The faces of all the Loki Familia became ugly after receiving this news. None of these members of the Loki Familia expected that Xiao Bai's revenge would be so fast.

They knew that Xiao Bai would definitely retaliate, but they didn't expect that Xiao Bai would retaliate in such a way. The money and silk moved people's hearts, not to mention that if the reward Xiao Bai gave was not from the Loki Familia, the Loki Familia would be a little excited.

A LV1 adventurer is worth 1 million, and a LV2 adventurer is worth 5 million. Even if no one kills the LV3 and LV4 adventurers, if all the newcomers of the Loki Familia are killed, then the Loki Familia will be It's like the inheritance is cut off and there is no fresh blood.

Don't think that those adventurers dare not do it. Who can know who killed a member of your family in the dungeon? Even if they know that you have no evidence, what can you do?

"How dare he? Do you want to fight Loki to the death?"

Loki gritted his teeth and said coldly. It was obvious that Loki had not thought of what Xiao Bai had done.

You must know that the current Loki family is one of the two kings of Orario. If If the Loki Familia takes action against Xiao Bai and the others, what can Xiao Bai and the others do to resist?

"Go find Xiao Bai, I want to see if Xiao Bai can bear our anger!"

Loki's gloomy face was filled with murderous intent.

Loki has never been a kind god. If Xiao Bai dared to attack Loki's family members, then Loki would dare to kill Xiao Bai.

Soon they found Xiao Bai. Bai, Xiao Bai looked at the arriving Loki with a smile:"Do you still like the gift I gave you? Loki gritted his teeth and said,"Aren't you worried at all that we will kill you?""

"What do I have to worry about? You don’t think you can do it, do you?"

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth. It is true that Xiao Bai cannot use power in this world and will be ostracized if he uses it. But in that moment, Xiao Bai can also destroy this world, at least he must It can kill all life on the surface of this world!

Looking at Xiao Bai's confident look, Loki narrowed his eyes and said,"Then I really want to give it a try!"

"You can give it a try and see if you can wipe out all life in the entire world at this moment before I am deported. Loki

's pupils shrank and he looked at Xiao Bai and said in disbelief:"You are crazy. You actually want to wipe out all life in the world!""

"You don’t think I’m some kind god, do you? I’m really sorry for misunderstanding you. If you attack me, I will lift the table and everyone will stop playing."


Loki looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and couldn't help but cursed.

Xiao Bai said indifferently:"It's okay to continue scolding. Anyway, when all your family members are dead, you will make the same choice as me. Just flip the table and stop playing. I can't play and no one else can play either."


Loki couldn't help but cursed. It was unexpected that Xiao Bai, a bastard with a lunatic, could reach such an extent.

Now Loki dared not take action. Once he did, the consequences would be disastrous. It's unimaginable. Loki doesn't think that Xiao Bai, a lunatic, is simply threatening him. Once Loki feels that Xiao Bai really dares to do this

"Don’t you care about Keqing?"

"I have sent Qingqing away. There is nothing in this world that I need to care about, so I don't care at all. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Do you dare to do it now, Loki?"

Loki's face turned green and white, but he didn't take action. If he did, Loki knew that the first person to die would be his Loki family.

Xiao Bai sneered and looked at Loki:"It seems that you are giving up. Got it"

"Don't get too complacent."

Loki said with a livid face, but Xiao Bai just glanced at Loki in front of him:"Why don't you laugh? Do you not like to laugh?"

Xiao Bai's words were like a spark falling into a gasoline barrel, instantly igniting Loki's anger! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You have to go too far, otherwise I will die with you?"

"Yeah? In that case, let’s get started!"

The next moment, something seemed to be awakening in Xiao Bai's body, and Loki's expression changed instantly:"Stop it!"

Loki rushed forward and grabbed Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai stopped and looked at Loki in front of him with mocking eyes:"If you have the ability, don't stop him!"

Loki really didn't expect that this lunatic would actually dare to do this. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, if Loki had been a little later, Xiao Bai would have unleashed his divine power. In that moment,

Xiao Bai would be able to All life in the entire world was wiped out.

Xiao Bai, a bastard, could definitely do such a thing. Just now, Loki felt that if he had been late, Xiao Bai would have already done this!

"Are you fucking sick? I just tricked you, so you insist on fighting me to the death. Isn’t it selfish?"

Loki has never seen such a lunatic like Xiao Bai. Didn't he just trick the other party, and the other party was determined to fight for his life? He is sick, right? If he is sick, go see him, MD is mentally retarded!

Loki's family People on the side were sweating coldly as they listened. Obviously, the people of the Loki Familia did not expect that Xiao Bai would be so crazy.

Even the gods of the Dark Familia (Wang Lihao) did not look like Xiao Bai. Crazy, who will destroy the entire world's life if he disagrees with you. Where did this madman come from?

Loki looked at him with a livid face and asked:"What exactly do you want!""

"I don't want to do anything right now, I just want to see how the Loki family is destroyed bit by bit. It's interesting, isn't it? I want to know if the remnants of the Dark Familia who are hiding in the dark have the courage to come out and take revenge on the Loki Familia!"

"Xiao Bai, don't force me, do you think you can do it? At worst, I will drag you with me when the time comes!"

"You forgot that I told you that those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Now I am not afraid of anything. If you have the ability, just come!"


In an instant, Loki's whole body was in bad shape. Xiao Bai is a piece of shit!"

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