Rias had the urge to slap Xiao Bai to death

"You failed to take the blame on Cang Na, and then you set your sights on me, right?"

"You can't say that to Rias, it's also good for you to act like this!"

Rias sneered and crossed her arms in front of her:"Okay, okay, then you can tell me what good it is for me. If it is good for you, I can help you, but if not, then I'm sorry. Just figure it out yourself. I can't help you!"

"The elemental power of the world of Teyvat is also a good thing for you. If you can master it, it will also greatly improve your strength!"

Rias looked at Xiao Bai and sneered. Are you bullying me for being young and ignorant? Do you really think that I don't know what the number of people is?

I have found out clearly that those so-called elements still need the Eye of God. Use, and if a foreign object like the Eye of God is lost, you can no longer use elemental power.

How could Rias take such an inconvenient thing seriously? Do you really think I am stupid?

Xiao Bai obviously I didn't expect 687 that Rias would know these things.

I felt a little unlucky. The first one I was looking for was Shitori Sona, who was immediately discovered by the other party. The second one I was looking for, Rias, actually failed again. Xiao Mr. Bai felt like he was on bad luck, otherwise he wouldn't be like this

"Don't think that you are the only smart person. Everyone seems to be fools. If you want to deceive others, you must at least be able to see the bait. Who will believe you if you draw a pie out of thin air?"

Xiao Bai looked embarrassed, but Rias's words at the next moment made Xiao Bai jump away:"And more importantly, what is your situation? Don't you have any clues in your heart?"

Xiao Bai was silent for a moment. How should he say this?

"Okay, so if you want to come, tell me what conditions you should have!"

Rias did not refuse directly, which shows that Rias is not unable to take the blame with herself.

"I can help open the Rebirth Hall, and no one will even notice the relationship between you and us. I just think that Hutao is a lucky person who has awakened his powers."

"So what do you want!"

Looking at Rias in front of him, Xiao Bai asked. Since Rias is willing to help, Xiao Bai knows that Rias must have something she wants.

"I want to become stronger, you have to find a way to make me stronger!"

Xiao Bai scratched his head and had a headache. Rias' current strength is the Demon King in the DXD world. If it goes further, it will be the transcendent level. It is not easy for Xiao Bai at this level to improve the opponent's strength. Didn't you say Xiao Bai can't do it, but the power of faith that needs to be consumed will make Xiao Bai feel enough pain!

"You are not even willing to improve your strength for me. It seems that you are just playing with me!"

When Xiao Bai heard Rias' tea-like words, he immediately covered his face.

"Rias, please don't imitate those green tea talkers, okay? Besides, I'm just playing with you, don't you have any idea in your heart? Do you have to say it this way?"

Rias snorted. She naturally knew that Xiao Bai was not just playing around, but

"Okay, okay, I'm really scared of you."

Xiao Bai directly took out a ball of light and stuffed it into Rias's body with a look of pain on his face.

For a moment, Rias's body seemed to have been reborn!

Xiao Bai could feel Rias Rias's strength is rapidly increasing due to the changes in her body. In just a moment, Rias has been rapidly promoted from an ordinary demon king to the level of a transcendent in this world.

"Is this the transcendent?"

After Rias finished speaking, the red magic power on her body instantly covered her body and formed a set of red armor. This was the manifestation of the power of destruction in Rias' body.

"I have already helped you do what you asked for. Now, Rias, I will be waiting for you to fulfill your promise."

"Leave the matter of the Rebirth Hall to me. I will open a Rebirth Hall for you within three days. As for other things, I don't care at all. If you want that Hutao to suffer, it is your business and I will not interfere."

Xiao Bai's face suddenly showed joy, and then he looked at Rias:"Very good, in that case, it's an agreement!"

"Yes, yes, if nothing happens, leave quickly. When I see you, I will think of some bad things, so just catch me and trap me alone."

Xiao Bai chuckled and then left directly. Looking at Xiao Bailias leaving, she sneered:"You still think of me as that fool. I am not stupid now!"

Xiao Bai's impression of Rias is still the same as when he met Rias for the first time. If he had been with Rias longer or got to know Rias better, then Xiao Bai would have discovered that she is now Rias has grown up a lot.

How could Rias sell herself for a small profit in front of her.

But if Rias does this, it means that Rias can start from this He was picked out during this incident.

Unfortunately, Xiao Bai knew nothing about it now.

Xiao Bai, who returned to Teyvat, was thinking about how to tell Hu Tao about this incident. To be more precise, he was thinking about using How to get some benefits from Hu Tao.

After all, he suffered a big loss from Rias, so Hu Tao should compensate himself well now.

According to Xiao Bai's understanding of Hu Tao, Hu Tao should He would not refuse Xiao Bai and would even agree to some conditions for Xiao Bai.

However, Xiao Bai never expected that when he told Hu Tao this matter, Hu Tao looked at Xiao Bai with a wary face:"What is your purpose?" ?"

Xiao Bai was actually suspected?"

"I don't believe in such a thing as a pie falling from the sky, especially if the pie falls from you, so I don't believe it even more. The lessons learned from the past are still fresh in my mind."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What about the sense of trust between people?

"Are you sure you don't want to? This is the first branch of Shengshengtang in the world!"

"The more you act like this, the more I suspect that you have ulterior motives, so just give up on this and I won't want it!".

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