Xiao Bai came to Xumi's side, and then Xiao Bai was shocked by the scene on Xumi's side. Xiao Bai originally thought that Xu Ming's most important thing on this side was to build some modern buildings, but Xiao Bai did not expect that But that's not the case.

The rain forest on this side of Sumeru was created by the Great Merciful Tree King, and it was mostly desert land, but now that Xiao Bai came here, he did see many oases.

The area of ​​the desert is less than 1/10

"It's pretty good."

Xiao Bai appeared next to the Daci Tree King. Xiao Bai's appearance made the Daci Tree King startled. However, the Daci Tree King quickly reacted and looked at Xiao Bai and said:"Through the knowledge of your world. Through the analysis, I got a way to create an oasis in the desert."

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to create an oasis for"630". At least now you don't need to worry about the Red King anymore."

"It's not the same. My strength is not enough to do this kind of thing, even if I can get the Heart of God back, after allThe power required to create permanent trees is not weak. A simple grass element cannot do this, especially in this desert environment where there is a lack of water."

The Daci Tree King denied Xiao Bai's words. Xiao Bai nodded and did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"So this time you are taking Xumi to change their living environment?"

"I just want to do something that I can do"

"You are really a good person."

The good person Xiao Bai mentioned had an inexplicable meaning. At least Daci Shuwang couldn't tell that the good person Xiao Bai mentioned was the good person she understood.

"What's the purpose of your visit to Xumi this time?"

"No, I just heard that you are doing well here, so I came to take a look."

Nodding, the Daci Tree King said nothing more. Xiao Bai suddenly looked in suspense:"Naxida, how are you doing?"

"Nacida did a good job, and now Nacida has the appearance of a god."

Xiao Bai nodded and said nothing more. However, Xiao Bai, who lives here, suddenly noticed some bad smells.


King Daci Shu also noticed these auras.

"It’s the Abyss Order again!"

"The opponent's target is Apep, the Grass Dragon King."

The Great Ci Tree King was a little distressed. Under the design of the Red King, Apep was also infected with taboos. Now the Abyss Cult is eyeing the other party. Apep is afraid that

The King of Daci Tree looked at Xiao Bai beside him. If Xiao Bai is willing to help, then it shouldn't be a big problem, but the problem is how to get Xiao Bai to help.

"Can you help me solve the Abyss Order matter?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, King Daci Tree made a request. However, facing the request of King Daci Tree, Xiao Bai said:"It's not impossible to ask me to help, but you need to answer a question first."

"what is the problem?"

"Who is controlling the Abyss Religion? Is it the prince of the Abyss Religion or the princess of the Abyss Religion!"

What Xiao Bai wants to know more is who is the princess in charge of the Abyss Religion or the prince who is helping the Abyss Religion?

"I don't know this one clearly."

The Daci Tree King said to Xiao Bai with some distress.

Xiao Bai stared at the Daci Tree King, and then Xiao Bai said:"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know"

"Since you don't know, forget it."

The Daci Tree King looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with a resentful expression. The Daci Tree King wondered if Xiao Bai was playing tricks on him.

"But I can go and take a look."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, King Daci Tree was a little troubled. If Xiao Bai could be asked to help, then there shouldn't be a problem for the Abyss Religion to come, but

Looking at the Abyss Mage who was bewitching the Grass Dragon King Apep, Xiao Bai watched from the side for a while. Then Xiao Bai couldn't help but stepped forward and threw a big dick in the Abyss Mage's face.

Xiao Bai just couldn't understand why these Abyss mages had been talking about it for a long time, just to follow us, take revenge against the law of heaven, and restore the glory of the past.

What he said for a long time was just painting a pie without any substantive content at all. Xiao Bai was also convinced.

"From now on, I will ask you questions and you will answer them. If you don’t answer or lie to me, I will slap my big ass in your face. Do you understand?"

Master Abyss made Xiao Bai confused for a moment, but he soon became angry.

"Who dares to sneak attack me!"

Then the next moment, he slapped the other person on the face again:"If you scream at me again, believe it or not, I will chop you up!""

Suddenly, the Abyss Mage in front of him calmed down.

The sense of oppression coming from Xiao Bai's body was not something that this Abyss Mage could resist, so he had better give in honestly. It's not embarrassing anyway.

Watch the teacher come down The Abyss Mage, Xiao Bai nodded with satisfaction:"Now let me ask you, who is in control of your Abyss Order, is it the princess or the prince!"

"Under the leadership of His Majesty the Prince, we are launching a war against heaven!"

"Understood, then you are useless and can die."

Xiao Bai slapped the Abyss Mage in front of him to death and then looked at Apep:"Do you want to die or live?"

Facing Xiao Bai's inquiry, Apep, the Dragon King of Grass, roared and then attacked Xiao Bai.

"Really annoying!"

You see, after being slapped, the Dragon King of Grass immediately turned into a puddle of mud.

"If I give you a chance, you won’t use it!"

"Then go find Traveler 2.8 to play!"

Since Abyss is a prince, I think the traveler should be my sister. Xiao Bai said he was very satisfied that the traveler is his sister.

"However, it seems that the trip started in Mondstadt. It would be a bit troublesome for me to go to Mondstadt. How about opening a small account?"

Xiao Bai will definitely be seen through by Xueno if he opens a trumpet, and he might be laughed at instead.

"What a headache, it’s all those cubs from Mondstadt, if it weren’t for those cubs from Mondstadt, this wouldn’t have happened!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but have resentment on his face!

If those people in Mondstadt knew what Xiao Bai was thinking, they would probably cry to death on the spot! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Aren't they just a little lazy?

Isn't it just a giant baby?

What's bothering you!.

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