Ying looked at Shen He in front of him, wanting to distort Shen He's thinking and eliminate all of Xiao Bai's influence on Shen He!

"That's right, you were deceived by your master. Your master doesn't understand what love is at all. Your master is an immortal, right? How could an immortal understand human feelings? So your master is just pretending to understand!"

Shen He frowned when he heard what Ying said. Then Shen He said to Ying, you are not allowed to insult my master like this!"

"This is not an insult, but to tell the truth. Do you think your master is an immortal and does not live in this mortal world at all?"

What Ying said made Shen He hesitate and nod. It is true that his master has always lived in the mountain and has never lived in this mortal world.

"So what are my feelings for Xiao Bai!"

Looking at the dumb fairy lady in front of her, Ying made a decision without any hesitation in her heart. She would deceive this dumb fairy lady into her hands no matter what. If I let this fairy lady go, I would really be a fool.

"Tell me the whole story about you and Xiao Bai. From this way, I can know what happened between you and Xiao Bai, and then I can analyze you and Xiao Bai. What is the relationship between them?"

Shen He didn't doubt him, and told Ying how he and Xiao Bai got to know each other. Then Ying heard that Xiao Bai actually saw Shen He and his master Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun after taking a bath, and his teeth gritted even more. The crunching sound.

You bitch, you are despicable and shameless. My fairy sister has her innocence tainted by this bitch like this. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Xiao Bai, why don’t you die!

Looking at this person in front of you A fairy lady who is stupid and easy to deceive, she is extremely determined in her heart at this moment. She will make Xiao Bai a wife when she goes back today. By then, all Xiao Bai's harem will be her own.

"You were deceived by your master. You definitely don’t like Xiao Bai, believe me!"

Looking at Ying's sworn look, Shen He looked confused. That look made Ying's heart almost melt. Xiao Bai, you piece of shit, you really deserve to die.

"So what are my feelings for Xiao Bai?"

"In fact, your feelings for Xiao Bai are just pure disgust for Xiao Bai. Believe me, you hate Xiao Bai, that’s why you are like this, and then your master thought you liked Xiao Bai without knowing it. Bai, that's why such a misunderstanding happened!"

After hearing what he said, Shen He frowned, and then Shen He said to Ying:"Then I need to go back to the master to find out more. I want to know whether it is really like this."

"do not go!"

When I heard that Shen He actually wanted to find his master, how could he agree? If Shen He went there again, he would be deceived by her idiot master? It took a lot of effort for him to make Shen He feel guilty. He had doubts, wouldn't he lose blood if he was fooled by his idiot master again?

So he definitely couldn't let Shen He go, he had to lock Shen He firmly by his side!

"I've read a lot of books, so don't worry, I won't lie to you. You definitely don't like Xiao Bai. I can confirm this with you!"

Hearing that Ying was so sure, Shen He nodded:"I see. If you look like this, you are so cute. How should I change my feelings for Xiao Bai?"

I'm sorry for this question. There was also an awkward smile on Ying's face. I don't know about this!

How to change Shen He's feelings for Xiao Bai? If I knew this, I would have taken action long ago. How can I wait until now?

I'm so angry.

But then I turned my eyes and looked at the profound person in front of me and said:"Maybe I can take you to meet some people who have been hurt by Xiao Bai, and then You have to let them tell you what outrageous things Xiao Bai has done. I think they will be disgusted with what Xiao Bai does. If you look like this, you will also change your attitude toward Xiao Bai. You can understand the same.

He nodded:"In that case, I'll leave it to you!""

"No problem, leave it to me, I promise to expose Xiao Bai’s despicable deeds to you."

Ying patted his chest and assured Shen He loudly. However, Shen He looked at Ying in front of him with a confused look on his face. He couldn't understand why Ying was so excited.

However, he didn't ask any more questions. He was just curious in his heart. After making a decision about what Xiao Bai had done, he thought carefully about it and asked, maybe he could understand Xiao Bai better!

Then Ying started to search the streets and alleys for the dark history about Xiao Bai with his wounds. He made it clear that he was determined to smash all of Xiao Bai's pots.

When Xiao Bai learned the news, there was a confused look on his face, good guy, you are trying to commit suicide. Ah, with this look, are you afraid that I will know the good things you have done?

Or do you think that you are completely ruined and it doesn't matter?

Xiao Bai thought with a black thread, for those good things that Ying has done Xiao Bai Bai Ye was extremely speechless.

"~Aren’t you going to stop it? Or do you want to do something else?"

Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai with a smile, and the expression on Xiao Bai's face (good money, good money) was even more joking.

Ningguang knew that Ying led Shenhe streets and alleys to search for Xiao Bai's dark history.

When he thought of that The sight of the scene makes me want to laugh. Xiao Bai can actually allow such a thing to happen. He is really doting on his wife.

"She has no choice but to be deceived by me. If she doesn't give her some channels to vent, she may really fight me."

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Mingguang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes slightly. Fortunately for you, if you still treat Ying like that, your heart won't hurt at all, right?

"Who knows that Ying always wants to pry into my corner, so don’t blame me for asking her to correct this shortcoming!"

After hearing this sentence, Ningguang silently mourned for him in his heart. When he met a bastard like Xiao Bai, there was really nothing he could do.

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