Xiao Bai couldn't figure it out. Does the engagement of a turkey have something to do with him?

"Do I recognize the woman engaged to the turkey?"

Xiao Bai hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"I don’t know him, I’m just worried that you’ll be petty and take revenge!"

"I'm not that narrow-minded, you are slandering me!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but say, do you think you are so narrow-minded?

Obviously you are fine.

If no one offends you, you will not take the initiative to find trouble for others.

Every time, you will obviously do it. It was someone else who was causing trouble for him, and then he took action. As a result, everyone has mistakenly thought that he is petty. How can he reason with himself?

But Xiao Bai has one characteristic, that is, he does not listen to advice.

They The more he wanted Xiao Bai to leave, the more Xiao Bai didn't want to leave, and not only did Xiao Bai not leave, he also went to attend the wedding of that turkey. The main character was a born rebellious person.

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Li Li Yasi and the others knew immediately that something was going to happen.

"Xiao Bai, be good, we won’t go."690 Rias coaxed Xiao Bai like a child, but Xiao Bai squinted his eyes:"You are using such a tone, guess what I will do!"

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, Rias and others had speechless expressions on their faces.

"All in all, don't disturb other people's weddings. Let's go back!"

"Guess whether I agree or disagree."

Xiao Bai looked at Rias in front of him with a smile. The more Rias refused to let Xiao Bai do something, the more Xiao Bai had to do it. It was clear that he was going against you.

Rias glanced at Next to him was Gulefia. Gulefia shook her head helplessly and then said to Xiao Bai:"If you want to participate, then go, but promise us not to do things we shouldn't do. The devil can't stand you." Destroyed! Xiao

Bai:"What are you talking about? Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Am I the kind of person who makes trouble without reason?" As long as no one messes with me, I won't target anyone!"

Xiao Bai said this and Rias and others also believed it, but if someone accidentally encounters Xiao Bai, then Xiao Bai will be like a hedgehog and will prick the other person all over the body and even more. meeting

Thinking of the good things Xiao Bai did, a group of people couldn't help but cover their foreheads.

"You can go, but you must come with us, otherwise I won't trust you."

Xiao Bai was dissatisfied when he heard this sentence. What do you mean he is looking down on himself? He had already told them that he would not cause trouble, but they still didn't believe him. How could Xiao Bai be satisfied with this?.This is doubting his own character. Xiao Bai will not accept it.

"Anyway, if you are in the underworld next, I can follow you wherever you go. If you can stand it like this, then we have nothing to say!"

Rias immediately acted like a rogue. Xiao Bai looked at Rias' speechless expression.

"You want to play like this, right? You have to play like this, right?"

"Okay, I promise you, this way will be fine!"

Xiao Bai also had a helpless expression. How could he still refuse if Lias was playing gangster with him?

So in desperation, Xiao Bai had no choice but to agree. Anyway, for Xiao Bai, this is not a big deal.!

"If that's the case, then it's settled!"

As long as they follow Xiao Bai, they won't believe that Xiao Bai can change the world!

"Later you will find that I actually don’t want to do anything at all, it’s just that you think too much (dbdb)."

Xiao Bai is just curious about who Risel is getting engaged to. Other than that, Xiao Bai doesn't have any other ideas!

Since Rias and the others have said that Xiao Bai doesn't know that person, it's natural. It is impossible for a plot such as a robbery to happen, so Rias and the others' worries are simply nonsense, and Xiao Bai is not a bad person.

And the reason why he went to Risel's wedding this time was because In fact, it is very simple, that is, Rias and the others do not want Sha Bai to participate, so Xiao Bai has to go to participate.

In a nutshell, it is a rebellious attitude.

"By the way, when will that lighter get engaged? I'll give him a gift!"

"Could it be that your target is actually Ravel? Xiao

Bai looked at Rias:"You are slandering me, I tell you, you are slandering me!""

"Okay, okay, it doesn’t matter what your purpose is. All in all, as long as you don’t give us any big news, everything else is up to you!"

"But before you go there, you have to put on a little disguise and disguise yourself, otherwise your appearance will definitely cause trouble for others!"

If Xiao Bai just showed up at the Phoenix family's wedding banquet, no one can guarantee what would happen, so just in case, Xiao Bai would be better off putting on a little disguise.

"OK, OK!"

Xiao Bai will naturally not refuse these small requests!

Xiao Bai just went over to take a look out of curiosity and did not really intend to cause trouble.

Rias and Gulefia also agreed after seeing Xiao Bai agree. He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Bai didn't seem to really intend to cause trouble. This is just like if Xiao Bai really planned to cause trouble, then there was no telling what would happen.

Rias and the others had a look on their faces. The nervous and worried look left Xiao Bai speechless.

Xiao Bai had to reshape himself once again. He was really a good person.

Unfortunately, no one believed that he was a good person.

"By the way, you haven't said yet who the fiancée of this turkey is!"

Looking at the excited look on Xiao Bai's face, Rias and Hubei Feiyang always felt that Xiao Bai might awaken the ambition of being a hero, but after thinking about it, the two of them really didn't say anything about it.

"I don't think you would be interested in a daughter from a branch of the royal family. Xiao

Bai nodded after hearing this:"Indeed, if it looks like this, I have no interest at all!""

Xiao Bai has no interest in those people who do not appear in the plot, no matter how beautiful they are."

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