A place where you can’t even send it out?

Xiao Bai became Spartan on the spot.

Hu Tao previously wanted to drive to Shengtang in another world, but now that Hu Tao is given this opportunity, Hu Tao still doesn't grasp it, and Xiao Bai feels that he has made a big loss.

However, what Xiao Bai didn't know was that all his plans were in his diary one by one, and those plans had already been exposed!

Looking at Xiao Bai, who was dumbfounded by everyone in front of him, Hu Tao showed a bad smile:"You tried to trick me, but you didn't trick me enough, did you? Do you think I will be tricked by you like that idiot Traveler? ?"

Xiao Bai burst into tears immediately.

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Hu Tao suddenly became happy. They were the ones who joined forces to deceive Xiao Bai. Rias's side was informed by Sona.

Then Rias immediately sold Xiao Bai to Hutao after defrauding Xiao Bai. It can only be said that Xiao Bai suffered a loss this time.

At this time, Xiao Bai was filled with silence and felt unspeakable pain in his heart.

Looking at Xiao Bai's look, Hu Tao reached out and patted Xiao Bai's shoulder:"Okay, okay, don't think too much. Those things you were asked to do by yourself were not done by humans at all, Traveler I have been deceived by you so many times, my credit has been ruined long ago!"

"That's not a lie to me, and I haven't lied to anyone."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right, you were hiding it, I understand!"

Xiao Bai:""

Looking at Hutao Xiaobai in front of him, he rolled his eyes and said:"I have indeed built a rebirth hall for you in another world. Do you want it? I won't accept any conditions from you.""

"Then I definitely want it, why don’t you want it for free? Even if there is a discus in this fallen pie, I will eat it for you to see."

Xiao Bai looked at Hu Tao in front of him and smiled without saying anything.

As long as Hu Tao accepts the Hall of Rebirth, Xiao Bai will not be considered a blood loss.

How could Hu Tao not know Xiao Bai's thoughts in his heart? A bad smile appeared on his face.

Xiao Bai He thought he could dig a hole for himself, but little did he know that Hutao knew all these things in his heart. But

Hutao didn't take it seriously. Xiao Bai wanted to trap him, but how could he be so easily tricked by Xiao Bai? It's a trap.

Rias and the others will indeed not take the initiative to expose, but won't Hutao take the initiative to reveal her identity?

Those individuals who want to take action will have to worry about Xiao Bai, unless Xiao Bai publicly denies it Or maybe Rias and the others publicly denied it, otherwise who would dare to touch Hu Tao?

So from the beginning, Hu Tao had no intention of refusing!

It was just to prevent Xiao Bai from getting in trouble, so Hu Tao refused.

"Then this Rebirth Hall is given to you, work hard to make the walnuts."

Hu Tao waved to Xiao Bai and directly crossed any door and was transported to the other world. Hu Tao was serious about starting to go to the Rebirth Hall in another world. Hu Tao has been thinking about it since he learned about all the worlds. He spreads his ideas about life and death to all the worlds, hoping that everyone will not care too much about his own life and death!

However, Xiao Bai really wants to tell Hu Tao that most of the world in Devil High School belongs to immortality. In other words, they are gods and demons.

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the lifespan of these gods and ghosts, which means they will never die!

If Hutao knew about these things, I don’t know if Hutao would collapse!

After all, The Hall of Rebirth is in the business of dead people. If everyone in the world does not die,

When I think about this, I can't help but laugh after get off work.

Hu Tao, who had just arrived at the Rebirth Hall in another world, was instantly dumbfounded. This guy was too insidious!

But then Hutao laughed:"I didn't say I wanted to do those crazy businesses, my goal is just those ordinary people!"

Hutao's goal from beginning to end is just to hope that those ordinary people can Look at death calmly instead of blindly fearing or even thinking about avoiding it.

Birth, old age, illness and death are what a person needs to experience and no one can escape them!

What Hu Tao has to do is just let this kind of being understand this one thing. As for how other Hu Tao expresses love, it has nothing to do with him. He can't control that much.

"Welcome to this world Miss Walnut!"

Rias and Shitori Sona stretched out their hands towards Kurumi.

Kurumi immediately shook it, with a smile on her face:"Thank you so much for this time. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in another world so quickly. Build the Hall of Rebirth!"

"There's no need to be polite, Miss Walnut, we're just helping each other!"

As for Kurumi's thanks, Rias and Shitori Ao just smiled and shook their heads, saying they were helping each other.

"But this time, only Xiao Bai suffered a loss of blood. It was rare to see Xiao Bai suffer a loss!

Hu Tao also had a bad smile on his face:"Who says it's not the case!""

In this transaction, both Rias and Hu Tao are in the same situation, except Xiao Baiqi, who has no pants left. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, all the money will be paid. Some people sympathize with Xiao Bai

"By the way, Miss Hutao, I want to ask one thing. Doesn’t the traveler have Xiao Bai’s diary?"

"Obviously not, otherwise the chat room in the diary would not be without the name of the traveler!"

After thinking about this, Rias felt a little regretful.

"I think so, otherwise the travelers wouldn’t have been deceived so many times by Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai is such a beast. Thinking about it, the travelers feel pity for them."

"This time we can be considered as helping the travelers to get revenge. We will have the opportunity to tell the travelers later and make them happy too!"

What is the traveler doing at this time?

The traveler at this time is receiving comfort from Nilu.

Both girls were deceived by Xiao Bai using deception, so the two have many topics in common. Even though Nilu vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the traveler in front of her, she didn't say much. Although this traveler looked a bit wretched,

Nilu felt that the traveler should It was not the same as Xiao Bai.

However, Nilu soon realized that she might have overestimated the traveler's integrity.

Seeing the traveler reaching out for her waist and legs

Nelu realized that there was something wrong with the traveler in front of her..

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