Xiao Bai came to the Devil's High School world to see how Hu Tao's Hall of Rebirth was going, but the result made Xiao Bai almost die laughing.

Obviously, people in this world cannot accept the too advanced concept of the Rebirth Hall.

Xiao Bai smiled when he saw that there was no business in the Rebirth Hall.

"Hutao, don’t you think that I didn’t realize that your goal is just those ordinary humans? However, it is the instinct of short-lived species to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and death among them is what scares these short-lived species the most. , but you want these short-lived people to face death. Do you think this is possible?"

"It is precisely because of this that the establishment of the Rebirth Hall is necessary. The Rebirth Hall is to let these individuals understand that birth, old age, illness and death are normal and do not need to be feared."

"How many of the"990" in the universe can face death normally like you? Most people are afraid of death."

"If you don't change your business and sell something else, then sooner or later you will go bankrupt!"

Looking at the empty Gosei Hall, Xiao Bai laughed directly:"And the Gosei Hall is actually opened in this country. I don't know what you think. You said that if the Gosei Hall opens to Daozuma, Do you think the Inazuma people would welcome it?"

"What's wrong with this?"

"Every place and every ethnic group has its own customs. For example, have you heard of the mummies on the other side of Sumeru?"


"A mummy is a thing where after a person dies, the various internal organs in his body are taken out, the body is hollowed out, and then it is smeared with various spices and then wrapped in bandages."

"This guy is so unconscionable that there is such a thing as whipping the body even after death. I, Hu Tao, the 77th generation leader of the Rebirth Hall, will never allow this kind of thing to happen!"

"So do you think there is a possibility that this is the funeral custom of Xumi? If you want the people of Xumi to follow the funeral custom of Liyue, then unless you can rule and conquer Xumi, why should people listen to you? of!" walnut:""

"And I told you, in most of the world, it is popular to directly cremate the body and burn the body to ashes!"

The look on Hu Tao's face was ugly for a while. Although he knew that the situation in this world was modern society, Hu Tao still had the idea of ​​​​just in case, but who knew that reality gave Hu Tao a heavy blow?

"But you don't have to worry. If you ask me for help, I won't be able to help. I will show you a clear way."

Hu Tao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with bright eyes:"Please, help Hu Tao, please!"

Looking at Hutao in front of him, a bright smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face

"Not bad, good, promising. Since you are so well-behaved, I will point you to a clear path. It is definitely impossible to open a rebirth hall in this country, so you might as well change your mind. For example, go Other countries have opened death halls"

"The country over there across the sea is quite good, so you might as well go to the country over there to see what surprises you might find. The most important thing is whether the country over there is any different from Liyue. There are few places that are very similar, so the funeral customs should not be too similar."

"Of course, the premise is that you must be able to accept the concept of cremation, and perform a death ceremony before entering the earth. Cremation is enough when you enter the earth. You don't need to make too many other changes. Hu

Tao thought seriously and then nodded:"Yes, since every region has its own funeral customs, we naturally have to abide by them. Then we will do as you say, but let me understand first." Let’s talk about the funeral customs in that country. But then Hutao suddenly looked at Xiao Bai:"Are you so kind-hearted?""

"Don't think too badly of me, okay? I am also a good person!"

"Ask other people about this and see if they believe it."

Hu Tao rolled his eyes. If Xiao Bai could be a good person, then there would be no bad people in this world. Although Xiao Bai's character cannot be said to be bad, everyone knows that he is too bad........

Because his character is too bad, it gives the impression that Xiao Bai is a heinous guy.

"I'm really afraid of you. Forget about bad people, just be bad people. I'm not a good person anyway!"

Xiao Bai shrugged nonchalantly and then went to heaven. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After arriving in heaven, everything in heaven seemed to have not changed.

However, some subtleties were still discovered below. changes


After seeing Xiao Bai, those angels greeted Xiao Bai respectfully. Although Xiao Bai had killed their original master, they naturally wouldn't pay too much attention to it now that they looked up to others.

Or they didn't dare at all. care

"Just pretend I don’t exist!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he directly entered the top level of the heaven.

After seeing Xiao Bai, Michael and the others greeted Xiao Bai.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter to me whether you respect me or not."

Xiao Bai doesn't care whether these angels respect him, as long as they are useful, then that's fine.

If these angels are smart, they won't cause any trouble to Xiao Bai.

Michael looked at Xiao Bai and hesitated, Gabriel said to Xiao Bai:"As for the heaven, due to the loss of the system, many maintenance cannot be carried out in 3.6. If some angels were not sent to come, the current power of faith would probably have been lost.""

Xiao Bai looked at the embarrassed expressions of Michael and Gabriel and said,"You don't have to worry about this. I came back this time just to solve this matter."

Xiao Bai casually gave another A pirated version of the main god’s light ball

"This thing can help you solve the problems you encounter!"

Michael took this light ball and felt it carefully and said with emotion:"This light ball is much simpler than the previous system."

"Then work hard. If you do well, you will be rewarded, such as resurrecting some dead angels, or evenGod of nerves!".

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