Loki was going crazy now. Xiao Bai, a piece of shit, was threatening him, but he was helpless against Xiao Bai.

And Xiao Bai, this bitch, has no room for negotiation at all. If Loki takes action against Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will immediately kill him. If Loki doesn't take action against Xiao Bai, then he can only watch his family members. Bit by bit it was eaten away.

From now on, we won’t dare to have new people join the Loki Familia. Who can resist the 1 million people walking around?

But if Loki takes action, Xiao Bai will drag everyone in the world to be buried with him. The Loki family will also be finished by then, but the former is equivalent to chronic death and the latter is terrestrial death.

Loki wants to kill people now, but Loki doesn't dare. Once he takes action, Xiao Bai will kill everyone directly. Loki then

Loki couldn't understand that he had just tricked Xiao Bai, and how could Xiao Bai fight for his life like this?

As for flipping the table with him like this?

This is crazy.

Loki was cursing crazily in his heart, but Xiao Bai looked at him with a smile, just sitting there without any worries and looking at Loki's incompetent and furious look.

The livid Loki looked at Xiao Bai:"What do you want!"

"I don’t want to do anything, and I refuse to negotiate. 317 Either you take action now and I take away the lives of your Loki family and everyone else, or you leave with your people now and wait for death to come little by little."

"Do you think anyone really dares to take action against the Loki Familia?"

"There are people who want money rather than their lives. If this money is not enough, then I will double or triple it."

Loki's face turned extremely ugly for a moment. He gave Xiao Bai a hard look and left with the Loki family members.

Looking at Loki leaving, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth.

I have to say that Xiao Bai's The bounty directly caused an uproar in Orario.

Especially when Xiao Bai threw the money out, all the adventurers went crazy looking at the mountains of money. There were many outside the Loki Familia station. Countless adventurers who wanted money rather than their lives were waiting for the newcomers from the Loki Familia to come out, and then directly killed them to get the money!

Among the Loki Familia, Loki's face was extremely ugly. Regarding what happened, I also have some regrets when something comes to fruition. If I had known that Xiao Bai was a psychopath like this, Loki would not have done such a thing.

Finn is also very confused, and in this situation, he doesn't know what he should do. What choice should I make? After thinking about it for a while, Finn came up with a solution that was not a solution.

That is to go to Uranus. Even Uranus would not want to be like this!

"Loki, I will personally take you to find Uranus, and then ask Uranus to come forward. I think if it is Uranus, then Xiao Bai will have to give face."

After all, Uranus, as the great god Xiao Bai, cannot refuse Ouranos even for the sake of Ouranos.

As long as Xiao Bai cancels the reward, everything will be easy to handle.

Loki heard the plan. After that, he remained silent and didn't speak, but then he nodded:"This is the only way now."

Soon, Finn took Loki to the guild headquarters to meet Ouranos.

Ouranos looked at the arriving Loki without saying anything. In fact, Ouranos was also very dissatisfied with Loki. Uranos had long wanted to deal with Loki because of what Loki had done, but for various reasons I had to give up. Now Orario cannot leave the Loki Familia.

"Ouranos, you don’t want Orario to be in chaos!"

Uranus didn't say much when he heard Loki's words:"What do you want, Loki!"

"Come forward and help me mediate and ask Xiao Bai to cancel the reward. You (dbag) should know what the consequences will be if the reward continues."

"Aren't you very good at fighting? Can you drive Xiao Bai away directly, like Zeus and Hera?"

Uranos's face is ugly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Loki's face is even more ugly:"Do you think I don't want to? But that lunatic Xiao Bai threatened me that if I dared to do this, he would immediately destroy all life in the world. That guy was a crazy critic."

Uranos's face also changed. He obviously didn't expect that the relationship between Loki and Xiao Bai had developed to such an extent recently.

Looking at Loki in front of him, Ouranos hesitated and asked:"What on earth do you think? Did you do something to Xiao Bai to end up fighting with you like this?"

"I fucking want to know that I just spread some rumors on the Internet, who knew that crazy guy Xiao Bai looks like he wants to fight me to death!"

Ouranos was silent. Facing Loki in front of him, Ouranos didn't know what to say. It's certain that Loki deserved his death, but Ouranos obviously didn't want such a thing to happen..

Xiao Bai and Loki are both beaten to a pulp, and Ouranos will not care at all, but Ouranos will not allow Xiao Bai and Loki to continue to make trouble like this. Xiao Bai and It doesn't matter what happens to Loki and the others, but they can't affect Orario. This is the bottom line!

"I can mediate this matter, but you need to pay the price!"

The face on the ground was a little ugly, but he still agreed.

Uranus immediately asked Fels to go look for Xiao Bai. Not long after, Xiao Bai had already arrived in front of Uranus.

"This should be the first time we meet, Uranus."

Uranos nodded and then looked at Xiao Bai and said:"This time I am looking for you because of the Loki Familia. Orario is not yet able to mess up, and I don't think it is a good thing for you. Xiao

Pai glanced at Uranus and then smiled:"I naturally want to give you this face when you open your mouth, but if you just pick it up high and put it down gently, then what I will say in the future No one else will take it seriously, so Uranus, I can give you face, but you also have to give me a step to get down, right? Face is given to each other!"

Uranus nodded and looked at Loki.

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