In the streets and alleys, Ying took Shen He to inquire about Xiao Bai, and the result was that Xiao Bai was a heinous devil who actually drove many of his ancestors out of Liyue and also exiled the emperor. Damn, he's just a scumbag.

Yu Ying looked at Shen He in front of her with expectant eyes, hoping that Shen He would realize how outrageous and absurd what Xiao Bai, a bastard, did, and hope that Shen Shen would be disgusted with Xiao Bai and never do it again. Have any contact with Xiao Bai.

But she never expected that when Ying asked Shen He, Shen He would give an answer that made Ying stunned.

"Now you should only be disgusted with Xiao Bai."

However, Shen He's answer made Ying completely stupid:"I know all these things! Hearing Shen He's words ,

Ying stared and asked,"You know these things, so don't you feel disgusted with Xiao Bai?""

Shaking his head, Shen He said to Xiao Bai:"The emperor and master both said that they were not angry with Xiao Bai because of this, and those dead immortals were also resurrected by Xiao Bai, so master 757 said that they were not angry at all. Need to be angry!"

Can they still be like this?

I can't figure out the brain circuits of these individuals. Is there a serious disease in their brains? Otherwise, they all look like they are mentally disturbed. They were killed and then killed again. Can you forgive Xiao Bai by being resurrected like this?

If you are like this, then you let me kill you now, and then I go to find Xiao Bai and resurrect you, won't you be angry? Ying?

Ying's heart was filled with crazy slander.

But in the end, Ying didn't say anything and continued to take Shen He to find Nilu. Then Nilu looked at Ying and said helplessly:"Ying, you said these things to Shen He They all know it, so you don’t have to think about making Shen He hate Xiao Bai through this incident!"

"Although Xiao Bai is extremely hateful, sometimes Xiao Bai does really good things. At least Xiao Pai promised us that he would not go back on his word, so as long as in a sense, we are willing to do it!"

Ying's whole body was broken. (cech)

"Why is it like this? If it is really like what you said, how can Xiao Bai be hated by others? Nilu looked at the girl in front of her and was silent for a moment before replying:"Do you think there is a possibility that Xiao Bai is not disliked by everyone, but that everyone wants to see Xiao Bai's jokes?""

Ying stared blankly at Nilu in front of her and asked in disbelief:"Then does Xiao Bai know about this?"

"Why do you think Xiao Bai doesn't know about this?"

Yingying was dumbfounded, why would there be such an outrageous thing, and everyone seemed to be able to accept it? This is unreasonable!

Although Yingying felt that he was a little outrageous, but looking at Nilu's appearance, he felt like There seems to be nothing strange about it. If these individuals weren't outrageous, they wouldn't be clustered together one by one!

"You should become like us in the future, and don’t you want to see Xiao Bai in trouble? Do you know that the Shen He you are pulling now is searching for Xiao Bai in the streets and alleys of Liyue? Does Xiao Bai know?"


"Xiao Bai knows everything clearly, and even acquiesces in your doing this. I think you have guessed the reason why. It is nothing more than giving you a channel to vent your anger."

"Are you angry or not, angry or not, so do you really want to target Xiao Bai severely and read Xiao Bai's jokes?"

Ying nodded fiercely, but she thought too much!

The reason why Ying was so persistent in poaching Xiao Bai was because she wanted to see Xiao Bai's jokes, but now Nilu said no!

"So can Nilu let me join in? Together we will!

Looking at Ying Nilu in front of her, she smiled and shook her head:"Now is not the time!"

Ying suddenly asked anxiously:"Then when is the time!""

"You will naturally know when you should know. As for before that, just do what you want to do. Xiao Bai will not be angry with you because of these things."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ying didn't get the diary for some unknown reason, so Nilu couldn't bring Ying into their alliance for the time being, so she could only temporarily I'm sorry to have to fight alone outside.

"How long will it take to wait?"

Ying looked at Nilu and asked with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

"I don’t know this one either, just wait for the time to come. When the time comes, you will naturally understand everything!"

Nilu's appearance of saying no did not relieve Ying's confusion. On the contrary, she became even more confused. What kind of situation and what is wrong timing?

"I don’t know how to explain this to you. Anyway, you will know what you need to know later. It’s useless no matter how much I tell you now."

After saying that, Nilu no longer gave Ying a chance to ask. If she asked Ying to ask further, Nilu would have some doubts about whether she would be deceived and then accidentally reveal the diary.

So just in case, this kind of thing that cannot be disclosed must not be disclosed.

Seeing Nilu's determined look, she had a headache on her face.

But seeing Nilu's refusal, she didn't say anything anymore. Keep asking

"Then go ahead and do what you want to continue doing. It’s time for you to leave now!"

After saying that, Nilu drove Ying out. Looking at the closed door in front of her, Ying took Shen He away with a confused look. Next, Ying really didn't know what she should do now. Now she is here What are you doing?

"Let me think about it, let me think about it carefully!"

It is already impossible for Shen He to understand Xiao Bai's personality. Is it possible that now I have to take Shen He to find Shen He's master and ask Shen He's master to help persuade?

This may not be possible, Shen He He's master actually directly defined Shen He as love, which made Ying feel that if he went to find the other party, the other party would most likely break Shen He off again.

Shen He's master was really disappointing.

A sudden name Appeared in Ying's mind!

Tianquan condensed light!.

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