A smile suddenly appeared on Keqing's face after hearing what Loki said:"Don't worry about this at all. This time we have prepared countless gold and silver jewelry in order to be able to exchange for large sums of money, so if Loki If the family members are willing to agree to escort, then we will take 10% of it as the reward for Loki's family members."

Loki looked at Keqing in front of him with a smile on his face:"Not enough, I need the basic salary plus commission!"

Loki heard this After saying this, he pondered for a moment before class and then answered to Loki:"30 million plus a layer of commission, this is the maximum limit I can accept. If you, God Loki, are still not willing to accept it, then I will." I can only regretfully choose the Ganesha family!"

"make a deal!"

Without any hesitation, Loki agreed to Keqing's offer.

Xiao Bai looked on without saying anything, but it was only after Loki and Keqing had negotiated the conditions that he spoke:"This time we need There are a lot of exchanges, so Loki, don’t think about cheating. The best thing is to have the three giants of your Loki family lead the trip in person!"

When Loki said this, a trace of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes. It actually required the three giants of the Loki family to personally visit Xiao Bai. How much did they plan to exchange?

Loki was indeed facing Xiao Bai Xiang La, and he must not understand. So Loki directly asked Xiao Bai

"At least 1,000 tons of gold. As for other jewelry, it will not be less than 100 tons!"

Loki's eyes suddenly widened. 1,000 tons of gold, 100 tons of jewelry?

"Where did you get so much gold and jewelry?"

Loki looked at Xiao Bai and Ke Qing in disbelief. Damn it, Loki couldn't help but be moved after hearing this. Loki is the god of Loki's family, and this wealth is enough to make Loki's heart flutter.

"Keqing is a princess who lost her country. This money was left by Keqing's country and was intended to be used to restore the country, but it is obvious that it is no longer needed, so naturally this money must be put to good use.. After hearing this

, Loki looked at Xiao Bai with his eyes red:"Why do you, a bastard, have such luck? Why can't I encounter such good things!" Xiao

Bai looked at Loki and said with a smile:"There is a difference between gods. Loki, just give up!" Loki looked at Xiao Bai and gritted his teeth in envy:"You really deserve to die!""

"If you can’t envy this kind of thing, give up!"

Looking at Xiao Bai's triumphant look, Loki suddenly felt that he was really disgusted with Xiao Bai. He was extremely disgusted, even more so than the little dwarf Hestia he hated most.

"All in all, Loki, you should understand how important this deal is so far! How could Loki not know, so Loki looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and nodded and said:"You can rest assured, this time Riveria will lead the team to ensure that there will be no problems!""

Loki's eyes were full of money symbols. Even if it was just a basic salary, if Keqing converted all this gold, silver and jewelry into money, then excluding the 30 million basic salary, just that one percentage, Luo Ji The smallest family members can share several hundred million

"So a pleasure to work with."

After receiving Loki's reply, Xiao Bai showed a smile on his face. This look was very nice.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Loki again:"Then if there is nothing else, we will leave first.!

Xiao Bai and Ke Qing walked out of the Loki Familia.

Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai:"Looking like this, we have our initial development funds!"

"Indeed, if you hadn't reminded me, I probably wouldn't have been able to get a large amount of funds now. I have to thank you very much for all this, Keqing."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Ke Qing blushed slightly and turned her head away, but then Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai with a look of disgust on her face:"As long as you give me less headaches, it will be considered a good thing you have done."

"Don't worry, you can take care of the family affairs by yourself. Anyway, these are things you can handle and I won't get involved. But there is one thing you have to remember, Qingqing. I will never allow you to enter at will. In the dungeon"

"How do I level up without entering the dungeon?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You can go in if you want, but you have to find yourself a bodyguard, okay? Do you know what a bodyguard is? Later, when you get a large amount of money, you can spend money to hire people. You go to fight and let the other party watch. When you are in danger, let the other party bring you back. In a word, you have to live. Only when you are alive can you think. Just do whatever you want"

"Aren’t you going to be resurrected anyway?"

Although Ke Qing said this, there was a slight smile on her face. She seemed to be very happy that Xiao Bai cared about her.

"Although I can resurrect you, believe that my death is definitely not a pleasant thing."

As someone who has been reincarnated several times, Xiao Bai knows very well that death is not a good thing.

Even resurrection is useless. Death is death. After experiencing death, many people find it difficult to get out of the shadow of death. It is precisely because This is the reason why Xiao Bai doesn't want Ke Qing to experience death.

Although Xiao Bai believes that Ke Qing can get out of the shadow of death, why should he let something happen that can be avoided?

"So what are you going to do next? How to transport thousands of tons of gold and hundreds of tons of jewelry!"

"This is a problem, but this matter should give Loki Familia a headache!"

Ask the other party to help escort him out.

"If things look like this, it is estimated that the entire Loki Town Clan will mobilize!"

"Is it so easy for us to get money? A basic salary of 30,000,000 yuan plus a 10% commission. If Loki doesn't do a favor, then we will go directly to the Ganesha Familia. The other party has the largest number of Familia in Orario!"

Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai without saying anything.

"Then let’s look like this!"

"We still need to discuss it with the Loki Familia to make sure there won't be any problems!"

Ke Qing said as she was about to return to the Loki Volume Master, but was held back by Xiao Bai:"Don't worry, the Loki Familia will be more anxious than us, B!".

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