Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona with a confused look on his face. Shitori Sona said before that he had a gift for him, and then Xiao Bai fell into silence when he looked at Serafall who was tied up with a red ribbon bow. , Shitori Sona, is this?

"Are you satisfied with this gift?"

Xiao Bai, who heard Shitori Sona's question, was silent for a moment, then looked at Serafall and nodded!

"Not bad, not bad, quite good!"

After receiving Xiao Bai's affirmative reply, Shitori Sona also smiled.

"Since you’re still satisfied, that’s good! Xiao

Bai looked at Serafall:"What did you do to make Canadu do such a thing!""

After Serafall heard Xiao Bai's words, she hummed and turned her head to ignore Xiao Bai. Seeing Serafall's appearance, Xiao Bai laughed.

"You don't want to give face, right? In that case, don't blame me for being rude. I accepted the gift from Cang Na without being polite."

Seraful looked at Xiao Bai who was gradually approaching, and the expression on her face suddenly changed:"Asshole, don't come here!"

Just scream, no one will come to save you even if your throat breaks."

Looking at Serafall, Xiao Bai laughed arrogantly. Serafall's face suddenly changed, and her eyes looking at Xiao Bai were even more filled with fear.

"Strong X, help me, Sona-chan, I made a mistake and I will never do it again. Serafall yelled in panic, but unfortunately no one came to help Serafall at this time. Serafall realized that she couldn't run away at all.

Then she simply closed her eyes.

"The worst thing is just being bitten by a dog again."

Anyway, Xiao Bai succeeded last time. The biggest problem now is that Xiao Bai succeeds again.

Serafall went from being tough at the beginning to being soft and begging for mercy in the end. In a short period of time, Serafall was completely defeated.

When Xiao Bai let Serafall go in the end, Serafall was already unable to even stand.

"Bastard, beast, beast. Serafall cursed, holding one hand on the wall and slowly walked out of the room. When she came to the living room, she saw Shitori Sona.

Suddenly, Serafall had a look of grievance on her face as she looked at her. A sister, Serafall's eyes were filled with tears.

Shitori Sona ignored her sister's pretending to be pitiful and looked at Xiao Bai and asked:"Is this okay? No more lessons?"

Seraph suddenly became furious, how could her sister have become like this!

Her sister used to be so cute, but now she has been completely ruined by Xiao Bai, a scumbag. Got it

"What did Serafall do this time to make you so angry!"

Xiao Bai was also very curious about what Serafall had done to make Shitori Sona in front of him so angry.

"Don’t be angry if your sister went to participate in a blind date show. She didn’t know it was a blind date show at first. The producer deceived her and said it was a magical girl show. Who knew that after she participated, she found out that it was a blind date show!"

A huge question mark appeared above Xiao Bai's head.

"No, I said who is so bold as to just do such a thing? Do you think I can't kill people?"

Xiao Bai didn't expect that there would be someone who dared to do such a thing, even if he didn't have any connections with him, but Serafall herself was one of the four demon kings in the underworld. Which SB dared to do such a thing and survive? Are you impatient? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Shitori Cangna also smiled bitterly:"It's a second-generation master on the devil's side. He thinks that even if he gets the chance later, Serafall was angry. For the sake of their family elders, nothing would happen next."

"So how did you deal with it?"

Xiao Bai's question asked about the key point. How to deal with the matter of withdrawing Canna and Serafall is very important. If the offender cannot be satisfied, then the consequences will be serious.

Because an angry Xiao Bai You have no idea what the other person will do

"The other party has been killed. As for the other words, I will wait for your words!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Cang and said plainly:"Then kill him!"

Although I had expected this for a long time, Cang Na couldn't help but sigh after hearing what Sha Bai really said. Originally, those individuals did not need to die, but now they do.

It can only be said that the Second Master has done a lot of harm to others!

"I understand, I will convey this matter to His Majesty Sirzechs!"

"Then there is nothing else to do!"

Xiao Bai stared at Shitori Sona. As for his mood at this time, it can only be said that he was a little bad, because Shitori Sona found out that Xiao Bai found out

"Gurefia was injured, and it was serious. Xiao

Bai's eyes narrowed instantly:"Is there anyone in this world who can hurt Gulefiya?""

Normally speaking, Gurefia's strength has reached the transcendent level in this 540 world. In other words, there are only a few people who can cause harm to Gurefiya.

"Gurefia's younger brother"

Xiao Bai immediately understood that it was that one. Speaking of which, Xiao Bai actually forgot to do some processing for this thing.

"What a pity I forgot to kill this guy when I left!"

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, Shitori Sona showed a helpless look on his face.

"But it’s not too late now. Since the other party is seeking death, I am willing to give him a ride and let him die!"

Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with a cold light. Since the other party is looking for Xiao Bai's death, he will not show mercy.

"But is the other person just one person?"

"It’s unclear, Gurefia is still unconscious. We won’t know the details until Gurefia wakes up."

Xiao Bai glanced at Shitori Cangna and then shook his head:"There's no need to be so troublesome."

As soon as Xiao Bai's cell phone was empty, a person suddenly appeared in front of Shitori Sona, Xiao Bai and Serafall.

"Euclid, Lucifergus, I forgot about you when I left, but I ended up just living an ignoble life until you didn't have a good time. Now you dare to jump out, you are really asking for your own death."

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