After returning to Orario, Keqing's face turned ugly. The rumors circulating in Orario troubled Keqing very much.

With such rumors, it would be difficult for Keqing to develop his family clan. Those gods were equally eyeing him and did not give Keqing any chance.

After Xiao Bai knew this, he immediately set his sights on Loki.

"Do you need me to take revenge for you? Loki did a good job!"

"No, there is no such need!"

Ke Qing directly rejected Xiao Bai's words. If Xiao Bai were to take revenge, we still don't know what would happen.

So Ke Qing decisively rejected Xiao Bai's proposal to take revenge.

"Is it really not necessary? If I take action, I guarantee that Loki will be even more difficult than us!"

"I said, no need!"

Keqing looked at Xiao Bai word by word and said

"Okay, okay, then just do as you wish and I won't intervene, okay?"

"I'll figure it out myself!"

31 What else can Xiao Bai say? Ke Qing has already said it like this. Xiao Bai naturally can only choose to believe it.

"However, I feel a little unhappy about being tricked by Loki, so it’s okay for me to take revenge on my own!"

Loki tricked Xiao Bai. There is no reason why Xiao Bai should let Loki go."

"Don't mess around, I'm telling you."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Ke Qing suddenly became nervous. Ke Qing knew how messy this guy Xiao Bai was.

"Don't worry, it won't cause too much trouble. I just want Loki to pay the price he deserves, and I will only target Loki."

"And you can't let me swallow my anger after being fooled, right? This is not in line with my behavior at all."

"The Loki Familia just made hundreds of millions from us, and then they cheated us. How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

Ke Qing was silent. What Loki did was obviously a little unreasonable. Even Ke Qing felt that the other party had gone too far.

"You can do whatever you want, I can't stop you anyway and you're not who you are."

When Xiao Bai heard this sentence, he immediately understood that Ke Qing was angry. Xiao Bai shook his head helplessly and said to Ke Qing:"Sooner or later you will be bullied to death like this."

"If you don't understand even this, then I can only say that you are really too stupid and naive."

"Orario looks peaceful on the surface but is actually undercurrents. And now that we have such a large sum of money, do you think someone will covet our money?

Keqing frowned and looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Do you mean to kill the chicken to scare the monkey?""

"That's right, if we kill this chicken of the Loki Familia, then other Familiars will have to think more carefully when they want to take action against us."

"For example, if we say nothing and take no action now, other gods will think that we are easy to bully. At that time, everyone will want to come and beat the autumn wind. If you want to develop buildings, it will be impossible."

"So in order to avoid being targeted even more in the future, we need to warn those with ulterior motives now!"

After hearing this sentence, Ke Qing fell into silence. What Xiao Bai said made sense, and it was precisely because of this that Ke Qing did not refute Xiao Bai now.

"Is that really all we can do?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I can tell you clearly that you must do this, otherwise you will be in endless trouble."

Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai with a headache:"Then do whatever you want, but remember not to go too far, otherwise it will be difficult for me to move forward."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

When Ke Qing heard this, she looked at Xiao Bai with strange eyes.

Are you measured? Didn't Xiao Bai blush when he said this? He complained in his heart, but Ke Qing didn't say much. What are you talking about?

There is some truth in what Xiao Bai said. It would be troublesome if those gods really came to attack the autumn wind one by one. So in this case, let Xiao Bai teach Loki a lesson to scare the monkeys.

And in Qing Qing's heart It is impossible to say that there is not a trace of resentment towards the Loki Familia.

After all, the Loki Familia just made hundreds of millions of money from themselves, and then they changed hands and slapped themselves hard in the face.

So. Ke Qing, who originally had a good impression of the Loki Familia, now has no good impression of the Loki Familia.

On the other hand, Riveria, one of the Loki Familia, looked a bit ugly.

"Loki, why don't you discuss it with us first if you want to make love?"

As soon as Riveria came back, it didn't take long for her to find out about the hole that Loki had dug for Xiao Bai and the others. After knowing this, Riveria's face became so angry that she turned ugly. Originally Riveria and We get along well with Keqing, but now Riveria has no face to see Keqing.

Diona and the others are also a little embarrassed.

Loki waved his hand indifferently and said,"It's just a small thing." It's just a matter of 690, and I didn't take action personally, right? After all, Riveria, you have to know that if the other party uses such a large amount of money to develop funds this time, if they want to develop quickly, they will inevitably become our enemies!"

Orario is only such a big cake and has only one piece of cake. If you eat more, I will naturally eat less.

So even if Loki doesn't take action himself, he naturally doesn't mind letting others trouble Xiao Bai.

Finn He sighed and said:"Originally, I wanted to tell you that we can form an alliance with them without becoming enemies. Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now. Based on my understanding of Xiao Bai in the past two months, he is For those who are determined to retaliate, we should be prepared to deal with the other party's revenge."

However, not long after, a person hurriedly ran in. The other person immediately reported something to Finn:"The leader is bad. Someone is offering a reward for our Loki building on the black market. A LV1 Familia member is offering a reward. 1 million, 5 million for LV2, 10 million for LV3, 50 million for LV4, 100 million for LV5, and 1 billion for LV6."

Finn's expression suddenly changed, Riveria's and Grace's expressions also became ugly, and Loki's expression became extremely gloomy.

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