The fact is just as Xiao Bai thought, the Loki family is more anxious than Xiao Bai and the others.

On the second day, Loki brought Finn, Riveria, Grace and other Loki family members to Xiao Bai's side for discussion.

"Everything is here, so now there is a problem, that is, this wealth needs to be transported out of Orario!"

Loki immediately looked at Xiao Bai dumbfounded:"You said this wealth is in Orario!"

Xiao Bai nodded, and then glanced at Ke Qing on the side. Ke Qing immediately drew his sword and slashed the wall next to him. Then the bright golden light in the next moment almost blinded the Loki family members. Eye

"All the bricks and floors in this house are made of gold!"

Some people in the Loki Familia took a deep breath. They never thought that such a situation would happen!

"Therefore, the Loki family is needed to transport these gold and jewelry out of Orario and sell them!"

Loki's eyelids twitched slightly. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, he had the urge to kill people and buy goods. Fortunately, Loki only had a little such impulse and immediately gave up this idea.

"I’ll leave the shipping issue to you. I think there should be no problem!"

Finn glanced at Xiao Bai and nodded:"Okay, leave this matter to us. Otherwise, if we just go with you and get such a big harvest, we won't feel at ease with it!""

Finn had no intention of rejecting the condition proposed by Xiao Bai and the others. In other words, it was better for Xiao Bai to propose such a condition, because only in this way could Finn accept so much with peace of mind. remuneration

"Then I'll leave this place to you. Once the packing is done, we can set off. The jewelry is in the basement below this room!"

With the help of the Loki Familia, Xiao Bai and the others quickly demolished the entire room. Looking at the mountains of gold and jewelry, everyone in the Loki Familia couldn't help it. I took a few more glances.

Although the Loki Familia is said to be the top two Familia in Orario, the problem is that the Loki Familia's financial problems have never been improved. Every time the Loki Familia goes on an expedition, they will basically be in poverty. I have been in poverty for a long time.

This is also subsidized by the guild, otherwise the Loki Familia would have gone bankrupt long ago.

"If you pack some things, you should be able to set off tomorrow, no problem!"

"There is no problem with this. I can set off at any time, and the sooner I set off, the sooner I can obtain funds for the development of my family."

The corners of Loki's eyes twitched slightly, and he really had the idea of ​​snatching you away.

"Then set out tomorrow to exchange these gold and silver treasures for Dali as soon as possible!"

Finn said with some excitement. Once this gold is sold to the Loki Familia, it will cost the Loki Familia at least several hundred million or even billions. The Loki Familia will no longer have to worry about money! Thinking of that In one scene, Finn almost wanted to take the Loki Familia and set off immediately. He was really scared!

The other two giants of the Loki Familia, Riveria and Grace, were also a little excited. This deal was done. After landing the Familia, they immediately soared into the sky!

The next day,

Xiao Bai and Ke Qing then followed Grace and Riveria of the Loki Familia, as well as other Familia, escorting the large amount of funds out of Ou. Lali.

Then Larry also began to spread the news that a new god with bad luck got the dowry of a subjugated princess.

And this rumor naturally spread from Loki's side!

Obviously Loki had a crush on Xiao Bai. This bastard is extremely jealous, and it is precisely for this reason that Loki caused some trouble for Xiao Bai.

Of course, part of the main reason why Loki did this was because he did not want Xiao Bai to go so fast. Develop.

After receiving such a large amount of funds, Xiao Bai will definitely develop the family clan vigorously. Now as the news spreads, those gods will definitely be jealous of Xiao Bai. By then, Xiao Bai will inevitably develop if he wants to develop. Will be restrained by those gods.

Although it seems that Loki and Xiao Bai are in a cooperative relationship now, Xiao Bai and Loki are also in a competitive relationship.....(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rocky and Xiao Bai cooperate, but this does not mean that Rocky will not target Xiao Bai.

Of course, it has not reached the point of breaking up. The most that can be done is to spread rumors to make other gods jealous of Xiao Bai, and then let those gods target Xiao Bai.

But it was just like this, and Loki would not personally take action against Xiao Bai.

Moreover, Loki had a hunch that Xiao Bai was a troublesome guy who was not inferior to him at all, and Xiao Bai gave Loki a very dangerous feeling.

After more than two months, Xiao Bai, Ke Qing and the Loki family members ran around, and finally sold all the gold and gold and silver jewelry!

In return, Xiao Bai received a total of 7.3 billion in funds.

This is the funds obtained after deducting the remuneration to the Loki Familia!

Although there was a trace of exhaustion on the faces of the Loki Familia, everyone had a smile on their face.

Huge sums of money, huge sums of money from heaven!

700 million yuan is enough for the Loki family to not have to worry about financial problems for several years.

"Then it’s time to return to Orario! Riveria looked at Keqing and said. In the past two months of getting along with Keqing, Velia was quite satisfied with Keqing. This is a very hard-working and diligent child with outstanding abilities. 1.2.

If it weren't for Keqing , Qing and Xiao Bai seem to have some ambiguities, and Riveria is already ready to poach them.

"No problem, I will start preparing to develop the Familia after returning to Orario!"

Looking at Ke Qing, Riveria had a hunch in her heart that Ke Qing would soon become her opponent, and Xiao Bai and his family would also develop very quickly. However, Riveria did not want to stop it. It means.

As a noble fairy, Riveria doesn't even bother to deal with it secretly, and Riveria is also confident that her Loki Familia is not bad.

Under fair competition, her Loki Familia has no chance of losing.

Keqing The same is full of fighting spirit, and the funds are in place, the next step is her turn!.

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