As a famous family of demons, the Phoenix Tears produced by the Phoenix Family have an almost natural effect of bringing the dead back to life. Therefore, the Phoenix Family has become the target of countless forces.

Naturally, countless people were invited to attend this engagement of the Phoenix family's young master. The entire hall was filled with guests, and people from all the existing pantheon of gods were present.

Xiao Bai followed Rias and Gulefia and added a cognitive barrier to himself to ensure that no one could observe him. Then he sat in the corner and started to show off the dishes.

Although it is definitely not as good as what Xiao Bai himself has done, there is no doubt that Phoenix is ​​a cook invited by a famous family, so he can't be bad.

Rias and Gurefiya, who were far away from Xiao Bai, noticed what was happening here, and the expressions on their faces became strange. This Xiao Bai really didn't care about his own demeanor and identity at all.

No matter how you put it, Xiao Bai didn't look like someone who was missing such a mouthful of food, but the result was that Xiao Bai seemed as if he had never eaten - which was simply outrageous.

Rias and Gulefiya suddenly felt lucky in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not sitting together with Xiao Bai, otherwise it would have been a huge embarrassment!

Seeing Xiao Bai like this, Rias and Gulefia couldn't help but sigh.

However, the two of them ignored it, as long as Xiao Bai didn't do anything, they could do whatever they wanted.

Moreover, Gulefia and Rias deliberately stayed aside and kept a certain distance from Xiao Bai, but if something happened, they could step forward to stop it immediately to avoid other people being ignorant. He ran to disturb Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai also noticed that Rias and Gulefia were paying attention to him, always paying attention to him and worrying about what would happen. But Xiao Bai just wanted to say that they were really worried.

If Xiao Bai didn't want to do something, then how could any accident happen?

And if I just sit here and eat honestly, whoever is short-sighted will come to trouble me.

However, Xiao Bai's thinking was too simple. If this world really looked like what Xiao Bai thought, then there wouldn't be so many troubles.

"Where did this loser come from? He actually came to Phoenix's house to eat and drink at the engagement ceremony!"

Xiao Bai: ???

Rias: ???

Gulefiya: ???

Where did this idiot come from? He actually deliberately provoked Xiao Bai. How dare you guys eat together while Xiao Bai is honest? Going to provoke Xiao Bai?

Is he mentally ill or something?

And the most important thing is that since the other party can be invited to Phoenix's wedding, he will not be so stupid no matter what he thinks. But who can tell me this now? What was going on?

He was mocking the other guests at the wedding for no reason. When did there become so many idiots in the world?

Rias and Grafia followed the voice and looked over to see where it was. A person who is not afraid of death dared to mock Xiao Bai.

Then, Rias and Gulefiya were silent! It turned out to be someone from Asan's side. No wonder he looked so stupid, but since it was... Ah San's side can be understood.

The people there are all mentally retarded and will become like this after drinking too much Ganges water. It is true that it is within the scope of understanding.

But don't affect the other person's own suicide. Someone else, so Gurefia winked at Rias and asked Rias to deal with it.

Rias directly stepped forward and stopped the other person!

"This is the Phoenix family's engagement party, don't get yourself into trouble!"

Rias stood up and looked at the Ah San in front of her and said, there is something wrong with the other person's mind. Rias does not want the other person's reasons to affect the engagement party this time.

After all, she had already beaten Risel in the first place. The engagement was broken off, so Rias didn't want anything to happen to the Phoenix family's engagement party.

This could be regarded as repayment for Rias's failure to break off the engagement.

Rias had good intentions and persuaded that Ah San to leave quickly. Don't get yourself into trouble.

But it's a pity that Ah San has obviously heard too much about Ganges River water and can't understand human speech at all. Rias's words did not make this Ah San leave, but made this Ah San even more angry. Becoming more presumptuous

"Rias Gremory, I am doing this for the sake of your devil's reputation. Don't you feel ashamed that such a person appears at the engagement party of the Phoenix family master?"

"I don’t know which pantheon this idiot belongs to!"

Rias's face turned ugly. The Ah San in front of her had obviously drunk too much Ganges River water, so that now this Ah San actually dared to speak so shamelessly.

Rias's eyes instantly changed. The Ah San in front of him became fierce and fierce. Who did he think he was who dared to interfere with Xiao Bai and the others' business? He was impatient.

In an instant, Rias' aura as a transcendent pressed on Ah San, and then Rias looked at Ah San and said calmly:"I advise you to leave now, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen."

Suddenly, Ah San's expression changed. It was obvious that Rias' aura as a transcendent had already suppressed Ah San!

"Rias Gremory, is it really possible for you to go toe-to-toe with me over such a loser who appeared from nowhere? Rias sneered and looked at Ah San in front of her:"You seem to think too highly of yourself. I can guarantee that if you continue to cause trouble here today, both you and Ah San will definitely die!""

Rias' words directly made the Ah San in front of him shocked and angry.

Xiao Bai silently looked at the Ah San in front of him with a hint of speechlessness in his eyes. To be honest, Xiao Bai had forgotten it. Otherwise, Ah San would have died long ago.

To be precise, the entire Ah San divine system has been destroyed by Xiao Bai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it’s not too late now, this It was time for Ah San to be destroyed.

Gulefiya looked at it and sighed secretly in her heart. Sure enough, wherever Xiao Bai goes, trouble will follow him.

No matter whether Xiao Bai is willing to cause trouble or not...

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