Xiao Bai glanced at Dionysus, and then coldly uttered two words from his mouth:"Silly beep!"

Dionysus's face turned dark instantly.

Xiao Bai's words immediately made the other people on the side burst into laughter. It was true that Xiao Bai didn't follow martial ethics and scolded people as soon as he came up.

Demeter's originally tense face suddenly couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

The corners of Hephaestus' mouth twitched, Xiao Bai really

As the person involved, Dionysus looked at Xiao Bai with cold eyes, but did Dionysus dare to attack Xiao Bai?

Dionysus is indeed not a kind person, but Dionysus pretends to be a good old man on the surface, so Dionysus cannot care about this with Xiao Bai at all, otherwise it will be detrimental to his people It was a huge blow.

Dionysus's face instantly became distorted.

Xiao Bai looked at Dionysus with a trace of ridicule in his eyes. Speaking of which, this guy seemed to be carryingNo one knows what he did.

After 660, you have to find an opportunity to tell Uranus about this matter.

"Negotiate, just negotiate. Don't talk useless nonsense here. Otherwise, go back to where it came from. As for Dimit, the food of your family is about to rot in the warehouse. If you watch the moon with me tonight If so, then I can purchase all your grain."

Xiao Bai started teasing Demeter. Hephaestus on the other side glared at Xiao Bai fiercely. Before, he said that he was looking for him to watch the moonlight. Now he is actually targeting Demeter. This one is dead. Scumbag.

Hephaestus glared at Xiao Bai in front of her. Her eyes were almost ready to cut Xiao Bai into pieces.

Xiao Bai had a speechless expression on his face. Hephaestus was jealous.

"Hephaestus, do you want to enjoy the moonlight together?

Hephaestus's face darkened and she looked at Xiao Bairen and said,"Go to hell!""

Tushan Rongrong on the side couldn't help but cover his face, and then directly covered Xiao Bai's mouth to prevent Xiao Bai from continuing to speak.

If he continues to speak, I'm afraid things will be terrible. That's trouble!

Fortunately, Xiao Bai stopped talking after his mouth was covered.

At this time, other people looked at Hephaestus and Demeter:"This guy is next They won't speak again."

After hearing this sentence, the faces of Hephaestus and Demeter looked better.

"Then we entered into formal negotiations. I don’t need to say more about the current situation of your dependents. Now you have only one way to choose."

"Join our business alliance!"

Tushan Rongrong directly set the tone as soon as he came up. These individuals present had only one choice, which was to join the business alliance.

"What are you going to do if we don't agree! Dionysus said with a cold face.

In response, Tushan Rongrong just glanced at Dionysus calmly:"We won't do anything, because there is no need!""

"Even if we do nothing, how long can you persist until you are still going bankrupt in the end? It is better to join in now.

Dionysus snorted and said,"I will never join in with you." Tushan

Rongrong just glanced at Dionysus flatly and then said:"It doesn't matter. We already have the Somo Family as the god of wine. It doesn't make any difference if we have you or not.""

Dionysus: Damn it! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Next to him (dbbb) Hephaestus looked a little unhappy:"If I remember correctly, Guberneau The dependents have also joined you, right? In this case, it doesn’t matter whether I am or not."

"For Xiao Bai, Goddess Hephaestus, you are unique."

Hephaestus rolled her eyes expressionlessly.

Demeter next to her looked a little ugly. You Hephaestus, you actually flirted with each other in private. It's a pity that I thought you were What kind of serious person are you? I didn’t expect you to be such a person.

Hephaestus was a little embarrassed by Demeter and wanted to explain, but she didn’t know how to explain.

In the end, Hephaestus could only be cruel Staring at Xiao Bai fiercely, if it weren't for this bastard, how could such a thing happen.

Hephaestus was wronged. He obviously didn't do anything, but he was marked by Xiao Bai for no reason.

Di Mit said to Tushan Rongrong with a dark face:"The Dimit family can join the business alliance, but if you ask me to watch the moonlight with this guy, forget about it, I will never agree. Tushan

Rongrong chuckled and said to Demeter:"You can rest assured about this, Goddess Demeter. We will not force you to do anything. As for other things, Goddess Demeter will not do it." We won't force you to do this."

After Tu Shan Rongrong's words, Dimit breathed a sigh of relief. Dimit was really worried about what he should do if that bastard Xiao Bai threatened him with this incident.

Xiao Bai looked regretful. expression


Demeter is really big!

Hephaestus couldn't help but hesitated slightly when he saw Demeter join in.

"So, Goddess Hephaestus, are you willing to join?"

Understanding that she had no choice, Hephaestus sighed helplessly and said:"I understand, I added me."

This so-called negotiation was actually about forcing the palace.

Then Dionysus was completely stunned.

Dionysus looked at Hephaestus and Demeter with expressions on their faces as if I'm talking about you fucking me!

Hephaestus and Demeter joined in, so now Dionysus is left alone. What's the point?

Then he was scolded stupidly by Xiao Bai just now, At this moment, Dionysus felt that he was really at a disadvantage to his grandma. He was really a fool!

Looking at Dimit and Hephaestus, Xiao Bai showed a smile on his face:"Welcome, welcome!""

As for what Dionysus thought?

Xiao Bai simply ignored it.

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