Xiao Bai I thought of a solution, which was to directly throw out a pirate god. Different from the pirate god in Huzhai Palace who was full of evil taste, this one was quite normal. It was completely Xiao Bai who used it to build their own ecological park. use

"You still have this kind of thing and didn’t take it out earlier!"

After knowing that this main god can achieve the greatest extent of his wishes, Xiaobayashi Ringtong's eyes lit up instantly. 11

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes at this. He simply didn't want Xiaobayashi Ryodan's character. I know too well, how could Xiao Bai not know what evil ideas Xiaolin Ringtong was thinking in his heart?

"Don't make any evil plans"

"This world is really interesting. Although these monsters are ugly, they taste really good."

Xiang Ling looked at those strange-looking gourmet creatures with an excited expression on his face.

The saliva fell directly from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Xiang Ling's appearance, other people couldn't help but be curious. This Xiang Ling doesn't seem to fit the character. Xiao Bai actually brought Xiang Ling back to Bai's aesthetics. Could it be that Xiao Bai's aesthetics changed?

"What are you thinking? Xiangling is my apprentice, just an apprentice!"

After getting Xiao Bai's answer, other people had such expressions on their faces. No wonder, let's just say that although this Xiangling is very cute, it definitely does not meet Xiao Bai's aesthetics, so for Xiao Bai They had quite a lot of doubts about Xiangling coming back with a white belt.

"In other words, except for Xiangling, everyone else is?"

Qin on the side showed an embarrassed look, but Lisa didn't care.

They just followed to see what this world is like, but they didn't expect that such a misunderstanding would occur.

"Neither are the three of them, they just come here to make a living in the world!"

"Why don't I feel the same way? How can you let these beauties go?"

Xiao Bai looked up at the sky, and Yukinoshita Yukino narrowed his eyes instantly:"What did you do again?"

Yura seemed to have found an ally and then immediately accused Yukinoshita Yukino of what Xiao Bai had done!

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyebrows frowned slightly and she looked at Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai shrugged and did not refute.

In the end Yukinoshita Yukino sighed. Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood that Xiao Bai simply became an ancestor without his own supervision. However, for those in Mondstadt, Yukino Shimo Yukino also feels that they deserve what they deserve.

"I won’t talk about what happened before, but now that you have become the controller of Mondstadt, then let’s transform Mondstadt!"

Yukinoshita Yukino said to Yura again:"Since what happened cannot be changed, let Xiao Bai change Mondstadt. To be honest, although Xiao Bai did something slightly wrong in this matter, it was not the same. Not a big mistake"

"To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that this kind of country can still exist. Even a free country doesn't have the freedom of Mondstadt. At least there is a certain order and law. Mondstadt is nothing but idleness and idleness. Got it!"

After Yukinoshita Yukino finished speaking, he looked at Qin, Lisa and Amber:"What Xiao Bai did before was a bit too much, but considering that Xiao Bai did it for Yura, even though it was a bit too much, it was It is also understandable that this guy is lustful and violent but he really has nothing to say to the people around him!"

"In addition to apologizing for what this guy has done, I will supervise this guy to change Mondstadt and make Mondstadt a normal country."

The corner of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched. It would be a fantasy to ask Xiao Bai to change Mondstadt himself. Xiao Bai didn't have such free time, so there was no way he could even think about it.

Lisa glanced at Xiao Bai and said with a half-smile. :"Xiao Bai doesn't look like he's ready to listen to you!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Lisa and said calmly:"I will supervise him!"

Lisa shook her head and didn't say anything more. Lisa, who didn't know the specific situation at the moment, wouldn't interrupt casually. Just say a word to show your attitude, but if you say too much, it will make people uncomfortable.

"Then I will go to the Heizhou side first to see where is suitable for building an ecological park!"

Xiao Bai ran away directly.

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Xueno covered her forehead with a speechless expression.

Rem and Ram looked at each other and then faced each other. Yukinoshita Yukino said:"Then let's go serve the master!"

After saying that, he ran away. Yukinoshita Yukino tugged at the corners of her mouth, wondering what she should say! Do you think you can't see the thoughts of the two maids? Sima Zhao's thoughts are known to everyone, okay? They thought How secretive she is.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't intend to care about those two maids. Yukinoshita Yukino needs to get to know the country of Mondstadt well.

"So, please tell me a little bit about Mondstadt."

However, when Yukinoshita Yukino really got to know Mondstadt, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Qin and asked:"As the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, you are equivalent to the top leader of a country. In the end, you do have to help some ordinary people. Residents looking for cats and dogs?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Qin's face:"I just want to do more things for everyone in Mondstadt to the best of my ability!"

Yukoshita Yukino has a headache.

"I seem to understand Xiao Bai now!"

Yukinoshita Yukino said after sighing.

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