Although Rias's strength is said to have reached the level of a transcendent, Rias does not have much prestige due to her fame, so even if Rias shows great strength, the opponent still dares to fight Rias. Explode.

So Gulefia could only take action herself. Gulefia stepped forward and looked at Ah San in front of her. She said to Ah San in a calm tone and tone:"Don't give it to yourself and don't give it to you Ah San." Cause trouble, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences, think of those destroyed gods!"

Obviously, unlike Rias, she was afraid of the prestigious Gurefia in front of her, so the other party The expression on his face changed slightly after seeing Gurefiya appear.

But for reasons of his own face, the other party was obviously unwilling to be"180" and was scared away by someone like this. After all, it would be very embarrassing to be scared away like this.

"Gurefia, although you demons are powerful now, don’t forget that we, Asan, are not weak either!"

Gurefia looked at Ah San coldly in front of her.

At this time, the rest of the people in the banquet hall were also attracted to see Gurefia and Ah San, and they all showed surprised expressions on their faces.

However, when they saw that Gurefia had recovered, a group of people had some doubts. After all, it was not unknown that Gurefiya was injured and comatose before, especially since she had asked Phoenix for the Tears of Phoenix. It's a pity. Tears of Phoenix have no effect, but now Gurefia is standing here like this. So what does this mean?

This means that someone took action to cure Gurefia, and this person is very likely to be Xiao Bai!

Some people who wanted to understand this couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths slightly when they looked at the diner who was watching the show in the corner.

This person is really a bad joke. After all, he can make Rias and Gulei This is the only one who is being defended by Feiya.

However, it is difficult for them to come forward directly if Xiao Bai's identity is not revealed, but they are obviously worried that Xiao Bai will take action later. Once Xiao Bai takes action, the consequences will be dire. It's different.

Especially the patriarch of the Phoenix family scolded this Ah San to death in his heart. He had nothing to do but found trouble. My Phoenix family has no shortage of food. People can eat whatever they want. How you eat is none of your business.

If you insist on causing trouble for yourself, you will feel cruel in your heart at the same time. After this incident is over, you must find a way to kill these Ah San!

Xiao Bai looked at Gulefiya. Without him taking the initiative to reveal his identity, Xiao Bai could tell that Gulefiya and Rias did not want him to take action, so in this case Xiao Bai would satisfy their ideas.

As for Ah San, he would wait for himself after the wedding. No matter how much he wants to come, Rias and Gurefia will only support him.

As for him to just eat honestly now, things here will naturally involve Gurefia, Rias and even other demons. You don’t need to work hard to help Xiao Bai!

And if you do it yourself, you will probably cause some unnecessary troubles.

Although Xiao Bai is full of rebellion, Xiao Bai will still give face to such a small matter..

Rias and Gulefia had been secretly observing Xiao Bai and they all breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Xiao Bai had no intention of taking action.

They were also satisfied with what Xiao Bai did this time. After all, it would have been the best result if Xiao Bai didn't take action.

However, that Ah San was really looking for death.

Thinking of this sad thing in front of them, Rias and Borefia's eyes flashed with a hint of murder. I mean, this Ah San must die!

Rias and Gulefiya have already made a decision. After this incident is over, they will send all of Ah San’s people to die. They don’t know at all that they Ah San, who was already on the death list, was still imagining how he would be in the limelight today and how he would show off to his companions when he went back.

But just when things were about to get out of control, Serafall appeared. , Serafall glanced at the Asan in front of her and said:"Give you a chance to get out by yourself, otherwise you will die here. If you disturb today's engagement, I will pay for it with your life!""

Seeing Serafall come out, Asan in front of him was immediately shocked. Who is this person? He actually asked Serafall, the demon king, to come forward in person.....

"Who is this person actually asking all of you to show up together? This is beyond my imagination!"

"There are many things that you can't imagine. If you, Asan, have nothing to do, just get out of here. Don't think that I don't know that you were the one who was looking for trouble first."

This Ah San is the first to curse people. This matter must have a result no matter what! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that this Ah San is not thinking well, he seems to want to do it again. Continuing to find trouble, Serafall didn't say anything and directly used magic to block the other person's mouth, and then slapped the other person away.

"Drive this guy out, and I will have a good talk with Ah San about this idiot!"

As Asan was driven away, the engagement ceremony could continue.

Fortunately, the engagement ceremony passed without any danger.

After Xiao Bai, Rias and Gulefiya left, At the first moment, Xiao Bai said to Rias and Gulefia:"Then you 3.3 should also know what I am going to do next, so if you think about it, you probably won't stop me!"

Knowing what Xiao Bai was going to do, Gulefia and Rias did not stop them. Those idiots in Asan Kingdom are really disgusting, so even if Rias and Gulefia knew that they were going He also chose to support what he did.

If Ah San has a bad mind, he can only send them to death. After all, only the dead Ah San is the good Ah San. Otherwise, no one knows what Ah San will be like next time. Sometimes disgusting people will appear again

"Go ahead and don't make too much noise!"

Rias and Gulefiya, who also have no good feelings for Ah San, both agree 10% with this.

Xiao Bai is also very satisfied with this.

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