Hephaestus opened the door and looked at the leader of the family members outside the door.

"What do you want to discuss?"

"The things the other party mentioned before were that business alliance!"

Hephaestus fell into silence. Regarding the business alliance that Xiao Bai mentioned before, Hephaestus was actually unwilling and rejected it.

But Hephaestus could not clearly refuse it..

Hephaestus herself can refuse, but this does not mean that other people will also refuse. To put it bluntly, Hephaestus does not trust the integrity of other gods. The current Hephaestus refuses When the time comes, those gods will give Hephaestus a slap in the face, and Hephaestus will be in tears.

"Your thoughts?", looking at the leader of his family, Hephaestus asked him

"I think we can communicate with other members of the clan, at least to ensure that they know our thoughts, and we also need to know each other's thoughts."

However, just when Hephaestus and his clan leader were discussing something, there were already clans outside that started to join Xiao Bai's business alliance.

Sumo clan took the lead and was the first to join the business alliance. Alliance, and then the Dean Kate Familia and other Familia also joined this business alliance.

By the time Hephaestus learned about this matter, those business alliances had already been established, and they were interested in other business families in the market. Things began to be suppressed aggressively.

Although Xiao Bai kept his promise and did not suppress the Hephaestus Familia, most of the Hephaestus Familia were left alone and helpless after a week.

In the end, they either went bankrupt or joined Xiao Bai's business. among alliances


Although Xiao Bai did not break his promise, Hephaestus couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Hephaestus then said with a headache:"It seems that we have to make a choice as soon as possible..~"

"Indeed we must make a choice soon!"

Also understanding that this matter has reached a point of no return, Hephaestus couldn't help but sigh.

"Goddess Hephaestus, what should we do now?"

"I went to see Uranus. I needed to know what Uranus's attitude was."

Xiao Bai was messing with Uranus when Orario was like this. As the gods of Orario, they naturally had to stand up and find a solution. Otherwise, if Xiao Bai and the others continued to mess with Orario like this, Orario would be finished sooner or later..

Arriving at the underground altar, Ouranos looked at the arriving Hephaestus.

"What's the matter with you Hephaestus!"

"It's nothing big. This time I just want to ask you Ouranos, are you just going to let Xiao Bai act like this in Orario?"

"I think you should also know that everything Xiao Bai does is within the rules."

To be honest, Uranus is also having a headache now. Uranus knows that Xiao Bai's behavior will disrupt Orario's original order, but the problem is that what Xiao Bai did did not violate any rules. It can even be said that All these things Xiao Bai did were within the rules, and there was no suitable reason for Uranus to intervene.

If Uranus wanted to intervene forcibly, it would not be impossible, but the problem is that Uranus knew that he was going to end. It has lost its impartiality.

As Orario's referee, Ouranos has always been neutral and impartial, but now if Ouranos personally goes off the field to stop Xiao Bai, can Xiao Bai agree?

And more importantly, Xiao Bai Bai has always followed the rules since coming to Orario. If Ouranos does this, it will inevitably give Xiao Bai an impression against Xiao Bai.

So Ouranos also has a headache now.

Looking at Ouranos's appearance, Hephaestus already understood that it was impossible for him to let Uranus come out to solve this matter.

"This matter is a matter between your family members, and I will not be involved."

Sure enough, Ouranos's answer did not exceed Hephaestus' expectations.

"If you don't care, then Orario will lose an unknown number of dependents this time. Since Orario can't survive, the only choice is to leave Orario."

Hephaestus is not threatening but telling what will happen. However, what can Ouranos do?

"Hephaestus, I'm sorry that I can't help with this matter, but if necessary, I can help you build a bridge and you can discuss it yourself."

Obviously Ouranos will not play in person, but if he just pulls the strings for other families, then there is no problem.

Then let them discuss and solve this problem with Xiao Bai himself

".Okay, that's all we can do, but I think it won't be of any use, Xiao Bai"

Recalling her previous negotiations with Xiao Bai, Hephaestus didn't feel that Xiao Bai had any intention of negotiating.

However, with Ouranos coming forward, maybe Xiao Bai will change his mind slightly.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Bai started negotiations with other business families under the help of Ouranos.

However, the negotiations soon reached a deadlock. Xiao Bai had only one idea: either join the Business Families Alliance, leave Orario, or wait for bankruptcy, these were the three options.

As for Qian Li, he refused to give in even a step. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't you think your appearance is too ugly?"

Dimit, the chief god of the Dimit family, looked at Xiao Bai and said with resentment.

Xiao Bai didn't know where he got a large amount of food, which directly impacted the industry of the Dimit family to pieces. Nowadays, the grain grown by the Demeter family is almost rotting in the warehouse.

"There is no discussion on this matter. This is my bottom line. If you agree, then it is best for everyone to live in peace."

"If you don't agree with even these things, then there is no need to talk about other things."

"You are not afraid of becoming the enemy of the gods and the target of public criticism in this way."

Dionysus angrily scolded Xiao Bai in front of him, with a righteous expression on his face.

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