"Ying, Ying, when will you come?"

Xiao Bai was muttering while fishing.

Xiao Bai had been here for nearly half a month, but the results hadn't come yet.

Suddenly, the fishing rod in Xiao Bai's hand sank:" Shipped!"

In the past half month, Xiao Bai has been trying to fish on this beach, but in the end, Xiao Bai found that he had the potential of the air force!

Now there are big fish. How could Xiao Bai let go?

He immediately swung fishing rod and then

Xiao Bai fell silent when he saw the girl falling into his arms!

Did the love come out of the sea?

Looking at Yingmei in his arms, who was in a coma at this time, an evil smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Bai's face!

"Hey Hey."

Gradually opening her eyes, the blue sky made Ying's head gradually recall the previous things.

"elder brother!"

Ying 24 suddenly sat up, with a look of panic on his face.

"Congratulations, the operation was successful. You have now transformed from a girl into a cute boy. You have a boy’s third leg!"

A demon-like voice came into Ying's ears. The next moment, Ying was struck by lightning. Did he become a man? He reached out and touched between his legs. The extra thing made Ying's face change. It turned white all of a sudden.

Then Ying didn't care about anything else and directly lifted up her skirt and then

"It’s still a white tiger!"

The devil-like voice sounded again, and Ying's face suddenly turned red.

Then Ying picked up a wooden stick that had been put down under her skirt and threw it towards the source of the sound. Go over!

Xiao Bai casually blocked the wooden stick, then looked at Ying, put his hands together and bowed slightly:"Thank you for the hospitality!"

Ying Shiji wanted to draw his sword to kill, but now Ying has no weapons at all, and even his own power has been sealed.

"I will never let you go, you perverted pervert!"

"If I were a perverted pervert, you would have been wiped clean by me, and you lifted your skirt yourself!"

"Do you dare to say that it wasn't your stick that was stuffed into my skirt?"

"That wasn't my doing!"

"Guess whether I believe it or not! Ying

Tie said with a livid face:"What can you do if you don't believe me? In short, I didn't do this. I am a good person and will never do such a thing!""

If I hadn't been strong enough now, I promise that I would tear apart all the bones in this man's body in front of you!

"It’s really a scary look. Anyway, I can be regarded as your savior. You look at me like this and it’s a bit uncomfortable!"

"A savior? Who knows if you, a guy like you, did some weird things to me while I was unconscious!"

Ying looked at Xiao Bai with a cold smile. Of course, she knew very well that she had not been subjected to anything like that. As a girl who has not had her first experience, although she has no experience, she still knows some things, so she He knew very well that he was not raped by anything.

It was precisely because of this reason that Yingying could endure it. Otherwise, Yingying would have already tried every means to kill Xiao Bai!

"I am a gentleman, you don't need to worry about what I will do when you are unconscious!"

"You are still a gentleman, but when did the word"gentleman" become a derogatory term?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Ying began to sneer at Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai suddenly fell silent.

"So you don’t believe it, right? Let me tell you, the thing I can’t accept the most is others suspecting that I am not a gentleman."

Ying rolled her eyes and ignored Xiao Bai. Although she suspected that Xiao Bai was not a good person, she was also sure that Xiao Bai was not a bad person. At least Xiao Bai did not rape himself while he was unconscious.

But the other party He's not a good person, at least the other person just tricked him into actually lifting up his skirt and taking it off.

When he thought that he had been seen by Xiao Bai, the expression on his face suddenly became a little ugly. This guy was so stupid, I really wanted to tear him apart.

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with a smile on her face. To Xiao Bai, Ying's appearance was actually very cute.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, how about I treat you to grilled fish? I think you must be hungry too!"

Looking at the performer Xiao Bai in front of him, he took out a grilled fish and handed it to Ying. When Ying heard these words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Seeing that you are so sincere. For the sake of your apology, I will reluctantly forgive you this time, but remember it is only this time!"

Xiao Bai looked at Ying and nodded affirmatively!

Ying then took the grilled fish from Xiao Bai's hand. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So delicious!"

Looking at the 560 Ying in front of him, Xiao Bai raised a smile at the corner of his mouth! He still has such a simple Ying at his fingertips!

"Is it tasty?"

Xiao Bai looked at Ying and asked, and Ying nodded:"It's delicious!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I added some things to the grilled fish, I hope you like it!"

The grilled fish in Ying's hand suddenly fell to the ground!

Then Ying felt dizzy for a while, and his whole body felt bad for a moment.

After that, Ying's only thought before he fainted was that he should never believe it again. This dog man is such a dog man.

The dog man in front of her is really a dog man. As the last thought disappeared, Ying fell into a coma!

When Ying woke up again, she reached out and groped around her body quickly. Finally, she gritted her teeth and reached into her skirt.

After making sure that she didn't have the feeling of being fucked, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I asked you not to treat me as an outsider. Is it really okay to do such a thing in front of me?"

Xiao Bai looked at the person in front of him with a bad smile on his face, and Ali Xingzhe's face suddenly became unbearable.

"Today there is no one without you!"

Then he rushed towards Xiao Bai!.

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