Above the Jade Pavilion, Xiao Bai suddenly said to Ningguang:"Ying is coming, then I will withdraw first!"

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Ningguang nodded:"Go, I want to Let's have a good talk with Ying. I think there will be a lot of topics to talk about between Ying and I!"

Xiao Bai, who heard what Ningguang said, just smiled and didn't take the matter to heart.

After Xiao Bai left, Ying took Shen He to Qunyu Pavilion.

Looking at the graceful Ningguang, Yingguang's eyes immediately turned into love:"This is the rich woman I want. Rich woman, hungry, hungry, rice!"

Ningguang couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ying's appearance. She got excited and said,"You are exactly what Xiao Bai said. You always want to pry into his corner."

After hearing this, Ying put her hands on her hips and raised her chest. She was so proud.

"Okay, let’s talk about why you came to me!"

Ningguang shook his head funny when he saw Ying's appearance, and then asked Ying~!

"By the way, I came here to thinkDo you know how you and Xiao Bai got together? Did Xiao Bai also coerce you?"

"Do you want to know this for yourself or because of Shen He?"

Ning Guang looked at Ying with a half-smile, and an embarrassed smile appeared on Ying's face. Her thoughts seemed to have been seen through by Ning Guang, and her face was full of embarrassment.

"Actually, it was nothing. It was just a deal between me and Xiao Bai. I proposed it on my own initiative. I asked Xiao Bai to hire Liyue and then I followed Xiao Bai."

Ying suddenly stared at her eyes.

"I gave you such a betrothal gift but didn't give me anything at all. I don't accept it. This bastard Xiao Bai is partial!"

Listening to Ying's noisy words, Ningguang couldn't help but shook her head.

"Ying, how do you know that Xiao Bai didn’t give you anything?"

"Impossible, if Xiao Bai gave me something, I would definitely not know about it."

Ying answered affirmatively.

Glancing at Ying in front of him, Ningguang smiled but did not argue with Ying.

Shen He looked at Ying on the side and spoke to the spirit walker:"Ying, have you finished what you want to ask?"

"What's wrong? Do you have feelings for Shen He? Shen He nodded:"

Senior Sister is over there. I want to go over and talk to Senior Sister.""

Following the direction pointed by the finger behind me, I saw another beautiful girl, and I almost cried out when I looked at her.

"Is Shen He your senior sister?"

Gan Yu walked over and finally said to Ying behind him:"Junior sister, hello Ying!"

After Ying heard Gan Yu's voice, she instantly fell into delusion. The expression on her face turned red, and she was even more excited, like a pervert who saw a beautiful woman without clothes.

"Well, this one is a bride, can you please stop looking at me like this?"

Gan Yu looked at Ying next to Shen He and couldn't help but said.

Ying's gaze was too aggressive. Even if Gan Yu tried his best not to pay attention to it, he couldn't ignore it. After hearing Gan Yu After saying this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Ying's face, but then she immediately said:"I am Ying! Shen

He looked at Gan Yu and said,"Senior sister, the master ordered me to ask you if I don't understand anything, so I have something to ask you now.""

"whats the matter?"

Hearing that Shen He wanted to ask him something, Gan Yu's face showed a hint of surprise, but then he nodded and said that Shen He could ask him.

"Ying said that my feelings for Xiao Bai were disgust, so I was wondering what kind of emotion disgust is!"

Ningguang and Gan Yu looked at Ying, while Ying turned away with a guilty conscience. It was obvious that Ying also knew that he was deceiving Shen He and was discovered.

"Because I don’t know exactly what kind of emotion it is, so I want to ask senior sister, senior sister, do you know?"

After Gan Yu heard Shen He's words, he shook his head and looked at Ying with a trace of reproach in his eyes.

Ying looked away and did not dare to look at Gan Yu at all. She felt guilty!

Gan Yu looked at what was in front of him. Shen He said:"How could your feelings for Xiao Bai be disgusting? I am just joking with you.

Shen He turned his head and looked at Ying:"Is Ying like this?""

What can Ying say?

He nodded with a stiff smile on his face. He knew in his heart that his attempt to call Xiao Bai's corner was going to end in vain!

I'm so angry!

How could Xiao Bai, a bastard, be so good? I am always lucky enough to meet beautiful girls, and what’s even more annoying is that all these beautiful girls like Xiao Bai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The subsequent Gan Yu pulled Shen He aside to talk.

Ningguang looked at Ying with a smile on his face:"That's you. If it were someone else, Shen He would have punched you down with just one punch. , Shen He's strength can carry hundreds of tons of floating rocks!"

Hundreds of tons of strength?

Ying was so strong that she took a breath. What kind of strange girl is this?

Fortunately, she didn't plan to use force on Shen He, otherwise she would probably be lying on the ground by now.

This is really human He couldn't help but look at Shen He's thin and frail body. There was such a powerful power hidden in it. It was simply poisonous.

After wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Ying silently sympathized with himself. This was really too much. It was tragic. He was almost injured and was hammered into small cakes with one punch.

Gan Yu on the other side also asked clearly about the affairs of Shen He and Ying.

After listening to Shen He's words, Gan Yu fell into In the silence, Gan Yu did not expect that Shen He, a junior sister, would have such feelings for Xiao Bai.

However, it seemed that there was nothing strange when Xiao Bai took Shen He out of the mountain. So naturally, Shen He fell in love with Xiao Bai. Naturally, this person has someone to rely on, so it seems that it is not surprising that such a thing happened. However,

Gan Yu is still a little worried about his junior sister and Xiao Bai. His junior sister is very innocent, so what if Xiao Bai What should I do if Bai was deceived?

Gan Yu never doubted the character of that guy Xiao Bai!

"Junior sister, you are right to like me, but you shouldn't like Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai is not a person worthy of entrustment!"

Facing Gan Yu's admonishment, Shen He just looked at Gan Yu with a dull look!

"I think Xiao Bai is very good!"

When Gan Yu heard this sentence, he knew that his junior sister would not give up. He was determined to be with Xiao Bai. How should he persuade his junior sister that it would be better?

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